Undead Shadow

The group jumped in behind Martha who had fell down the hole with the Minotaur.

They would follow their leaders anywhere and that included wherever this beast had crawl out of. Moments passed before they had finally landed on the bottom. The Minotaur landed first, taking all of the impact as Martha calmly walked off of it's body.

The group slowly floated down behind as some of the adventurers had wind abilities capable of controlling others in the air.

Looking around, the room was a large area with no visible exits. Crystals on the walls luminated the room allowing the group to see all around them. This included another dark figure in a chair across the way in a spot hidden from the crystal's light.

Martha now held her dual swords as she prepared to kill the one responsible for Arthur's death. She quickly beheaded the Minotaur to stop it's revival and then charged forward towards her foe. The other members followed slowly behind.

Jay noticed not a single beast around which was weird since the enemy's ability was to revive and control the dead beasts. He stayed behind to observe the upcoming battle and to find an escape route in case the worst scenario came out on top.

He also had a feeling that the figure was another fake.

The figure in the chair did not move. It was clearly humanoid and was most likely the main enemy. Martha's walking became faster and eventually turned into a full sprint as her emotions took over.

She swung both of her swords towards the figure which sent out two parallel lines of red energy.

The figure did not move or even react as the attacks came into contact, slicing off it's arms from the rest of it's body. The group saw something similar earlier where the figure did not move as Martha ran towards it in the dining hall. This was before it was discovered to be Arthur's lifeless body.

Martha walked over towards the body and noticed it was another familiar face. This time it was the face of an adventurer in the group who she did not know all to well.

"Another fake?" she thought. Her anger now increasing once more. She gripped her swords tighter as she did not know that to do next. Arthur usually made the decisions and she would lead in battle.

"Show yourself!" she screamed with all her might.

Moments went passed and everyone was silent. Jay too watched on as his suspicion about the figure being another fake was correct. He turned to the lifeless Minotaur with a small smile on his face.


Jay quickly used his plunder on the beast as he was unable to do it on the one earlier. It was dealt with by Martha and her group and using the skill then and there would have drawn unwanted attention to himself.

"Would have been great to use it on the beast in the dining room too." he thought to himself imagining all the stats he could have raised.


A loud collision sound echoed through the area.

Turning around, he quickly noticed Martha was no longer in her original spot but on the floor a distance away. The other members looked as shock as he did which could only mean they also didn't see what happened to their leader.

Martha got back up to her feet with blood dripping from her lip. She was tough and whatever had hit her was in for a surprise if it thought one hit was enough.


Once again Martha was sent flying to the other side of the area. This time Jay was able to see exactly what it was that had attacker her. Moving on the ground was a dark shadow. It moved quickly towards Martha and then a black tentacle slammed into her side sending her across the area.

Her body flipped and turned in the air but she landed on her feet this time.

As soon her feet touch the ground, the shadow was now near her. This time rather than a tentacle, a greenish bull-like beast charged out and rammed into her.

Jay watched on as different beast attacked from the shadow and hopped back in. Whatever was controlling the shadow was definitely the enemy. Those beasts must have been some of the undead creatures being controlled and they could be moved around within the shadow.


Lance who had charged forward to help Martha was now flying through the air after taking an attack. Some of the members began to fire out magic attacks but they turned out to be useless.

The only thing their attacks did was draw the shadow's attention as it now moved towards the group. They began to disperse into multiple directions but one by one, each member was followed and attacked by the beast within the shadow. It moved quickly after each and then finally towards Jay.

With the same speed as before, the shadow moved along the floor before a black tentacle flew out towards him. The other members were now getting back up to their feet and watched as the stranger they brought along was about to get attacked.


The tentacle went directly through Jay who stood there not moving.

Once again the tentacle flew out but went straight through his body like water. It seemed annoyed as the attacks began to speed up and then more tentacles attacked at once. The others looked on confused and also worried about the speed of those attacks.

In reality, what was being attacked was none other than a clone and the real Jay was hidden behind the Minotaur's corpse. His scythe was in his hands just in case he was found out and had to fight.

The sound of the attacks eventually died down but Jay did not dare to find out if the shadow was still there or not.

Seconds went by before he noticed a moving shadow by his feet. Out of shock, he quickly slammed down his scythe but it had no affect. He then leapt onto the minotaur in order to avoid the shadow.

Martha, Lance, and the others were now on their way towards him.

The shadow began to expand slowly and made it's way under the beast. The corpse slowly started to sink into the shadow like quick sand as the tentacles raised into their air and tied around it. Jay who was on top was now caught by a tentacle as well and could not escape.

"Am I going to get sucked in as well?" he thought as he was slowly getting lower while doing his best to break free.

"Hiyah" a voice yelled from a distance away. Jay turned his head to see that it was Martha who had sent out another one of those dual energy slices.

They were aimed towards the tentacle but before they could hit, two more tentacles shot out of the ground and took the hit. They were sliced neatly in half but blood did not gush out. A common effect of already being dead...or undead.

Before Martha could send another attack, it was to already to late. Jay and the Minotaur's corpse were now within the shadow.

It was rather warm and quiet. It felt almost relaxing. Above was a bit of light from outside the shadow but below was nothing but absolute darkness.

Jay was quickly brought back to his senses when he felt something tie itself around him and pull him further down into the darkness.