Extra: Resistance & Vitality

The Attribute Resistance has been one of the most fascinating attributes as it could increase all useful physical features of our body.

Hardness is the resistance to scratching, cutting or abrasion.

Toughness is the resistance to fracturing and this quality depends on the maximum energy that can be absorbed before fracturing

The bones in your body are made from material which has a tensile strength of 150MPa, a toughness of 2-3MPa(m)^0,5 and a fracture toughness of 4MPa(m)^0,5.

The bone has a high compressive strength of about 170 MPa (1,700 kgf/cm2), poor tensile strength of 104–121 MPa, and a very low shear stress strength 51.6 MPa. This means that bone resists pushing (compressional) stress well, resist pulling tensional stress less well, but only poorly resists shear stress (such as due to torsional loads). While bone is essentially brittle, bone does have a significant degree of elasticity, contributed chiefly by collagen.

The mean ultimate tensile strength of skin was 27.2±9.3MPa, the mean strain energy was 4.9±1.5MJ/m3, the mean elastic modulus was 98.97±97MPa and the mean failure strain was 25.45±5.07%.

When Ben had 20, all these measurements doubled.

When Ben has 100, the tensile strength of his bones will be 1.13GPa, a toughness of 20-30MPa(m)^0,5 and a compressive strength of 1.17GPA.

The precise tensile strength of diamond is unknown, however strength up to 60 GPa has been observed, and theoretically it could be as high as 90–225 GPa depending on the sample volume/size.

The toughness of natural diamond has been measured as 2.0 MPa m1/2

diamonds are able to withstand crushing pressures in excess of 600 GPa.

Although comparing materials is always difficult, it can be said that bones have the potential to become as hard as diamond, while still maintaining a superior toughness. The tensile strength reported in the same work was in the range of 10.7-14.0 MPa. When the toughness of 4 GPa of skin has been achieved, then the skin can be described as bulletproof. As the normal toughness of skin is around 6 MPa, Ben needs to have at least 667 stat points to be able to be unharmed at the focus fire of 9mm ammunition.

That's where humans and monster deferienced the most. The thickness of their skin alone differentiated extremely.

The whale shark, who is famed for the thickest skin with his 4 cm thick skin, should be able to block bullets with his skin with 33 resilience as he has around 20 times thicker skin.

Monster differentiate from their body structure, so adding their fat, their bones and hide into the equation their Resilience only needed to range between 5 and 30 to survive bullets.

Naturally, Humans will survive a bullet already at around 133 stat as his bones and muscles will be able to protect most of his organs.

Coupled with the clothes and the stronger body, Ben should be able to survive bullets even a lot earlier. This was also why Ben focused more on speed stat to protect himself from danger.

Coupled with his dodging skill, he had good chances to dodge any bullet as long as the circumstances weren't too hard.

The only use the Resilience stat had for now was against indirect damage, which minimizes the risk of blood loss or fractures. Indirect damage would often be caused by his own movement or just by the environment.

Although each bodily condition is different, the average human with a Resilience of around 125 would not be harmed by the smallest bullet.

While Vitality could be tested by blood test, there wasn't a real measure of the advantages of Vitality. After long studies, it was just concluded that you healed a bit faster, were seldom sick and lived longer. Monster rarely increased their Vitality through the level ups as it mainly stunned their growth as predator in the food chain.

Only after having a feeling of security would they increase it with higher probability.

Female monsters, who feel generally safe with a male, usually increase their Vitality to increase their reproductive ability.

In cases of natural disaster, it would be safe to say that Vitality would be the most useful as it boosts the bodily response. Second would already be Resilience as it protects from damages and reduces loss of body heat.

As the third stat, Strength and Agility are both at a stand-still as their importance strongly depends on the natural disaster.