Another Battle?

Alex nodded and walked to the kitchen, 'I really want to see what has changed since I've gone away. I'm sure the others like Imani have also gotten stronger now… It can't be that only Midnight got stronger.' Alex looked around and saw a plate, filled with food. There were other food items in boxes as well around the counter. 

Seeing the food, Alex smiled, "I'm happy that I met Hana at first. I don't know what would have happened to me if It was someone else." Alex ate food and got ready. He walked out of the door and nodded, "Alright, I guess It's time to meet everyone." He didn't really feel that nostalgic when looking at the rooms or when meeting Midnight. For Alex, it was only a few days but seeing things change so much, Alex wanted to see what else was different.

The doors to the reception elevator opened. Alex slowly walked outside and looked around. 'Everything is the same.' He smiled.