They set up two more tents and two more bathroom as the first droplets fell Jessica looked over at Harmon putting food in one of the tents. She walked over to him.
"Go be with your clan," Jessica said in a soft tone. Harmon looked at her surprised he had assumed she would ask him to finish the food runs. She saw his puzzled expression and responded to it, " I know being my friend has disconnected you from the rituals of your people. I am sorry but nothing we are doing here is worth you missing this gorgeous storm."
"I could just make one more run before the real stuff starts," Harmon offered half heartedly. She finally remembered I am a dark fae, the thought pleased him and worried him. He didn't want her to think she couldn't rely on him.
"We can let delivery bots bring in the rest of the supplies. This is a public event and the rule about in person food delivery does not apply here. This storm is going to last a while and you need the cleanse to reconnect," Jessica replied and bowed so low her was almost touching her knees, "I am sorry. I forgot somehow that you a dark elf and came to rely on you even when you should be resting."
"Jessica, that was my choice," Harmon said in shock. He basically worshipped her and her bowing to him made him feel a sense of unease he could not explain not even to himself.
"Ya better run off before Peter gets here and you have to talk him through every little thing that is happening," Arholo said walking over to them, "Is there something you are trying to find on your knees, Missy?" He jabbed at Jessica. Forgiveness, she thought rising back up and sticking her tounge out at him. Harmon called his mom and went to go meet up with her and the rest of his clan. One of the earlier titles Jessica had received in her life was when she was 4 and a young light elf had said something rude to Peter in elvish. She had already learned the language and used a unique spell to give herself and elf tongue to reply to him in elvish that was he said was rude. It had the intended effect of surprising the boy and scaring him off. It had also had the unattend effect of her parents having to go the Eternal Chappel and explain the best they could how she had explained to them that the spell worked. She had done it on instinct and really just said, " Make your tongue an elf tounge are you kidding me? It is super easy watched." She opened her mouth and her tounge changed shape. Then she had run off to go do something more interesting than talking about a prank she had pulled.
Peter came back with the food vendors he had gone to get and the rituals were starting all around them as rain, solid real rain hard rain smashed down from the sky above hitting the island.
All around them there were chants and songs springing forth from each of the clusters of dark elves. They were singing in elvish and Jessica wanted to join in, but these were not the customs of her ancestors. When the storm cracked lighting above their heads all the clans look up and sang the same song.
It was beautiful and full of renuallal. It made Jessica's soul soar and she activated her wind wings. Jessica flew up above the clouds without thinking and swam through them it was freezing so she place a coat of magical warmth on her skin. This was making her the dark elves below began to sing a different song that she could not hear from her new pool in the sky. She stayed like that for over an hour and since lighting is attracted to the nearest object it hit her repeatedly to her these massive jolts of electricity felt like tickles and she laughed with glee every time it happened. Arholo who had been watching the whole thing and could hear the song was shaking his head. Peter looked at him a bit lost he had forgotten to put a translate spell on himself and was just enjoying the show.
"Why are you shaking your head?," Peter asked leaned close so the man could hear him over the storm and the singing.
"Ya telling me you don't hear WHAT they are singing?," Arholo responded a little miffed at the Fae for being so dense sometimes. Arholo cast a translate spell on Peter.
The goddess of the storm who welds all the power
Flying through the clouds and laughing with glee
Save us hf goddess and we will forever worship thee
Peter listened frowning. The translation was rough and when you heard it in elvish it was a lot more beautiful. Now that he knew that they were singing about Jessica as though she was a goddess come to fulfill an ancient prophecy of their home planet he began shaking his head as well. Harmon was singing the song with his clan knowing full well that the glowing woman in the sky was his friend and she would have punched him in the mouth if she could hear what he was singing about her. He had always known from the day Jessica was born she was the one referenced in this song. Over the cycles time after time her actions had been to similar to this song and other songs of prophecy.
He didn't hold back from his own heart right now what she truly meant to his people.
We are counting on you to save us
Even though you are not of our clans
We know that you work in shadow
Fighting to come up with plans
We hope the success of all of your schemes
One who is in our dreams
Jessica flew below the clouds and the strike she had sensed about to hit the tall tree near where a couple of clans had gathered and redirect it to herself. Dozens of lighting bolts suddenly hit her all at once. She was laughing so hard and since she had been in rage of him Harmon had hit her with a spell that let everyone on the ground hear her.
She said something in a language that she had only ever spoken in private. It was a mixture of elvish, dwarven, english and hundreds of other Earth languages the translation spell failed to even attempt to work out what she said. Arholo was in shock she had told him many times over the cycles that he would not be able to understand her if she attempted to speak the language inside her head to him. She believed that all of her friends had gotten together to discuss the loft one day when she was busy and had all spelled themselves to forget. She was right and that had happened. What she didn't know was that they had put protection magic on those memories and hearing her native tongue unlocked the block and they now remembered exactly what she had shown them. Arholo chest puffed out with pride remember how amazing his dear friend truly was. Slowly, Peter and Arholo were coming to realize as the memories came back to them exactly how screwed they were. They grabbed each others arms and looked in each others eyes. Fear draining all color from Arholo's and Peter's were starting to look more like brass.
"We fucked up," Peter said to Arholo who shook his head sharply no.
"WE DID MORE THAN FUCK UP SHE MIGHT KILL US!," Arholo replied. In that moment he was genuinely afraid his dear sweet little missy might rip his head when he told her what he had done at the cave.
Jessica landed near them still laughing and ran into one of the bathrooms. She laughed so hard she nearly peed herself. She had believed no one could hear her and she had been so relaxed she actual spoke in her own tongue. The one that her brain had changed and adapted with each new language she learned. The first language she had learned was of course English as it seemed to be the default language of this world. She then tackled the dwarven and elvish languages and dialects. She had then learned french and spanish from a family that had been from Candida in the OG days. She learned italian, greek, koren, and latin in her culture studies in school. Most people on Karth spoke at least three. She had learned everyone of the OG's tongues. They had only been from three countries back on Earth but many of them were bilingual. The one tongue every creature that appeared on Karth had in common was English it was not named the official language however until trade agreements had become a bothersome task. They made it that way just for business purposes, people were free to speak to each other in whichever one they wished. Of the 1 million organic people on Karth .001% had any clue as to what she had said. She received 9 messages from people that hearing her language for the first time had even the smallest inkling of what she had said. They all replied in weaker versions of her own. She saw these after she washed her hands. They were mostly crossbreeds and of them only five had mentioned a hidden place. She replied to the other 4 hidden in her language and although they all respond only 1 more of these answered in a way that told her that they too had a hidden place. The others were honestly at the limit of their knowledge and over 50 cycles of age. None of them were as close as the boy but she knew if she could gather them she finally stood a fighting chance. In one day she had gone from being completely alone in her fight for Karth to having 10 new allies.
Why is this all happening so quickly now? It can't just be because I started using magic freely again, I am certain of it. Jessica's mind buzzed.
She was excited for tomorrow but she had things to do today. The storm was starting to move away from where they were and she got busy turning trees and rocks nearby into tables and chairs. She noticed that Peter and Arholo seemed distracted by something but she made them go get help with the telepad operations. The money for all the public use set ups being put up were being covered by committee funds. The committee asked her to keep the ball rolling until they could find people to take over. Jessica made a stage for Harmon to put on a concert. Alohra and few of her adventuring pals showed up and brought with them the dark elves who had completed their rituals in other storms. Jessica's parents brought a group of 1,000 school children and their parents. Her friends went around the globe activation telepads for everyone who wanted to come. A small temporary city popped up on what had been an uninhabited island that morning. About half of the organics on Karth were here and about half of the P.A.I.L.s were taking turns in groups of 1k, then 2k, until enough holo projectors had been set up for them all to come at once. Between the entire population of dark elves and all of the P.A.I.L. who were not busy with something else at the time the island was now swarming with sentient life. Non dark elves who wanted to learn more about what was going on crowded around telepads waiting for a magic user to come and activate it. Her former students coordinating the efforts being the most recently familiar with the system.
It was the largest public event since before the Blackout. The last time this many of us were all in one place was at the last meeting at the eternal chappel, Jessica thought flying around helping people find wandering children and placing protection barricades between the mass of people and the forest behind them. This island was the last time anyone had checked cleared of all dangerous species but she didn't want to take any chance it had a telepad because it had once hosted a dungeon.
She also wanted to make sure no one wandered near the dungeon she would need it soon