What... A CEO?

Min Jae looked at her surprised. His eyes became big wide in shock. He didn't even respond to her kisses. He just looked at her in a daze with big shocking eyes. After kissing him, Yu Qi quietly tried to escape from him. She turned around to walk out when Min Jae caught her hand.

She stood there still. She was feeling shy now. 'Where did all my boldness go to?? Why am I so embarrassed to see him??' She thought to herself as she couldn't turn around and look at the man lying on the bed.

She gulped as she heard him say "Won't you even look behind??"

Slowly, she turned herself around. She looked at him, he was smiling again.

'Screw that smile. This was the reason why we both ended up in trouble.' She cursed him from the inside, but she didn't mean it by heart, she just cursed him in a joking manner.

"You need something??" Gathering some courage, Yu Qi decided to speak up and that was the sentence which she could ask.

'Aishhh!! Did you just find this sentence?? Ahh!! It's so double meaning.' She again thought in her mind as her mind started to think all perverted thoughts. 'If only these thoughts had come sooner, I wouldn't have pushed him away from what he was doing.'

She broke away from her train of thoughts when she heard him say "Yeah, Can I get some water??"

"Water??" She asked confused. Her mind was just going dirty inside.

"Yeah!!" Min Jae nodded.

Pouring the water from the jug into the glass, she gave the glass to him.

Min Jae took the water in his hand and took a sip. He saw her looking at him, so he asked "Do you wanna drink too??"

"No. I'm fine. You drink. I'll go now." She said and turned around again.

"Wait!!" This time Min Jae didn't stop her by catching her hand, but he stopped her by his words. Yu Qi stopped in her tracks and turned around. She was getting a little courageous as time was passing by.

Pointing at the food tray on the table, Min Jae asked "Can you feed me??"

All the strength which was in her body, drifted away from a single 4 word sentence. She felt herself being nervous as this was going to be her first time to feed someone, not that she hadn't fed her family members, but this was going to be her first time to feed someone whom she got acquainted with..

She nodded her head and took the tray in her hand.

Min Jae made way for her and moved his legs a little to the side so that she could sit.

Yu Qi sat and placed the tray in front of her. She took the bowl of porridge and started feeding him.

1 spoon. (No talk)

2 spoon. (No talk)

3 spoon. (No talk)

As she was feeding him a spoonful of porridge, the room was filled with complete silence. Only the sound of him swallowing and the sound of her breathing was heard.

Min Jae also felt the silence in the room. He felt the silent air was suffocating him, so he started a conversation. "How odd it is right?? Yesterday, you were lying on the bed while I was the one who bought the food and today I'm lying on the bed and you are the one who is feeding me, the only exception is that I didn't feed you last time but you are feeding me."

He gave a sheepish smile. "Hehe!!"

Yu Qi nodded her head and again started to feed him. This time, she was feeding him very little by little. Feeling the room getting silent again, Min Jae asked "What are your hobbies??"

As Yu Qi was about to say, he stopped her. "Wait, let me guess!! Drawing??" He asked her and Yu Qi shook her head.








"Then, what is it?? Ahh!! I give up. You only say it to me." After saying a few more hobbies, Min Jae gave up and asked her to say by herself.

"Eating and sleeping." Yu Qi replied with a stern face.

"Really??" Min Jae looked at her shook. "Damn... I'm shook!!" He exclaimed.

With an arched brow, she looked at him questioningly. "Why so??"

Min Jae straightened his expression and said "Well, because your hobbies and my hobbies are same."

He said while pinching on his arm and then on hers "Same-same." Yu Qi smiled at his stupid childish behavior. "You are crazy!!" She laughed.

Now, Yu Qi felt good. The room wasn't silent anymore, thanks to Min Jae's childish behavior. Her parents saw Yu Qi through the transparent window. She was laughing and smiling.

"It's better to not disturb them." Mr. Song said as he saw his daughter having a good time with her husband. Mrs. Song agreed and they left the hospital without informing them.

Min Jae and Yu Qi were taking turns asking questions to one another. Now, it was Yu Qi's turn.

Ever since Day 1, Yu Qi was curious about this man. Like, he was having a really luxurious mansion, he had such wonderful cars, drivers, he even had a limo, not only that he had ordered expensive clothes for her. All this was making her think as to what the man was doing, or what was his job.

She knew that he was a little older than her, but, he didn't look that old, maybe they had a five or six years of difference. But, how much can a man even earn this much in his mid-twenties ??

So, she asked him "What is your occupation??" She so much wanted to know his occupation. This curiosity was actually killing her slowly, slowly. She poured water from the jug and took a sip.

Min Jae picked a strawberry with the toothpick and stuffed it in his mouth. After swallowing it he nonchalantly replied "CEO." Yu Qi who had just taken a sip of water in her mouth spitted all the water on the floor. She coughed a few times and asked "What... A CEO??"