
Alex looked at Hana in shock. He had an idea of what was going on but he couldn't believe that Hana was deciding on this. He looked at Her body and could see the wounds on her body slowly healing. 

'That sword… The wounds all over… Those masked guys did a number on her before she could do something properly. Looking at how she is reacting right now, Hana can't use all her powers without destroying this mine so she decided to just collapse this place and take the battle outside… I guess I also need to hurry and end my battle.' Alex turned towards the scientist and then nodded. 

Seeing Alex nod, Hana smiled and looked upwards. Her body was glowing a faint yellow as she floated in the sky and slowly flew upwards. The Masked Awakeneds looked at Hana flying in shock. They didn't know what was happening but they would soon get to know that their lives would be in danger.