Desires And Fears

The figures represented Jay destroying the "Fortis" guild. Was this a prediction? No, it was just a desire. A desire of someone out for revenge.

"So this is your goal?" the old man's voice echoed throughout the space. "You plan to destroy the Fortis guild? Then what? Live a life on the run while being chased by the entire kingdom?"

Jay said nothing as the figures disappeared and returned showing a new scene.

The figures after reappearing showed Jay in the black robe covered in blood. He was in a running position and right behind him was not an army but a mob. Citizens, other guilds, and even royalty chased behind him.

"Why are you showing me this old man?" Jay yelled out into the space. No reply was received as the figures once again disappeared and reappeared with a new scene.

This time, the figures were moving as if they were real rather than a stop motion scene. It showed Jay engaging in combat as the mob surrounded him.

Fire flew around, lightning was called down from the skies, blast of water was shot through the air. These were magic attacks directed at his figure. These attacks were not being used to stop a chase but rather to kill the prey which was Jay.

Now angry, Jay began to yell once again into the white void.

"Why are you showing me this? Nothing you do will change my goal. They put me into a living hell after I was forced into this world. At first, I felt like I had a new life. A life that I could turn into something great. Then they ruined it. I will destr-"

Before he could finish his sentence, the magic attacks directed towards the figure representing him turned towards the real him.

Fire, lightning, water, and much more all were thrown towards his body. The attacks felt as real as possible since he could feel the excruciating pain.

Wasn't this just some kind of illusion? The old man promised he would not die, and although he was not injured, the attacks still dished out great pain.

Screams of pure agony echoed throughout the space as the never ending attacks continued.

"This is what would happen if you were to destroy the Fortis guild young one. However, you are years away from being able to destroy the guild." It was the old man's voice which Jay could barely hear as the magic attacks began to slow down before finally ending.

"Enough of your goals and outcomes. Let us see what is hidden away in your brain."

Opening his eyes, Jay could see that although no wounds were visible on his body, he was covered in blood. The pain began to fade away as well.

The figures of the previously killed Fortis members now stood around Jay like hunters surrounding a beast.

Directly in front of him stood figures representing the leader of the guild who was also the judge of the trial along with his three kids. The girl who captured him, the son who attacked him in the guild hall, and the daughter who healed him afterwards. All four wore a very wicked smile.

The figures vanished into thin air as the white space turned into a familiar location.

The previously white void had now turned into the dungeon Jay was thrown into after losing his unfair trial. Not only was he now in the dungeon but before him stood the Lepus Griseo.

The large Griseo noticed his challenger appear before him.

Upon facing the Lupus Griseo in reality, it was already hurt and could only use around half of it's stats. However, this one was not injured in the slightest.

Like a predator circling it's prey, the Griseo circled around Jay who shook with pure terror.

Remembering how how he was able to defeat the beast last time, he dashed for a nearby pile of bones from the Griseo's previous prey.

Before he could grab a bone,the Lupus Griseo was already upon him. The beast had leapt into the air, landing a few feet in front of Jay.

Taking his still sloppy fighting stance, Jay prepared for a fight he was sure he could not win. Although his stats were now a lot better, there was still a huge difference that would decide the winner.

The Griseo stats stood at 20, strength, 20 stamina, and 25 agility. His stats were only 17 strength, 10 stamina, and 20 agility. He also had a few new skills which could come in handy.

"Enhanced Senses." Jay said in a low voice almost as if not wanting to be heard.

Enhanced Senses was a skill extracted from the black panther like beast from the coliseum. This skill temporarily increased his sight, hearing, and even smell. His reaction to attacks should also be much faster with such a skill.

The beast dashed with it's 25 agility towards Jay. With only a 20 in agility, it was basically impossible to outrun the beats, not to mention the difference in stamina as well.

With his skill currently active, he could hear the steps and breathing of the wolf like beast. The sound of the beast leaving the ground echoed through his ears.

With a quick roll, he was able to dodge the leaping beast.

Wasting no time, he sprinted towards a pile of bones. Upon reaching the pile, he grabbed the largest bone in the pile.

He now had a weapon.

The beast with it's glowing red eyes focused on him, charged in as Jay prepared to strike with the bone. Slashing down repeatedly, he was able to keep the beast about arms length away.

The beast stopped in it's track, as if it realized it would reach nowhere like this. It also seemed to be aware of the dangers of such a sharp weapon.

Finally, with some space between him and the beast, he took a breather. His enhanced senses had already worn off. After analyzing the attacks of the beast, he had already formed somewhat of a plan. It was really only one move.

The beast ready to continue it's attacks, again dashed towards him. Upon closing the distance, it leaped into the air as if planning to mid air tackle it's opponent.

A sort of smile formed on Jay's face as he too dashed towards his opponent.

Before colliding with the beast, he slid along the floor. The large, sharp bone within his hands faced upwards. As the beast flew one way, the bone penetrating it's body slid the other.

Standing up, he did not even look at his opponent. He already knew the outcome of the battle. The beast may have had better stats, but it lacked the IQ needed.

The beast upon landing was but an empty shell. Blood and organs oozed out of the large open wound. The beast was already dead.

"Well done" the old man's voice echoed throughout the cave. Upon hearing this voice, the suppressed anger within Jay once again bubbled up. But before he could yell at him, the voice rang with another terrifying message.

"The next test begins now."

The space began to once again shift and stretch before finally turning into the arena from before. Jay stood on the large stage in the middle. The stands were completely empty.

A gate below the stands began to raise.

Walking out of the gate was the large, all black lion. It's ferocious red eyes almost penetrating Jay's body as he stood there cursing out the old man within his mind.

A loud gunshot like sound signaling the start of the match rang throughout the empty arena. The lion like beast however did not charge at it's opponent. Instead it prepared to use it's skill.

"It's going to use the roar like before. I have no sort of plan so I can only fight fire with fire."

As the lion like beast roared causing a violent force of wind to head towards Jay, he did the same.

However, there was a huge difference in power. A roar released from his mouth, but only a slight force of wind followed.

Jay's roar was recently extracted from the beast which meant it was only a level one. Nevertheless, the roar of the beast was a much higher level. His was basically useless.

Jay was blasted backwards at high speeds crashing into the metal bars separating the stage and stands.


His body hit the bars with a loud thud before losing consciousnesses.