An Ally

[Plunder Ability Temporarily Locked]

"How did this happen?" Jay thought as the screen floated before his eyes. "System, explain what is happening."

The System rang to it's call. "Host has gained multiple abilities with the use of plunder. To unlock plunder, the host must level up three skills minimum."

"So I just have to level up three skills?" Jay wondered letting out a deep sigh. He was pretty worried upon reading the message, but was now a little calmed down.

"List all stat and skill changes. Describe each skill gained last night."

Once again, The System answered his call.

"Host has gained 2 strength, 2 stamina, and 3 agility. Host stats are now 19 strength, 12 stamina, 23 agility. Host has gained skills Illusion,and Paralyze." The System replied, before the holographic screen appeared before Jay's eyes with a detailed explanation of the skills.

[Illusion allows the host to create a moving illusion. This skill at level one last for only 30 seconds. Skill can only be used once a day at level one. Increasing strength stat allows host to create more realistic illusions.]

[Paralyze allows the host to temporarily stop a target's movement. The host must place all five fingers of one hand to initiate the skill. Strength stat must be even to or higher than the target's to work.]

"Although there was many corpses, there was only about seven different types of beast. It wasn't the best but definitely a huge boost for me. Also, I did not kill the beast myself which means I did not receive any EXP."

"System show me my EXP levels."


"The level up requirements once again doubled. Would it continue to double? If that's the case, I may be unable to level up in the future. In addition, to level up skills I only have to use them a certain amount of times. Finding an area of low level beast to slaughter would allow me to gain EXP and level up my skills simultaneously.

"One more thing has been bugging me about the EXP. In the dungeon, when entering the tunnel with the boar like beast, I gained no EXP for slaughtering the smaller boars. I also gained, no exp for slaughtering the bunny like beast after exiting the dungeon. System, explain the EXP aspect"

The system replied within his head rather than with the screen. "Elimination of new offspring will grant no EXP. Elimination of the same beast will not grant EXP after the first kill."

This was a shock to Jay. He was sure that he earned 10 exp for each of the glowing snakes killed in the dungeon.

"Host gained EXP for each snake due to being level one. A beginner's advantage if you would." The System replied.

Knock Knock

Someone was at the door. Jay had been so lost in his thoughts that he had completely forgotten about his current situation.

He was in the bed of an unfamiliar room. It was obviously not a jail cell, but more of a bedroom inside of a fancy home. The only one that could have brought him here was the old man.

"Come in" he replied as another set of knocks echoed off the door.

As the door swung open, Jay expected to see the old man. However, it was a beautiful young lady in a maid outfit that entered.

"Good morning sir. Breakfast is almost ready and Master is awaiting your arrival. There is a fresh set of clothes on the chair to your right and the bathroom is down the hall." the unknown lady said before leaving.

Jay was puzzled. "Sir? I'm only 17."

About half an hour passed before Jay arrived at the dining area of the mansion. The inside was covered with a red carpet. Stone columns held the ceiling up as cases of weapons and artifacts were on display throughout the halls. Paintings were also on display.

A large stairway connected the first and second floors. Finally, he arrived at the already packed table.

At the large table packed with dishes, the old man was already seated on one end. An empty seat awaited his arrival on the opposite end.

"Good morning young one" the old man greeted Jay who greeted him the same. "Eat up, I have many things to discuss with you.

Accepting the offer, Jay began to munch down on his food. It was an equivalent to all three meals in one go. The two talked for a while about important matters.

"Listen young one, I have something very important to talk to you about. It has to do with the Fortis guild," the old man said as he took a sip of his drink.

Jay was enjoying his first nice meal since coming to this world until he heard the name of his enemies. "What?" he asked the old man who was taking his time to eat.

"The Fortis Guild was promoted to the second top guild of the kingdom. They have always been in the number three spot, until now. The king mentioned that they caught and executed a demon from a very dangerous demon faction."

"The leader said something about catching and killing a demon right when I was sentenced to death. You don't think that I'm the demon right?" Jay replied

The old man finished chewing before saying another word. "They have no proof that they killed a demon, and also I know how bad they really are. I can ensure you that I will never believe their words."

Looking at the old man, Jay could tell that his mood had sunken after those last few words. The Fortis guild must have done something to him as well. Something bad or at least untrustworthy.

The old man continued. "I have taken an oath to always follow the king's orders and therefore I myself cannot go after a guild with his full backing. However, I can train you to do what you must. You have made it clear that you would rather die before you gave up the idea of revenge."

Jay had stopped eating. His complete focus was on the old man. He had yet to trust the man even after everything he has done for him.

"I will train you like I did to all of the city's great adventurers. You can call me sensei from now on."


"How about master?"


"Then what would you like to call me young one?"

"Old man is fine."

"Fine. You may call me old man. Moving on to other matters, I will provide you with currency for shelter, food, and transportation. You will be a man feared by many before you leave this city, although I would prefer you become a lovable hero. "

The old man stood up and turned towards the door. "After your meal, meet me out back to begin your training." He soon vanished through a doorway.

Jay slowly finished his meal as he thought of everything that was mentioned. The man that mentally tortured him wants to help him.

"He did help me out after whatever he did to my mind and even let me stay here for free. No only that but he promised to provide me with money to ensure I have shelter and food. Maybe he can be trusted, but I need to know more first."

He stood up with a half smile on his face.

"An ally? I don't believe such a thing is for me."