Looking Him From Up Close

Yu Qi sighed heavily and looked in the living room. Min Jae was asleep on the sofa. 'He slept?? Guess this is the reason why mom pushed me out of the kitchen.' Walking over, she saw Min Jae asleep soundly. His chest moved up and down as he breathed evenly.

Going to her room, she took a quilt from her closet and covered him with it. When her mother saw what she was doing, Yu Qi said "Let's not disturb him. When he wakes up, I'll take him inside the room."

Her mother gave a nod and went back to her room.

Meanwhile, Yu Qi squatted in front of his face and looked at him keenly.

'His lashes are so thick.' She thought as she looked at his long black eyelashes. They were dark and long. Min Jae tilted his face to the other side and Yu Qi noticed how sharp his nose bridge was. Not only that, his V-shaped jawline was making it difficult for her in resisting herself from touching him.

Yu Qi gulped as she saw his perfect facial features. She hadn't noticed him from this close, it wasn't that she never was too close to him, it was just that whenever she wanted to have a good look at him, she was distracted by his deep ocean-like eyes.

Now that Min Jae had his eyes closed, Yu Qi was able to intensely stare at this man for a long time.

Until, he woke up....

Feeling a little cold, Min Jae scrunched his face. Bringing the blanket closer to his face, he turned himself to where Yu Qi sat.

And, opened his eyes.....

His eyes met Yu Qi's widened eyes. He curved the corners of his lips upwards and asked "Am I sexy??"

Baffled, Yu Qi immediately got up and fanned her face with her hands. Surely, she was surprised by this man waking up and after her eyes met with his, she felt her face turning red.

Min Jae got up and sat on the sofa. He covered himself with the blanket and flattered himself "Aishh!!! This sexiness of mine is making 'someone' feel hot." He pressurized more on the word 'Someone' so that Yu Qi can know who it was directed for.

Yu Qi looked at him annoyed. She was still fanning her face. "You seem to flaunt a lot, Mr. Lee." She huffed at his words and came out of the living room to get some fresh air.

"Damn!!! That guy.... Seriously. Ahhh!!! I'm getting crazy!!!" Yu Qi stomped her feet in annoyance.

She again fanned herself and took deep breaths "Take deep breaths, Yu Qi!! Deep breaths!!" She said to calm herself down.

Yu Qi would have had a nervous breakdown, if she hadn't come out of the living room at that instant. She tapped on her cheeks and turned behind to see whether he was coming or not.

Yu Qi sighed as she didn't see anyone behind. "Thankfully!! I'm alone."

Thinking of what just happened, Yu Qi hit on her head. "Rather than staring at that man, why did I not walk into my room. Ahh!! I would have been sleeping by now if I hadn't stared at that man." She regretted her decision of staying in the living room with Min Jae and waiting for him to wake up. His looks were really perfect that it disrupted Yu Qi's mind.

Soon, the angel and devil started conversing in her mind.

The devil said "He really has good features. It was worth watching him." While the angel defied his statement. "Because of staring, Yu Qi is in trouble. Lee Yo Han is better than him."

Thinking of Lee Yo Han, Yu Qi thought dumbfounded "From where did this Lee Yo Han come in my mind??" She laughed at her stupid thoughts and looked up at the sky. The sky was beautiful tonight. There were stars twinkling and the full moon was shining brightly. The wind was also wonderful.

But there was some coldness in the wind. Winter was to start soon. Rubbing her arms with her hands, Yu Qi looked behind.

"Looks like he won't come." Some sort of sadness came on her face as she looked behind and saw no one. A part of her wanted Min Jae to be over here with her. It had been just three days, but, she was already longing for him.

Yu Qi couldn't stop herself from getting addicted to this man everyday. She felt herself complete with him around. Eventhough, he teased her or most of the time annoyed her, she was happy that he was by her side always.

But right now, she felt his need necessary. She wanted to open up to him about her difficulties, her family matters. She wanted him by her side forever. Staying at the lawn for a little while, Yu Qi came back inside the living room. Min Jae wasn't around.

Sighing, she went to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water. Gulping it in one go, she went back inside her room, only to see him asleep. She smiled looking at him. For a second, her thoughts had turned dark. She had thought that he had gone back home and left her here.

The bed was a single one just like the hospital bed. Sitting on it, Yu Qi lifted the blanket and adjusted herself on the bed.

"You don't even move." She cried.

And she felt some space for her. Hugging him tightly by the waist, she said "Don't ever leave me and go!!"

Min Jae was surprised when he heard her. He was pretending to be sleep with her, but who knew that he would witness such an emotional Yu Qi. Her hug was tight, really tight as if she was afraid that he would let her go. Her words held some sadness in it, a voice of worry.

When Yu Qi left him and went to the lawn to get some fresh air, Min Jae actually wanted to follow her. He was closely looking at her from behind, but he was hiding whenever she was turning back.

Min Jae wanted to go and hold her from behind, but he didn't have enough courage to do so. He thought that she would feel bad and think that he is always playing with her. That is why he didn't go to her. He just stood there looking at her.

When he saw her coming back, he immediately ran to her room and pretended as if he was asleep.

But the moment he felt her tight hug, Min Jae felt something. His heart clenched....