Tracers vs Football players

Ben was calling Jonas:

"Hi, Jonas, how are you?"

"Hi, Ben. What is happening? Why did you call me?"

"I would lie to you if I said that I just want to chat. I can't go home today, so I wanted to stay for a night at your house."

"Ohh, I understand, I will include dinner and breakfast on the bill, is that ok?"

"Yeas, sure!", Ben laughed loudly and added: "I should arrive in the next minutes, where exactly are you living?"

"After arriving at the Wagenburgen station, you have to follow the Schlauch-street till the end and then ring at the house with a trampoline."

Afterward, he called his mother:

"Hello, Mom."

"Ben, where have you been, I tried to call you a bunch of time, but you never accepted the call."

"Yeah, sorry. I forgot to tell you that I met today a friend. As he invited me to stay overnight, I won't come home tonight."

"Son, you aren't taken drugs are you?"

"No, why would I, I don't even have friends, who take drugs! You could trust your son a bit more."

"Then why are you coming home so late and why don't you tell me at which friend's house you are staying?"

"Mom, we are now taking dinner. I will see you tomorrow. Bye."

With these final words, Ben hung up the call. He now really had a bad conscience. He needed more privacy and more faith from his parents. Hopefully, there won't be too many consequences. At least my better grades will be mood-lifting for my parents.

The night in Jonas's room was comfortable as nobody asked questions about his injuries. Jonas did snore, but Ben was just too tired to get irritated by it. Both slept till 9 am, they took breakfast and spend time together till noon. After taking lunch, Ben said his goodbyes and went to the station. He asked the other tracer if sb. was doing parkour. He sussed out that today they planned to go to a site in "Weil der Stadt". He searched on google maps the place and found out that he needed 42 min with the train.

Arriving at the station of Weil der Stadt, he saw his 3 tracer friends waiting for him.

On their way to the site, Markus explained why the place was so great to train, and it made Ben all hyped-up.

As Ben saw the site, he was delighted. The site was high with many different obstacles, the foundation of buildings was made and they could climb it up. Sites had generally a higher risk of accidents, but more risk is in parkour just more adrenalin and more fun.

Marcus bought a music box and played his sports playlist.

Everyone began to move on the site. Ben was by far the slowest, the injuries made him more prudent. He feared to die before even the true danger came, all his preparation would be for naught.

The tracers moved fastly, they didn't just try to be fast, they also used flips and other tricks.

Parkour is an individual discipline of physical and mental control, while freerunning is a more theatrical and social sport of physical expression. In the real world, though, the differences between the two disciplines are blurry.

Marcus and the other see themselves as tracers, just because they began with Parkour. With an increase of control, they learned more and more Freerunning moves.

Ben was astonished by their flips, but he never planned to learn them as their use was to amaze and not to increase speed.

A whit later, Ben felt again more confident.

Ben ran toward a big block and did a kash vault. He continued with a climb up on a container. From there he cat leaped to a wall, climbing it up, took momentum with running along the wall, and then jumped to a building. He crane-landed(on one foot) and continued running. In the building, he did a wall-climb and landed quadrupedal. Having finished running in the building, he jumps from 5 m, as Ben touched the ground, he pushed off into the roll and kept going without stopping.

Two hours later, everyone was sitting together and shared biscuits, chips, and nuts. Ben was feeling at ease with his new friends, in the beginning, he wanted to use them and just learn Parkour from them, but they were too kindhearted to use. He never hated tracers, but he also had prejudices.

In truth, most of them had jobs like everyone else, some had their own family and some were students. In society, they could totally adapt to their daily life. Parkour was like a short break from society.

Till 4 pm, everyone ran up and down. Afterward, they decided to stop earlier and go together to the train station.

On their way, they met a group of football players. The player finished today's training and there were also on the way to the station. The two groups took an instant dislike for each other, but for the moment it didn't seem like it would come to a dispute.

At the station, the two groups maintained their distance. Jeff went to discard his plastic trash and had come very near to the football player.

At this moment, every tracer was either talking or on their phone until they heard an argument between Jeff and two players. Their group draw closer and backed up Jeff.

Jeff: "Just because you play football, you think you are cool. Who are you to judge me."

P: "I don't give a piss about you, crawl back to the cave that you came from!"

Jeff was pushed down. Markus became aggressive, he was a strong adult, why shouldn't he defend his best friend. He then hit the boy, who pushed Jeff down.

From that moment, it came to a hand-to-hand brawl. Ben would normally not fight, but his bro had troubles.

Ben was now in his battle mode, this would be his first fight ever since his rebirth.

Ben blocked a blow with his arms, he countered with a kick to the belly. Just when he was about to beat up the boy, another enemy kicked his leg from behind.

The pain made Ben lose a cry and he felt on the back. The boy, who just felt, got up and with all his rage began to kick Ben violently.

"You sonofab*tch, you think you are strong. I show you, who your daddy is!."

Ben tried his best to protect his head while being covered with insults.

"Don't fuckin bark if you can't fuckin bite! I will fuckin kill you for that kick. After that, I fuck your whore of a mother."

The boy completely lost control over his emotions. Ben didn't have any chance to flee so he just endured the blows.

"Damn, you bloody bastard. Eat that you prick! You are just a fuckin cunt."

Just as Ben was beginning to lose hope, Marcus came and hit the second player.

The first player stopped attacking and observed Marcus. Ben used this moment to jump toward the boy and kicked with all his might the kidney of him.

The boy suddenly collapsed and vomited.

Just then the train arrived, the train was short and it stopped 10 meters from the brawl, the group of tracer saw this as their opportunity and run with all their strength to the last wagon.

Having successfully retreated, everyone breathed out. They patched up each other injuries. Their state of mind was good except for Ben. Ben was furious that while everyone was fighting, he was just tacking hits like a sandbag. On top of that, he had to bear insults that also offended his mother. Ben had a strong codex in his last life, one of these rules was to never tolerate mother-insults. He only could retaliate with a kick in the kidney, how shameless he felt.

´I just want to sink into the earth out of shame! I was completely helpless against a football player. Who am I even? I thought I could change the future, but I just face plant it the next moment.´

Ben was mentally broken, he wanted to beat the living daylights out of these players, but he was powerless against a hand-to-hand fight and even more against the law.

Arriving home, Ben didn't have the power to unlock the door and just ring the bell. A few seconds later, his mother opened the door. Just as she wanted to have an argument with him over his behavior, she saw him completely beaten up.

Karo hugged Ben strongly and said: "Don't hold back!"

With that phrase, Ben began to cry like a kid. He let all his pent up anger, grief, and sadness out. Karo looked at his injuries, disinfected them, and iced the bruises on his body. She didn't ask any question, it was Ben's decision to talk about it.

Ben only thanked his mother and then locked himself up in his chamber.

He was somehow happy to be able to have an intimate time with his mother, it completely washed away his earlier grief.

Ben thought that he should begin to learn martial arts.

"Even if martial arts don't work against monsters well, I have to defend myself against my own kind. Nothing is as troublesome as humans. How could I forget that?!

But which martial art can I even learn? My time is limited! Now that I think about it. Isn't there a martial art that focuses on fighting weak spots? I should google it!"

This is how Ben came to learn about Kyusho Jitsu!

The day shortly ended, before going to bed, Ben took a mysterious blue pill, which he already took last night.