Are You Hiding Something From Me?

The next morning Ae Ra woke up in the arms of Yu Shik. She blinked her eyes and looked at his sleeping face. She touched his cheek and smiled. He looked so handsome while sleeping. Yu Shik had a small face and a prominent nose. She poked on the tip of his nose and softly giggled.

However, her mood changed when she felt her lower part sore. She frowned "You said that you would be gentle and rather than being gentle, you tormented me like a beast... Hmph!" They had spent the whole night doing, trying different positions at different places, on the floor, in the bathroom and also while standing.

Ae Ra felt absurd as she thought of what happened yesterday. Both of them were behaving like people who were so eager to have sex. She sat on the bed covering her front with the bed-sheet. She fold her arms above her chest and looked sideways. She was tired now. Despite of taking a long sleep, she was tired due to the heated exercise....

So, She took her phone. 'When did I even switch off my phone?' She asked to herself as she waited for the phone to switch on.

Just as the phone's screen was opening, she felt a hand travelling on her back.

Yu Shik woke up when he saw Ae Ra taking her phone. He saw his wife's bare back from behind and he mischievously smiled. He traced her back seductively with his hand. When he felt his hand being pushed away, he pulled her down by her waist and laid on top of her.

"W...Wait, Wh...what are..." Ae Ra's words were broken by a kiss on her lips. She made some sounds from her lips trying to make him stop. Yu Shik snatched the phone from her hand and as he was keeping the phone on the table, he saw a message... It was from Seo Young. He read the first few words and his eyes widened.

He slammed the phone on the table and shut it off. He continued kissing Ae Ra and removed the bed-sheet which was separating their body from being touched by one another. "I love you!" He said and again entered inside her.

While thrusting himself inside her, he leaned more closer to her and took the phone in his hand. He threw it down as if it fell from his hands accidentally. Ae Ra heard some sound, but because of his thrusting even deeper, she quickly escalated her thoughts and focused on him.

She felt her mind going blank as his thrusts went even more deeper. " gonna..."

"Me too!!!" Yu Shik added along her and reached his climax.

He kissed on her forehead and walked towards the bathroom showing his bare butt. Without any more energy in her body, Ae Ra glared, grunted and then closed her eyes.


"Dad!!!" Ae Ra woke up with a scream. She was sweating badly and her body was getting hotter as if she was having some high fever.

"You okay?" Yu Shik was checking something on his laptop, when he saw her immediately sprung up from her bed and scream. Hearing the word, Dad... He realized that it was another one of her nightmare. He stroked her hair and poured water for her in a glass.

Ae Ra took the glass from his hand and drank the water in one go. She breathed heavily after quickly finishing it. Yu Shik sat beside her and again stroked her hair. "Was it another nightmare?" He asked with a concerned voice.

"This time, I saw his face..."

"You did?" At this moment, Yu Shik felt that his world was going to break soon.

"But it wasn't clear..."

This made Yu Shik breath a sigh of relief. "Maybe, I should say her the truth... I can't see her getting hurt again and again!" Unknowingly, he spoke out loud enough for Ae Ra to hear.

"What truth?" Ae Ra asked looking at him confused.

As he heard her question, Yu Shik realized that he had spoken aloud. This was his time to say, but he didn't find any courage to speak. He sat there silent for a while and Ae Ra shook him "What is wrong? What truth you have to say to me? Are you hiding something from me?"

"Huh? Nothing, nothing at all." Yu Shik shook his head and leaned over to kiss her forehead. He kissed on her forehead and said "Lie down for a while, I will bring something for you to eat."

Ae Ra nodded her head and rested on the bed. She closed her eyes and tried thinking who that man was. She scrunched her face to recollect everything but as she tried recollecting, she felt that each and every thing of her dream was fading part by part.

Now, she couldn't even remember anything what she saw except for her old nightmare in which she always used to see the man approaching her to kill...

"Wait a minute. Seo Young told me that she would find out about it. Maybe I should call her and tell her about my nightmare, so that she could get some clue from it." Ae Ra got up from her bed and searched for her phone. "Where did my phone go?"

She got out off her bed and wore a bathrobe. "I just kept my phone over here, where did it go?" She continued searching for her phone, when she remembered that Yu Shik had snatched it from her hand in the morning.

She quickly got out of her room and walked towards the kitchen. The aroma of Italian food entered her nostrils. However, she just stood near the doorway of the kitchen entrance and asked "Did you see my phone?"