*Casey P.O.V*
Good morning beautiful tree
Good morning beautiful skin
I sat at my vanity and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair is wet, and my eyes are now the color green. Since my 11th birthday, when i let that force of power out, my eyes stayed green, and my hair changes color based on my moods. When im flirty its pink, angry red, sad well it's blue, and when im feeling emo-ish, it's purple, etc. But when i hit my real power, my hair and eyes turn gold. I learn all that with training, I understand combat training for six years, i know combat training, I know how to control my powers, and yes im homeschooled. Today is like my graduations expect my prize is a crown and not a diploma.
I grab my comb and my blow dryer and begin to start the process. I did the hair and a top bun and added some flower pins to it. Then i did the nails in royal blue since it's our castle color, then i did the makeup; I work it! I started the base with a light gold color, and then i add the darkshadow. i know, yummy, right.
Finishing the touched on my masterpieces, a knock on my door letting me know my dress was here. I sigh, knowing i rather sleep all day and never wake up, but i promise my mom and dad that i would rule as if they would even though they never got the chance i knew they would have been great. "Come in," I shout. The girls came in, and they bowed to me and said, "Your Grace" and began to lay parts of my dress on my bed. I stood up and let them began to do what they needed to me. They help me in my dress, which was a royal blue strapless long dress. They added a gold sash and my jewelry, Heck, even my heels. Gosh, I'm not too fond of heels, and to think i had to learn how to walk in these demons.
"Haha, you hear that, love, She sounds so much like you." I heard Someone say i looked up from the shoes and proceed to ask if anyone said anything. But everyone looked at me as if i was crazy. The maid got up and looked at me and bow then left the room. I guess the maids done dressing me, and the crown was for me to put on. I sigh again and walk to the height when i hear a female voice this time.
"Yes, she's a grown woman now, and im so proud of who she becomes." Knowing who they are now, my hair turns yellow, and i look at my mother and Father's spirit. I almost cried, seeing them.
"Don't cry, baby girl. We were allowed to come to see you off on your big day." My dad said
"We love you now go rock that jellyfish and own it." my mom said i couldn't help but laugh at the term of her not trying to curse. I nod and hold my thumbs up.
"I will, mom and dad ill make you proud just watch me," i said and put my crown on. I look at them, hugging each other one more time, and then i exited the room, closing the door behind me. As i was walking towards the throne room, i realized then how much my mother and father love each other. It was as if they were mates. I can't until i find my mate and maybe just maybe ill love as hard as my parents. I reach the hallway to the throne room, and the guard started to surround me. They led me to the double doors and put an oversized royal blue and gold cloth around me, They open the doors, and the horns began to play. The choir has sung our country song, and everyone stood up tall, smiling down on me, sending me there blessing touching my cloth for support. I love my people and know im more than human but something unique. And they still accept me there is a blessing to have in this day in time. My skin is chocolate, and my hair changes colors on my mood. Im some times lazy, and i start trouble, but im still a kid, but i make smart decisions, and i take no mess from anyone, and that why they love me for me. I got to my throne, and i turn around, but before sitting down, they gave me my trinks and began chanting my name. One choir song stop they said their speech i sign my name, and the rest is history.
"All Hair Queen Casey!" The Witnesses Chant and I laugh with joy as i was happy to have their support.
Once the coronation was over, we retrieved to the ballroom for some more fun.
People dancing
Children Laughing and Playing
I sat there, clapping my hands to the music as the people enjoy themselves. I felt as if Someone was staring at me, but i didn't want to look i was to nervous.
"Queen Casey, that young man is looking at you," Amanda said i grin a little, but i ignore what she said. "I know you heard me. I know you sense it." She kept edging it on i bump her and look at the young man. He was milky white with blue eyes and sandy brown hair. He had a smile out this world, and for a moment, no one was in the room, just him and me. I wanted to go to him, but i stop myself from doing so.
"Yes, Amanda, i sense it but im not going to engage in it, ok. Im a queen, and i don't have time for foolish highschool game playing." I said as i kept watching the crowd dance.
"Yes, but you know when you are 18, you will have to find a husband. Why not find out who you like now and see who will be your potential husband one day." She said, looking at me and i look at her wi knew she was right, but i felt something for that mystery, man; how is that possible i don't know him. It seems different to me as if he's true identity masked, i can't sense what species he is, and to me, i felt interested in me. But at the same time, i want to stay away because, in the end, i know he will hurt me. "Go dance with him." i looked at her like she was crazy.
"I will not ask him to dance, are you crazy." i cross my arms and pout i most definitely will not; who did she think i am i am the Queen she disrespects me.
"Well, he's on his way." I turn my head to look t him walking towards me i got scared and look at Amanda.
"What am i going to do," I asked.
"Well, go dance." she looked at his hand extended to me, I looked at his hand then into his eyes, and i felt so drawn to him as i knew him before as if i meant to be here with him right now. As if time had stop and no one was here." Take his hand." she said, and i took his hand and stood up; my hair turns pink, and he looked at it and smiled as he leads me to the dance floor.
"So it is true the Queen's hair change colors when she shows her true emotions." He said, i blushed and looked down; my eyes were stuck on him holding my hand. They were so strong and manly, and i felt secure and at peace. He grabbed my waist and began to flow with the music. We waltz for what felt like hours dancing in his blue ocean eyes. I saw myself loving him a thousand times.
"So, who are you? You mysteriously came out of nowhere. I have never seen here before, and i know everyone that walks these halls." I said as we kept flowing to the music.
"Well, Im Prince Zane, and I'm a guest here for the time being. I'm hoping to get to know you more." I looked to Amanda, who was talking to my Jamma Kat as i call her. Why do i call her that? Well, when i was younger, i couldn't say grandma, so Jamma Kat it was. As the music stopped, so did we; he bowed to me, and i curtsey to him, and we part ways. I looked at him one more time before walking back to my table. But before i could, he grab my hand and looks at me.
"Come, take a walk with me, please?" I looked at him, and my hair turns bright pick, and i nod because my words were not coming out. He smelled so good, like peppermint and cologne man sweat, if my logic makes sense. Let say he smell right ok; I took his hand and smile but realizing that his hands were ice cold, the funny things are i never wanted to let go of him. I felt a connection towards him as if i belong to him, but how can that be when i just met this man. Amanda looks at me and waves her hands for me to go with him i shook my head that girl is all types of crazy about romance. "So Queen Casey, Half human half God two half makes a whole, and yet we haven't heard about you until now may i ask more about you to understand you." He asked
I looked at him to see if i sense any bad, but I can tell he's been curious so far. "Yes, i am the almighty Casey who's a Demi-God, but im so much more than that." I shift my weight to turn to the left as i sat down by the water fountain. I light up with lights as we sat in the white rose garden that belongs to my Father and mother. "This garden is my mother's and Father's. They both died before they could see me grow up. My mother died at childbirth, She gave me her soul before she passed away, But my father gave me his power when he died. So for me having a childhood, it never happened. I was always on the run, and my Father protects me as much as he could, but the night of my 11 birthday party, a demon came and killed him in front of me, and i killed that demon. I don't know how, but i did. As years go by, i became Queen and still stand here till this day. I was born on V-day, and i hate it because V-day is not about love, just death." I look away; why did i tell him that am i compelled to say to him all about myself or am i just connected to him to the point where i only speak my mind with ease.
"Wow, i can tell you throw a lot; I'm sorry that you have a life full of challenges." I looked at him, trying to find out who is he really "Queen Casey or can i call you Cass." that name brought back memories of my Father.
"My father uses to call me Cass, but it's ok if you can call me that." I look down at royal blue my dress, and i play with my gold sash. "So tell me about yourself, I gave you most of my secrets, so what are yours," I asked, and he looked at the white roses. Zane got up and walk over to one of the rose bushes.
"Well, im Prince Zane, Im 19 years old; I'm adopted; my parents didn't want me because i was different, so they cast me aside, and that's is when my Father took me in. " He pulls one rose of the bush and walks over to me. "Just like you, I'm half-human, but the other side im not ready to tell it haunts me still, and i can't truly control it, but when the time comes, i shall tell you everything i promise." He lifts the rose and hands it to me i smile and take the rose. Our hands touched, and i felt sparks fly inside of me i knew Zane thought it as well i felt his breath caught in his throat, and his emotions change from scenery knowing to the mystery in a heartbeat. I looked at him for a while; he knows something, and im going to get the truth out of him. I close my eyes, and i felt them change to a golden brown. I had a vision. It was blurry at first, but then His face appeared. "Zane," I called out, but his form was different, He had horns, and his eyes were black, Hid massive black wings hugged his body as if he didn't want me to know. I walked up to him, and i see a long red rope attached to him.
Everything that surrounds us was pitch dark, but this glowing red rope stuck out; I follow it, but before i got far, Zane grab me in a fast motion that scared me senseless as he tried to get me to listen. "listen, Casey, he created me to harm you, But you must save me you have too. I belong to you, but will you set me free? Our worlds are forbidden, and we can not exist together for he will come, and a war will start, but it's up to you to save us. Please hear my warning." Then the vision was over, and i was back into the garden; my eyes filled with tears, and Zane shaking me and calling my name. I looked up into his eyes to see ocean blue. But in my vision, they were more than that. I stood up from the fountain and looked into his eyes. I grab ahold to his face and see if i can feel anything, but i got nothing.
"Cass, what's wrong." i heard him say, and then i back away a little.
"Nothing's wrong just need to use the restroom." I wipe my eyes, and i turn to walk away. "Excuse me ill be right back." He nods, and i walk back into the mansion i saw Amanda and went right up to her. "I need you now." She nods, and we left the ballroom; holding her hands, i ascended into my room and looked at her, panicking, not knowing what to say or do.
"Breath what's wrong." i did and sat on the couch in front of my bed.
"The man, Zane," I said out of breath, omg im panicking. "He's just like me, but he's not the same as me. I had a vision where he was trying to warn me, but the thing is he had a horn and black eyes and large wings like mines, but it was black, and mines are white." I got up and started pacing " He also said Someone made him kill me, and i have to set him free...He has this red rope attached to him in the spirit world, and i tried to follow it, but he stops me. I can't lie when i say i feel that i was meant for him but also why do i feel his actions are not his own." I look at Amanda, trying to put the pieces together.
"Can you call your parents spirits." I nod and center myself i close my eyes, thinking about how my parents protected me from harm, and their spirits came out.
"Hey honey, how was the ball? Did you meet anybody." my mother said
"No mom, i mean yes, but let us get on topic, please. Can God come too i need him for this." God light shined bright, and he appears next to my parents i smile, knowing God touches my soul every time i see him. my grandpa, my Father, my God.
"My granddaughter, How can i help you?" I look at my family and smile as i begin to explain what i saw in my visions. My parent's face went from happy to alarm, and God seems to know who was behind it. As i finish explaining the concept to everyone, i waited for the response.
"Cass, he's a demon. You have to stay away from him; what if Jonathon created him to hurt you." I look at my dad and then God, who was paying close attention to me. I look at God, and he nods his head, knowingly what i was about to say.
"Dad, I can't stay away from him; he's my mate." My parents, even Amanda, looked at me with shock on there face. "He might be born kill me, but deep inside, i know im meant to save him. I went to God and bow to his feet. "Is it true God am i meant to save him." He touches my cheek and helps me stood up.
"My Daughter, you are meant to save a lost soul and bring him to the light. I give you my blessing, but know this journey your about to go on will not be an easy task." I nod and smile.
"I know, but i have your blood in me, and I'm your creations from my mother and my Father, and as Queen, i will not let you down. I promise to save every dark soul, and i promise to lead this kingdom with love, respect, and light. I will do anything for you and this kingdom." I said, holding on to his hands.
"But don't forget while you save lives, don't forget your happiness, I'm Good, and sometimes i take time for happiness. Now to the gifts Your Father has the same gifts im about to give you. Knowledge, love, confidence, and i shall gift them to you. You will know the truth with time, and in the end, it will be your final decision. But you must watch those around you, listen to your gifts, Learn the truth, and grow." God smile and wave his hand; three giant bubbles came to me and entered my body. I breathe in and felt power like no other, but i control the laughter waiting to come out from the joy i felt. God kisses my forehead and disappear. I love it when God comes to my rescue when it comes to my parents. I know they mean well i will like for them to make my decisions in life and learn from the mistakes to be a better person. I turn to my parents, and they look unhappy and scared. They were dead and couldn't protect me, But also because they want me to be safe and keep me out of danger.
"Mom, Dad, i love you so much, and i promise to use all of these gifts. Put your faith in me, and I promise i will save everyone." They nod and smile close there eyes to disappear. "Amanda, why do i feel like im about to go threw so many obstacles? Im 17, not even 18 yet, and i don't know where to turn or start first. I feel like im never getting things right by following my heart." I pace and fell on the couch feeling super hopeless. "I watch my father die and couldn't save him." I felt a tear fall from my left eye. I honestly did felt hopeless that my mate trained to kill me. Amanda sat beside me and patted my leg; she grabs my hand, and i look at her eyes to see such sadness that i wish i could take away.
"It's not your fault you were born for a great cause, and your mother loved you dearly, Your Father fought you so you can stand as strong as you are now. Don't you dare say that you feel hopeless because of anything you should feel strong and fearless? You saved your Father's soul and took down his killer; that's a warrior to me. You keep your people safe and stood by your grandmothers' side to make sure that no one hurts them. You are the light of this family, so pick yourself up and let go back and thank your guest and left rest the night away, ok." I nd and smile threw my tears as Amanda wipe my eyes. She has been a loyal best friend and substitutes, mom. She watched over me when my mother couldn't, and im grateful for that. I got up and fixed my face looking into the mirror. I realize that she was right i need to boss up and fight im not weak im stronger then i seem, but the thing is i never been in a war, so how am i suppose to fight. I guess ill know when the time comes. I fix my eyeliner and massacre and add a dab of lip gloss to balance my lipstick and bam! i look good; I smile and do one last spin and walk out the door with Amanda by my side. We laugh at the ballroom where my guest was still partying like they don't have to go home. I stand in front of the crowd on the stage, is a light hit my fork to my champagne glass. Everyone turned to me, giving me their unified attention as my voice began to carry the crowd.
"Good Evening, Everyone, and Thank you all for joining me on this day on our celebration of me becoming queen." I looked at the crowd and saw Zane staring at me, learning me, Studying my every move, Slowly trying to figure me out. But a spilled moment, his thoughts ring in my head. "I already know you, my love, and due time i shall have you. Whether it's in death or walking this realm, i shall have you no matter what." then they disappear as my eyes search for him again; he was gone. I clear my throat and start talking again. "God gave me this opportunity to stand before you, and im forever grateful, not only will i protect this kingdom, but i will also fight for what's right. i shall show kindness and love, build foundations to the child so they can learn. I'll be your shield, and i promise to lead this kingdom with pride." they all clap and cheer my name. We raise our glasses and drink happily. Someone screams as i realize my Jamma Kat was on the ground dying. One of my gifts rings in my head as my eyes locked on the glass.
"Amanda does this smell strange." she looked at me weird and took the glass. She smelled it and knew what it is.
"Poison," she said, and i felt myself go numb. " Guards take the queen to her room, you three follow me." one of my best guards and also one of my close friends Mathew, saw my face.
"Ma'am, may i stay with the queen." He asks. She nods her head, and he escorted me to my room. Walking close to him gave me comfort knowing Someone killed my grandmother. Even though I know who, i just can't believe he would do it. But i think that poison meant for me, and my grandmother must have spotted him doing so. The gift of knowledge hit me hard, knowing that's what happens. But ho could i figure that out so fast " My Queen, we are at your door. Do i have your permission to check out your room." He asks, not giving me eye contact.
I wave him to it, and the other guard took post while Mat and I Check out my room. He checks the bathroom, closet, my office room, etc. He came back to me and stood in the front, bow, and then proceed to tell the place is secure. "Mat, close the door i have to talk to you about something." Mat walks to the door, close it gently, walks back to me, and sat on the couch beside me.
"Yes, Queen," He said
"Come on Mathew, you know behind the close door we are not formal." Mat laughs and looks at me. He grabbed my hair and moved it out of my face; he's in love with me have been since i was 13, the day he saw me in the garden writing in my notepad. I will not lie if i told you i didn't feel something for him because i did. I couldn't because im royalty, so we have our close doors meeting.
"I know, Cass i just like how you blush when i call you my queen." I hit him on the arm and blush again i can't stand him, but i like him a lot.
"So what i wanted to talk to you about, I solved my grandmother's death." he looked at me for me to continue, so i did. "Someone was trying to poison me; the cup my grandmother drunk out of was the Queen's cup. My grandmother spit the person who poisons my cup; she made the switch and drunk it, we no the rest." I hold my head down. "But the question is who?" I know who but didn't want to tell him that. Why am i protecting him? He killed my grandma. Mat knew i was getting angry; he holds my hands and looks me in my eyes. Oh Gosh, he looks as if he going in for the kiss; what should i do? that voice spoke loudly in my head again. "You're mines" as it roars with jealousy; before i knew it, i moved my head, giving Mat the face of shame. I didn't mean to, and i genuinely want to kiss him, but Zane is in my head, and i can't get him out.
"I'm sorry, Mat, it's just my grandma's death, and everything that's been going on i feel like I'm losing people around me," I said, but my words didn't reach his faces.
"So it has nothing with that dude who you were dancing with and talking to at the white gardens." My eyes got big, and then i revert them to my lap.
"It has a lot to do with him," I breathe in and out then look him in the eyes. "I don't want to lie to you. I'm a little shaken about my grandma's death and the fact that Someone tried to kill me and got to her," I said with a shaken voice. "Today, on my freaking coronation day, i found my mate before you say anything i don't know how i feel about him yet. But i saw something inside of him that scared me, but i feel like i can save him." I said but regretting the last thing i said out my mouth.
"So what does that means for me." Mat come on, don't do me like this; I stand up getting a little frustrated because i don't know what any of this means. All i know is people keep trying to kill me. I look at Mat and walk to my closet. I unzipped my dress and took it off, I know he was waiting on my answer, but i was to piss off to give him one right now. My mate killed my grandmother but im keeping him in the shadows. i genuinely want to know why. "Come on Cass, i need to know my feeling for you will always be the same, but i don't want to get hurt." I can't lie to him. Everything came out so fast.
"Oh my gosh, can you stop pressuring me? I don't know what all these mean. been mostly sheltered because people want to kill me, My mate might have killed my grandmother, and i just can't think of anyone's feelings but my own." I said as i put on grey shorts and my grey Ponyo and Souska shirt on. It has the words "I Love All The Ponyos," my favorite anime shirt, anyways i put my hair in a ponytail and walk out the closet.
"Did you say your mate killed your grandma." i look at him and sigh.
"No, i said I might have i don't know before i could ask questions, he disappears, but please don't say anything until i figure it out." He nodded and got up proceed to the door.
"Goodnight, my Cass, and i shall see you in the morning; ill patrol the mansion and your wing. Tomorrow they will be cleaning your Father's out because of the guest that will be staying." I look at him
"No, put them elsewhere, my Father's room stays untouched, and that's order; if anyone touches, then they will answer to me. Tell everyone!" He bowed and closed the door. I went to the bathroom, looked around me, and realized it's now quiet. I walk to the mirror, Did my face care cleaning route, Brush my teeth, and oil my lips. My eyes color is still golden, and i couldn't change that, but my hair is another story.
"My my we are now alone." his words laced with venom and sweet thread at it caresses my skin, making me shake and shiver. "Casey, I told you that you are mining, and you let him kiss you." I felt him stand behind me as his hand grace my skin making me moan just a little, but i bit my lip before he heard it. "Oh, Casey, you feel so soft, Mhmmm i wonder what do you taste like." My breath got caught in my throat, and i couldn't hold on anymore. The moan escapes my lips, making him smile. "That's my girl, Oh that moan was a pleasure to my eyes; by the way, i didn't kill your grandmother. Yes, she did protect you, but my Father sent a demon to kill you in my place. I decided to fight with you, for it will be difficult because i have my list when it comes to you." Just like that, he was gone leaving me and my panties wet. I have never had anyone touched me before, and to know that a demon feels me, she is scared but exciting. I close my mouth with my hands and pray to God to help me make the right decision. I walk out the bathroom shaking with pleasure and fear; I climb into my bed and lay on my right side. God, please be with me as i cut off my light and get ready for another day.