Info Dump

I have been studying the psychology of people in love, (I focused more on the female psychology) and I wanted to share my findings. It is also fine with me if you don't want to read this info dump.

Ok. My results in research are as following;

1: There are 4 kinds of chemicals that the brain release when in love. Oxytocin, Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Phenylethylamine.

Norepinephrine and Phenylethylamine are released together, and produce a feeling of both being focused on the person they like, and being tense.

An example of this being that a girl (as I said, I focused mostly on how female brains work) likes someone and focuses on the person in question, and everything else seems less important than normal and the tense part is, for example, the girl has been texting to her crush, and stares at her phone or has trouble sleeping due to thinking about her crush.

Dopamine is a chemical that is produced when there is any sense of pleasure, but this is not limited for when there is intimate contact. A more likely scenario is a small rush of dopamine when the girl and crush accidentally touch hands. Or small things such as that.

Oxytocin is a chemical that lowers the guard, so to speak, and creates the sense of attachment, closeness. And when your loved one is not there, the metaphorical "high" you get from Oxytocin leaves you with a feeling of emptiness and leaves you wanting more, giving the effect of being happier when your loved one is close.

These chemicals are all produced by the brain and are all one package that come with the territory of being in love.

There are 4 attachment styles (My info comes from

make sure to go there if you want to learn more.)

The attachment styles are listed as such:

SECURE: people with the secure attachment style (SAS) will be okay with being in a relationship and equally okay with being alone and do not feel an excessive need for attention.

ANXIOUS: people with anxious attachment style are in a sense, the opposites of the people with SAS. They feel the need for attention and affection and are ok with excessive intimacy and you can see examples of these kinds of people with AAS being taken advantage of. These people usually have low self esteem and low confidence.

DISMISSIVE: People with DAS usually have never had any lovers or never had a reason to want a relationship. They may have feelings for you, but they will not express it, as they would want to shut out these emotions another example of a person with DAS would be someone who has feelings but assumes that don't have a chance and dismiss their feelings and it becomes a habit to shut out affectionate feelings.

FEARFUL: People with FAS may have traumatic experiences and distance themselves away from other people they might like, showing some symptoms of DAS, although the concepts are fundamentally different. These people may have been pranked or tricked, an example being a young female that has been told that her crush likes him or wants to date her and is asked to say yes to the "confession" or other equally harmful experiences, although these examples are just the tip of the iceberg.

Now let's take Ginny for example. When she first met Harry Potter, she was shy and bashful. When she got Tom Riddle's Diary, she wrote a multitude of things, including her affection for Harry, her insecurities and such. The Dairy uses insecurities and secrets to slowly influence the reader, so it is safe to say that she had low self esteem, and couple that with the insecurities of being poor and always wearing hand me downs. These traits also appear in Ron Weasley.

My take is that Ginny would be a AAS type. What are your thoughts?

Also, I'm sorry for the Info dump. I just wanted to explain my take on this as I will be referencing this and building on this for the book and to help guide me show how relationships are formed in this story.

Also, I wanted to say that the Harry Potter series will not be the only world or universe that they will be in. (They being our MC's Future harem.)

Sincerely, Author.