The first exam

The next morning, it was Friday. Ben was doing his normal school routine, for the next few weeks until the exams. He didn't do anything abnormal like creating skills or playing at EuroMillions, The reason was simple, the skill creation isn't without side-effect, you will feel a strong drowsiness few hours after the creation, for the next few weeks, you will lose a certain amount of your concentration and learning ability, which would be a finishing blow for Ben's dream.

He didn't plan to play EuroMillions, because he simply didn't know the winning numbers. Ben never played EuroMillions in his last life, he just occasionally saw the show of EuroMillions, because It was aired just after the news. Ben hadn't seen the news the weeks before the exams, so it was impossible that he knew the winning numbers.

After finishing the last lesson and arriving home, Ben began to make a plan to study for each exam. As he remembered what sort of exercises came, he could make an almost perfect plan for preparation. After writing the exact difficulties of the exams, he looked at the topics and the things he needed to memorize perfectly.

In his exam preparation plan, he also planned to train a minimum of 2 hours each second day as he wanted to slowly increase his strength, stamina, and agility stats.

He also planned at each weekend to spend between 4 and 6 hours on the art project, this would result in it being at least half-finished after the exams.

Ben's plan for the following weeks was filled to capacity, he planned almost every hour and if his family wanted to do anything time-consuming, he would sternly decline. This would greatly shock his parents because in the past Ben had seldom been diligent for school work.

His parents will think ´Did he finally pass puberty?´


One month of intensive preparations for the exams had led to this.

On the third of May, Tilo Lupus woke Ben up early in the morning. He got up, brushed his teeth, and had breakfast at one go. Soon afterward, Emma Lupus brought along Ben to leave the house together with their mother, Karo Lupus, gazing at their departing silhouettes. They boarded the train, which headed to their school.

While the train was in motion, Karo continued to brief Ben on the important matters to look out for during the examination. At the same time, she consoled Ben so he could be at ease without feeling overly stressed.

Arriving at the station of school, they hurriedly walked to their classes. The first lesson was German. It was a typical case of a lesson before an exam, most people revised the content about the coming exam, math. After the lesson finished, the tension rose. The math teacher came in, distributed the exams, classmates wished good luck and the exam began.

For the second time, I see these exam-papers. In my last life, I got a 3 in my maths exam. In this life, I will reach a near-perfect score. Ben Lupus began to calculate, his speed of solving questions was compared to the last time at least twice as fast. The last time the anxiety and panic made him lose time and concentration, but now the exercises didn't even faze him. Before the time ended, Ben double-checked his answers and handed in his exam in advance. His classmates were confused, normally Ben would use every second till the end to reread his answers. The popular blond guy, Eren Müller, who seated in the first row, could not help cracking into a cold smile as he looked at Ben Lupus. ´A poor student behaves just like a poor student. He lets matters slide just as expected.'

Before going home, Ben ate a salad and a portion of what should be lentils, potatoes, and a piece of chicken in the school canteen.

As Ben arrived at home, he directly started his laptop. He had to open a new checking account because he's parents controlled his other account and if they saw a transfer about over a million, they would panic. „They don't need to know what I am doing. The day of the last exam is the day of my memory in which I know the winning numbers for EuroMillions. That's why, I need to prepare everything today, to be able to focus during my other exams.

Ben decided to open an online current account at the Sparkasse, he entered his personal data on the website and finished the process by legitimizing himself via video ID with his passport. Since 2030, 16 years old persons were legally recognized as adults, that's why Ben hadn't had any problem with opening an account.

Following this, Ben opened the website of EuroMillions. He played for the next Friday, 16 May 2031, he placed on the numbers 10, 15, 35, 44, 50, and the stars 4 and 12. He naturally entered his new account in the Formular and he easily finished his first gambling in a lottery. His lips couldn't help but tremble at thinking that next Friday, he would become a millionaire.

Ben continued with reading on a website, how to open a deposit. After reading through, Ben decided to open a deposit on comdirect, he filled in all the criteria of the registration form on comdirect's website.

So that the bank can make sure that no one does log in on his behalf, Ben had to be identified with his identity card. This is done via a nearby post office. Thus Ben had to go to a nearby post office, which was situated just 20 min from here, show the post office clerk the printed out registration form and his ID, the post clerk then added his signature underneath and the documents will be sent by post to the comdirect bank. A few days later, he should receive the access data through his email account.

As Ben still had 2 hours before eating dinner with his family, he began to study intensively.

2 hours later, Karo called him for dinner. As Ben sat down at the table, he was once more melancholic. ´One can only know how precious something is when it was lost.´

Mom: „Emma, how was your chemistry exam today?"

Sister: „It was quite easy, I think I will get a grade between 1 and 2."

Mom: „Ben, do you want to talk about your math exam?"

Me: „Actually, I thought It would be more difficult, I am curious about what grade I will get. How was work for you, today?"

Dad: „I am fine, I am just happy to now be at home."

Mom: „I also had a good day! What do you think about the new recipe I tried? I found it on the internet."

The dinner continued with other conversations and the family, later on, went to bed.