Eating Street Food

"Please make this the best wedding for us both. I want to have her picture in my eyes forever." Yu Shik requested the wedding planner. He wanted to keep Ae Ra's picture in his eyes forever, till the day he was to die.

Ae Ra and Yu Shik had come to the wedding planner for the discussions regarding the wedding. After trying the third wedding gown, Ae Ra looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes gleamed as she saw herself in the dress she had always wanted to see. She had always dreamt of wearing a beautiful white gown that will make her look the best among all.

A beautiful dress with a handsome man and a complete family. She had got the first two things but, there was no complete family from neither sides. Yu Shik was an orphan while Ae Ra lost her dad in a brutal murder and her mom when she was young. All she had was little sketches of her mother and nothing more.

"See, Dad, your daughter looks beautiful in this gown. I wish you had been here, Dad. I wish you were with me to help me walk the aisle, to help me in arranging a perfect wedding. I just miss you!" She cried as she remembered her father. Just then, a saleswoman knocked on the door and came inside "Is the dress all good?"

Ae Ra wiped her tears and forced out a smile "Yes, It is the best one. Thank you!"

"Your husband seems to love you a lot. He knows each and every single like and dislike of you. He can't stop praising you!" The saleswoman gave a shy smile.

Ae Ra blushed and came out of the changing room.

As soon as she opened the door, the wedding planner and Yu Shik, both looked in her direction. The wedding planner despite of being a woman couldn't help but, feel awe at the woman standing in front of her. A bit of jealousy rose in her heart even after being much older than Ae Ra.

Whereas, Yu Shik had his eyes all bawled out. A different sort of happiness arose in his heart but it soon disappeared when he told himself that there was a week left for the day to come.

Ae Ra looked at Yu Shik with a blush on her face. She felt so shy that she couldn't even make an eye contact with him. After Yu Shik decided that this was the dress which she was to wear she went back to change her clothes. Till she came back, Yu Shik discussed each and every detail regarding the wedding.

Everything from food, to the comfort of the guests was all given to the wedding planner. By the time Ae Ra came out from the changing room, Yu Shik had already finished discussing the things with the wedding planner.

As he saw her coming out, he got up and smiled "Hope you will do everything to our expectations! Thank you for taking out your time!" He bowed to her and held Ae Ra's hand. "Lets go!"

Ae Ra also bowed and came out of the store. As she stepped out, the aroma of street food filled her nostrils. She inhaled the scent and let go of his hand and walked to where the aroma was coming from.

"Does this woman like me or the food more?" Yu Shik asked to himself as he was left behind by her. He followed her and stopped where she stopped. "You want to eat over here?" Yu Shik asked her as he saw a street vendor selling dumplings.

She nodded her head and ordered "Two bowls of dumplings, please!"

"Are you sure you want to eat over here?" Yu Shik asked her again. Being a doctor he liked hygiene and cleanliness a lot. He looked at the oil spread on the counter top. That made him make a gross face.

The vendor handed her two bowls and she thanked him and paid the money. She handed one bowl to him and kept the other to herself. "Let's sit over there." She pointed at the stair in front of her.

"You mean we will be sitting on the ground?" Yu Shik asked her being concerned.

"Of course!" She pulled him by his arm and sat at the stair. "Come, sit. The dumplings will get cold." She whined and pulled him by his pant. Yu Shik huffed and sat on the stair. He felt uncomfortable sitting on the rough ground for the first time.

Ae Ra noticed his uncomfortable behavior and said "I know you don't like all this. But I was craving for some street food from quite a long time. If you don't want it then we will go to a restaurant and eat." She looked at him and smiled.

Yu Shik looked at the dumplings in the bowl. He picked one with his chopsticks and ate it. He spoke while chewing "It is okay. If my Ae Ra wants it, there is no problem for me in getting it!" Ae Ra chuckled as she heard him. His voice sounded funnier than ever.

And her laugh made him think that she took it as a joke. So he waved his hand and protested "I am speaking the truth, trust me!"

Ae Ra stopped her laugh and said sternly. "I trust you. Hahaha!" She stopped her laugh for a while but she couldn't control it anymore. She burst out laughing. And Yu Shik immediately kept the bowl down and walked away.

"Hey, wait!" Ae Ra screamed to stop him. But, Yu Shik just walked away being angry.

"Get these packed, please!" Ae Ra handed the bowls of dumplings back to the street vendor. She couldn't put the food to waste at all. "Please, do it quickly!" She again said to the street vendor. She looked in the direction which Yu Shik left. She was still able to see his back.

"Here you go." The street vendor handed her the packed dumplings and she sprinted after him.

But as she was walking an old man from inside a small shoe repair shop stopped her.

"Are you Na Ae Ra?"