Arena Monsters

The circular arena was completely filled. Rows among rows filled with people overtime.

The stage in the middle was concrete and metal bars divided the stands and the stage. Metal bars also formed somewhat of a ceiling above.

"It's like a Colosseum from an old gladiator film" Jay thought.

Above the stands were spectator boxes which only V.I.P customers or royalty could enter.

The show started with an elderly adventurer announcing his retirement. The adventure wore a grey colored robe that covered his body from neck to feet. Long white hair and a white beard were the only unique features of the man.

As the man spoke about his adventures and lessons he learned on his journey, Jay focused on his own plans.

He would attempt to sneak down stairs after every battle as long as the beast were dead or injured. Using plunder, he would then take the skill for himself. The hard part would be not getting caught.

The old adventurer finally finished his speech as loud clapping began. A lot of spectators were crying while others held their tears back.

"Seems like this man had an impact on many people, I'll find out more about him later."

As the show began, a large gate below the stands opened up. A large lion like beast entered on it's own.

It was completely black in color with red eyes fiercer than any of the beast Jay had encountered before. The beast stood in the middle of the arena where it stared at the opposite gate.

"It knew where it's opponent would enter from? Maybe this beast fought here before?"

As the other gate opened, a huge vulture like beast entered. It looked exactly like a normal vulture but much bigger.

"So the gates above must be to stop the flying creatures from escaping."

The two beast stared at each other. A loud almost gunshot like sound could be heard. The two beast began their battle.

As Jay watched on, the battle reminded him of a show from his childhood. The show had monsters that would be caught and trained. They would compete in battles with their trainer and it was a really cool show.

The vulture would use it's large wings to fly at astonishing speeds. Down towards the lion and then back up to the skies. The vulture would do this tactic over and over slowly hurting the lion who failed to dodge.

Scratch after scratch, blood dripped from the lion's black body.

Sometimes the black lion would attempt to claw back at the vulture but it was not quick enough.

As the vulture beast once again dived towards the ferocious lion, the lion this time did not plan to dodge or use his claws.

Now within less than 10 feet, the lion let out a loud roar. This was not any ordinary roar but one that shook they very arena itself. Fans looked on amazed.

The vulture was swept away by the wind created as a result of the roar. It had no choice but to go with it.

Hitting it's head on the ceiling, it soon fell to the ground. Now on the ground, it was in the king's field.

The lion charged at the vulture which it clawed repeatedly. It was truly a sight to be seen, if you like gore that is.

The black lion covered in the green blood of the vulture and it's own, slowly made it's way back to the gate it entered from. It was then taken to the back by guards.

To deal with such a beast, the guards themselves had to be very strong.

With a slight intermission to clean the stage, it was now Jay's time to shine. He had thoughts about waiting until after the show, but the dead beast would probably be disposed of by then. A beast like the vulture would definitely grant an extra stat point.

Guards walked past as a figure in a black robe hid behind a column. Quickly and quietly, Jay made his way to where the beast were being held. In the corner, he spotted the black lion covered in blood.

As he approached it's cage, he could now see some kind of collar on the beast.

"Must be how they control them." "Analyze."

[Name: Leo Magna]

[Weakness: Unknown]

[Strength: 30]

[Stamina: 20]

[Agility: 20]

[Health: 10/30]

The eyes of the beast were closed. Whether the beast was asleep, or not was unknown. Fear began to set in as he reached out his hand to touch the dangerous beast.


The red energy similar to last time, appeared around the large beast and disappeared into Jay.

"The target's strongest stat is strength. The host strength has increased by one." replied The System.

"New Skill: Roar"

"This skill allows the user to increase the volume of their voice. The skills will become more powerful through leveling up."

Other beast were held in the room as well with collars on their neck. These beast had yet to fight so they would be strong enough to resist the plunder.

Before heading back up, Jay began to search for the vulture's corpse. Guards walked past as Jay hid in the shadows slithering through columns and into multiple rooms.

Finally, the vulture's corpse was found.


[Name: Celer Vultur]

[Weakness: Hallowed Bones]

[Strength: 20]

[Stamina: 20]

[Agility: 30]

[Health: 10]


"Target has no skill that can be extracted. The target's strongest stat is agility. The host agility has increased by one."

Satisfied, Jay left the room. Rather than return to his seat on the top, he watched from the stairs.

The next fight had already begun.

A large, grey rhino beast stood in the middle with an already dead Lepus Griseo next to it. The Griseo had a hole through it's body.

The rhino had a large horn with smaller ones along it's spine.

Bite marks could be seen around the beast as it wobbled back to it's entrance. It seemed like it was indeed hurt, as the Griseo had the speed advantage.

A few minutes later and once again, Jay stood in a large room of caged beast. The rhino like beast now slept in it's cage.


"Target has no skill that can be extracted. The target's strongest stat is strength. The host strength has increased by one." replied The System.

"Plunder can now be upgraded."

"Upgrade" a smiling Jay replied as he continued to walk back to the stage.

"Plunder has been upgraded to level two. Plunder can now be used on unsuspecting beast without injury requirements."

The change to this skill allowed Jay to no longer need an injured or dead beast. Instead, as long as the beast were not suspecting an attack, he could extract their skill.

With a smile on his face, he headed back towards the direction he came from. In the rooms of caged beast, many were asleep or waiting for their match.

A white gorilla like beast, patiently waited in his cage. Reaching in to the cage, an arm touched the back of the unsuspecting beast.


A Black panther was asleep in his cage. Once again, an arm reached out touching the beast.


Again and again, Jay used his skill on unsuspecting beast. A few had cages in corners which left no blind spot for him to sneak up on. Others were simply on high alert.

"System bring up my stat and skill list".

[Level 3]

[Strength: 17]

[Stamina: 10]

[Agility: 20]

[Health 20/20]

[MP: 0]

[Skills: Plunder, Clone, Roar, Harden, Enhanced Senses]

Only 3 skills were gained after using Plunder on seven beast. 4 strength stats, and 3 agility stats were also added.

Although not the best changes possible, Jay began to laugh. The System provided a plunder upgrade when he needed it most. He also came across probably the best city to support his plunder skill.

Evil thoughts raced through his mind. He could already taste the revenge he planned to dish out.

In reality, he was no where close to being strong enough. He was attacking a guild supported by the kingdom.

Rather than finish the show, Jay chose to leave the arena. The only shows left were human vs human and at it's current level, plunder would not work on humans.

Upon exiting the lower area, Jay collapsed.