Guardian (1)

Chapter 138 : Guardian (1)

Bracha reached at the spectacles which adorned her face calmly, placing them into her inventory for safe keeping. She then tugged at the ribbon which held her golden locks in place, freeing her hair from restriction. She made the ribbon disappear as well as she gently shook her head, allowing her hair to flow freely.

The others stood silently as they watched Bracha. Each of them was filled with anxiousness, for Bracha's demeanor was casual compared to the sight unfolding just a few meters away from her. The Hulking Creature was still at it, coughing out threat after threat. Now there were a little less than a dozen to contend with and half of them had already taken shape and focused their attention towards the Runemaster near the frontline.

Bracha lifted her left hand, the back of her hand facing outwards and she lowered her head, closing her eyes as well. The systema rune on her outer hand began to glow, first a bright white then it emitted enough light to resemble a strobe as the energy contained in her hand reached a fever pitch.

The others watched in awe as the same energy began to coat Bracha's body in a thick aura of power. This aura flowed upwards like flame and water fusion, causing her hair to rise upwards along with it. Gates stood just ahead of everyone else, trying to comprehend exactly what it was he witnessed.

He could feel air pressure flowing towards him, almost like a gentle but persistent breeze. This sensation only intensified until the folds of his clothing began to move in response to it. Soon dirt, wood splinters and grass began to carry with the wind, all of which emanated from Bracha's position just ahead.

*What the hell is going on?* Gates asked as he used his elbow to shield his eyes from particles flying about. Even Oliver's unconscious self was moved by the force of pressure blowing outwards from Bracha's position.

*I-I don't know. I've never seen anything like this.* Gigi responded as she too struggled to watch on in vain. The light surrounding Bracha formed into a perfect sphere and slowly expanded outwards, the expansion reaching a crescendo as it exploded forth and faded away.

When they could look upon her countenance again Bracha seemed to have undergone a complete transformation. Her hair, once golden in color, was now pale -- white even. What's more it seemed to defy gravity, as if perpetually lifted upwards by some invisible air current. The aura of energy clung to her body faintly, it was now transparent in varying degrees and more densely defined.

Agni's mouth went agape as she doubted her own vision, she could have sworn she saw Bracha floating for the briefest of moments. If she had thought to express this with the others her thoughts would have been confirmed. Bracha had, indeed, floated downward causing her toes to once again make contact with the ground.

All of the adventurers nearby could feel a strange charge of energy which seemed to radiate outwards from her and fill the air. They could feel a definite shift in this energy as Bracha stepped forward suddenly. Everyone was so busy paying attention to Bracha that, for a moment, they forgot about the enemies which closed in. Yet -- it was alright. Apparently Bracha's sudden change of state was enough to halt even them--including the Hulking Grimlock.

The creatures seemed unsure as to whether they should confront Bracha suddenly, the ones nearest hesitated for the briefest of moments before regaining their composure and charging wildly. Bracha's movements were soundless, but it was clear as day that she walked forth boldly. It was but a second or two before the Golem reached striking range and swung it's hammer-like forearm towards Bracha's ankle.

There was a loud impact which reverberated through the air, and everyone looked on in disbelief as the Golem fell face forward to the ground-- instantly bursting into cinders and black wisps.

*What just happened?* Dealla asked, she gazed upon the sight struggling to make sense of it -- all she could do was grip her weapon and look on.

*I have no idea..* Agni transmitted. She felt a chill sweep over her, one of unbridled energy. She felt...both afraid and excited as she watched what was transpiring.

"Come." Bracha said audibly, as she lifted her right hand and motioned towards the Hulking Grimlock. As expected the creature turned towards the sound of her voice and immediately launched itself with the weight of its entire body. To everyone but Bracha the movement was instantaneous, to her alone she watched as the spawned Golems were knocked to the side and the Hulking Creature charged.

*Good. 0.25% seems to be enough. No, I probably used too much...* This was the singular thought Bracha had as the effects of time compression and her enhanced agility allowed her to easily dodge the creature's fist. She ducked and at the same time spun around, twisting her body so that her elbow would catch the Hulking Grimlock directly in the chest -- her target was the creature's shard core.

Once again the sound of a reverberating impact filled the air, this time the others were amazed to find Bracha's strike caused the Hulking Grimlock to stagger backwards. The creature was completely halted by the unexpected attack. So much so that it's chest cavity caved in from the immovable object that was now Bracha. By comparison, she hadn't moved even a centimeter from the encounter.

"Holy shit.." Gates mouthed as he desperately gripped his staff. He completely forgot the necessity to be silent, he even lost the will to maintain his Mana Reading. His body began to shake uncontrollably at the display of power before him.

Bracha then performed a backstep, to onlookers it seemed as if she created several after images with her graceful movement. She then sank down into a martial stance, retracting her fists to her side much like a karate practitioner. A reddish orange rune glyph came into being, hovering a couple of centimeters away from her fists, followed by another and another until four such glyphs appeared. Each was larger than the next, and finally they all combined into a single glyph.

Bracha's next movements were also like a blur to the onlookers. They watched as the gang of after images appeared in various places, landing a multitude of punches, kicks and palm thrusts. The targets weren't limited to the Hulking Grimlock either, any nearby Grimlock was also caught up in the assault.

The after images slowly faded away, revealing that Bracha now stood directly before the Hulking Grimlock, motionless and unrestrained. Seconds later the sound of thunderous blows ripped through the air like a multitude of gunshots. Each seemed louder than the next, heavier and more full of bass. The Hulking Grimlock was knocked backwards by several crippling blows, first to the face which sent it's head flying backwards, next was a blow to the abdomen, shoulder and chin. Each strike caused the Grimlock to stagger wildly. At almost the same time the Golems nearby succumbed to explosions in rapid succession. Unlike the Hulking Grimlock, the Golems were no match, causing them to explode into cinders and black mist.

*What is this? I'm...scared.* Katrin remarked as she watched on. She couldn't help but think of all the times she and Bracha shared a bath together. The times the Runemaster tutored them on the ways of living as an adventurer. Her drunken escapades. None of these memories matched up to the visage of Bracha now as she unleashed this strange power upon her foes.

As if the magic had been set to a delay, the Hulking Grimlock was assaulted by the same ferocious explosions that tore apart the spawned creatures just seconds before. When all was said and done the grimlock was sent backwards, reeling as it was finally forced to its knees.

*As I thought.* Bracha thought inwardly. She gazed upon the creature, the whole of her eyes made white with mysterious energy as she did so.

The creature before her was covered in grievous wounds. Nearly thirty percent of its face was destroyed, profusely bleeding from the upper right of it's skull. Its left arm barely hanged by tendons and muscle, causing purple blood to splatter across the ground almost uncontrollably. Several points across it's densely muscular body had been dented, as if a fist or foot shaped sledgehammer was put to use.

Bracha squinted in displeasure as she realized that the core could not be forcibly removed from the creature's body. She would have to destroy it and the creature along with it.

"Rune Arts : Wave Fist." Bracha uttered these words, lifting her hands palm upwards as she spoke. A visible flow of energy formed around her fists as she lit into her opponent once more. Rather than a plethora of speedy flashes it was almost as if Bracha moved in slow motion this time. She seemed to gracefully alight, hopping upwards with a single foot. At the same time she launched into a spin and ended with a roundhouse which caught the Hulking Grimlock across the face. The creature's body contorted unnaturally from the bone crushing force, knocking it's head several dozen centimeters away from its original location. This monstrous blow was followed up by several more, each progressively faster and less powerful than before.

Head, shoulder, arm, chin, neck and finally a double palm thrust to the creature's chest. Each blow forced the creature backwards, in some cases lifting it from the ground in the process. The core held captive in it's chest weathered the second blow, but only by a bit. A large crack appeared deep within the core's structure and spidered along the crystalline structure diagonally.

*Just die already.* Bracha thought to herself as she hopped backwards to create some space between her and the wounded creature. She bought her hands together, stopping just a few centimeters away from one another as she called forth another Runemaster ability glyph. This one was pure red in color and slowly began to shrink until it turned into a small, red orb of energy. This orb quickly disappeared, causing a like red rune to appear just behind and above Bracha's shoulder blades.

The rune began to rotate, maintaining a fixed location as Bracha prepared to take her foe down once and for all. All in all it had taken Bracha only a few seconds to use her skill, unfortunately in battle a few seconds were priceless.

Bracha, in her haste to defeat the creature, rained down blows upon it and could not get the job done. Each blow was both thunderous, swift and forceful. Powerful enough to knock the creature into the perfect position. A snake-like tentacle slithered upwards from the pit just centimeters away, coiling around the Hulking Grimlock's ankle. Another quickly wormed its way around the creature's waist and at the opportune time snatched the Grimlock away, pulling it into the nearby pit.