First operation

After doing an X-ray, CT scan and MRI scan, the doctor finally informed him of his body's state.

The doctor had been shocked by the fact that he came alone to the hospital in his state.

Not only had he broken ribs, but also other small fractures at his arm.

After the doctor treated his injury at the belly, disinfected the scratches and did a surgery on the broken ribs.

During the operation, the surgeon used plates and screws to fasten the broken ribs together. Ben hated operations, but he knew that he didn't have a choice.

At least, he persuaded the doctor to pay everything himself and not to inform his parents. After having a successful operation, Ben took a taxi to be driven home.

Arriving home at 8 pm, Ben was welcomed by his family.

After lying about his visible injuries and hiding his operation, Ben took the excuse of being tired to go into his room.

His mother brought him something to eat before going to bed.

Ben was thankful for their trust and help, even if he misused it.

The next day, Ben woke up at 6 am. Still feeling the pain, he took his breakfast.

He didn't know what he would do in the time till he healed. The doctor estimated about 2 months, but Ben knew that he should be able to heal faster.

With perfect nutrition and 25 Vitality, he should be able to shorten the time by at least 2 weeks.

Even so, it was a long time.

Option 1 would be to heal in the bed like any other patient.

Option 2 would be to make money.

Option 3 would be to continue catching monsters in his weakened state.

As he didn't inform his parents of his ribs, Ben didn't like Option 1.

Making money may be nice, but he had invested almost all his money.

He just had to wait for the money to flow back a hundredfold.

So, there was only Option 3. Although he didn't see himself ready to fight monsters, he could at least look for them and catch the weak ones.

Not every monster was hostile and was at the medium-level. There were some weak monsters waiting for him to catch.

Having decided what to do, Ben went back to the hospital to take his car.

In his car, Ben threw the disgusting clothing from the fight in a trash can and drove with his good mood away.´


I will travel across the land,

Searching far and wide.

Each Pokemon to understand

The power that's inside!


Gotta catch em' all!

It's you and me,

I know it's my destiny!


Oh, you're my best friend,

In a world we must ...´

In the following weeks, Ben almost visited every corner of Germany. Ben even had the chance of meeting a low-leveled monster.

It was a white-furred, ape-like creature with a bright red face. The skin beneath its coat is a dull purple color. It appeared to be a mix of a Mandrill and a Japanese macaque.

It was still an infant and was smaller than Ben. It had aggressively attacked him, but Ben evaded his attacks and broke his limbs.

If it had been an adult, Ben wouldn't have been courageous enough to confront it without any weapon.

Bringing him to the company, it was received with great passion and curiosity.

Ben gave them the order to analyse its body and to measure its healing ability, its sturdiness and its strength.

He also promised to buy a stronger monster.

While the news about monster apparition continued in the world, Germany had no big incidents till now. There were already some deaths, but the police and army reacted fast and well.

The day when the first big accident happened was coming near.

It was one of the first known medium-level monsters in Germany, which killed over 60 people. Naturally the beetle was also a medium-monster, but it probably didn't leave the forest and so it didn't cause any deaths.

The main reason why that monster was famous is because it appeared in the middle of Bon and because it resisted even the grenades and the armor-piercing bullets for a time. Those causing many deaths of the few soldiers in Germany.

While Ben wasn't completely healed, he still wanted to kill that monster. He could be considered as a weak monster, so he had a certain responsibility to help his fellow people.

The problem was that he didn't even know how to kill it without any weapons.

If he had his sniper rifle or his handgun or his grenades, he could have easily killed it.

It was named „Blue Bear Beast" by the army. Its main characteristic was its strength and its defence. A armor-like scale is on its front legs and a tough hide on its head and back protects the beast, while maintaining a certain agility.

With the grenades and bullets landing on its scale and hide, it took a long time to kill it.

Its weaknesses were the back, the back legs and its butt.

Still even though it is the weakness, it doesn't mean that its resilience is low enough to kill it with some shoots.

Suddenly, Ben was smiling evilly and thought sarcastically:

´Quite sad that you are so strong. I will have to decorate my room with your hard hide. Can't wait to give you a nice death.´