We Had A Fight

Han Seo Young gathered all the information on Yoon Du Shik and Jang Sun Woo. While she was coming out of the room she saw Choi Yu Shik walk out of the room angrily. She bowed to him but he didn't respond to her and left. "Hmm, that is weird!" She said as she saw him walking away in anger.

Nevertheless, a single women like her didn't bother and knocked on her CEO's room. "Miss Na!" She said as she didn't get any response from the inside. She again knocked on the door "Miss Na? Are you in there?"

'This is absurd. I didn't see her go out anywhere, why is she not answering?'

Then, she heard some sobbing from inside. 'Is she crying?' She asked to herself and immediately opened the door.

There she saw Na Ae Ra squatting down on the floor with her knees pulled closer to her chest. Tears came through her eyes like water and her whole face turned red. 'Did they have a fight?' She hastily ran over and called her "Miss Na, Are you okay? Why are you crying?"

"Miss Na..." Seo Young felt speechless for a while. She had not witnessed such a scene before her eyes so, she didn't know what to do. She just got up and poured water for her in a glass and handed it to her. "Miss Na, Drink this. You will feel good!" She said and made her drink the water by her hands.

When Na Ae Ra straightened her legs and rested her body on the sofa, that was when Seo Young saw that Na Ae Ra was half naked. She was wearing only a coat on top and she was able to see her bare chest. Then she looked around and saw her top and bra lying on the floor.

"Miss Na, drink water. I will get your clothes!" Seo Young said and got up to pick her clothes when Na Ae Ra stopped her. "What is it, Miss Na?" She again squatted down in front of Na Ae Ra and asked "Do you need something else?"

"Can I hug you?" Ae Ra asked with a frail voice.

Seeing her tearful face, Seo Young also felt bad. If she could not calm down her boss from crying what sort of a secretary she was? She quickly gave a nod and pulled her for a hug.

Na Ae Ra cried more loudly and let it all go. She said in between her cries "We had (sob) a fight (sob) today (sob) (sob). He wants to (sob) marry me... (sob) But I said... that we (sob) will marry later (sob) (sob) He didn't like it and we fought!"

Seo Young patted on Na Ae Ra's back and confidently said "You know what Miss Na? As a secretary, no... as your friend, I will find the culprit for you... So, just stop fighting and get married while I will find the culprit for you..." She took Ae Ra's hand and interlinked her pinky finger with Ae Ra's pinky finger and said "It is a promise! You will receive the name of your dad's murderer before your one month of marriage gets over!"

She proudly said and wiped Ae Ra's tears. She gave her the glass of water and Ae Ra drank it. "I am sorry! I became a burden on you ever since your first day with me." Ae Ra said apologetically.

"Don't say sorry! We are friends now. Friends are meant to share burden with one another. They don't need to say sorry or thank you, okay?"

Ae Ra lightly gave her a nod. She calmed down a little after talking with Seo Young.

"Besides, what should I call you?" Seo Young asked as she realized that she hadn't asked her what to call her. "Miss Na would be too much for a friend and Boss will also be too much for a friend, too." She again said as she thought of the two names with which she was calling Ae Ra at the office.

"Anything would be fine!" Ae Ra said and got up. She took her clothes and stood there waiting for Seo Young to answer. Seo Young got up as she got up too and said "We both are of the same age, so we can just call one another by names. I will call you Ae Ra and you can call me Seo Young!" She gave a smile.

Ae Ra gave a nod and went inside the other room to wear her clothes. After wearing her clothes, she cleaned her office room and threw the waste in the bin.

"Ohh right! I forgot this." Seo Young said as she remembered about the file which she had bought. She handed it to Ae Ra and said "This the information which you told me to bring. Yoon Du Shik is the owner of the building opposite to us. He is old by now so, the KGH Enterprises is being held by his only son, Yoon Jun Ki and the man Jang Sun Woo, I couldn't find much information about him as he is no longer alive. He died due to cardiac arrest. No children either."

"Then why are they on my dad's enemy list?" Ae Ra asked as she looked at the information written in the file about those two. Ae Ra said as she intently stared at the son's photo of Yoon Du Shik "I think I have seen him somewhere!"

"You think so too?" Seo Young asked surprised.