Got To Know The Murderer

Due to some problem, Yu Shik cancelled their honeymoon trip to City H and instead he spent his honeymoon with Ae Ra in their city itself. Days went by and both Ae Ra and Yu Shik enjoyed their one month of honeymoon greatly. They did shopping together, watching movies going on dates and yes, doing it in different positions...

It was fun and enjoyable for the two of them. Ae Ra got to know about Yu Shik more. But there was one thing which bothered her a lot. When she asked him more about his parents, he always diverted the topic.

And right now, when she again asked him about his parents, he didn't say much. However, his eyes told that he was getting angry and upset, so, she didn't probe in further.

At night, Yu Shik laid down on the bed. He sighed as he felt the bed under him. After his one month of honeymoon, too much work piled up. He was busy in checking the reports and stuffs of the patients who were gonna come tomorrow.

He didn't know when it became night. Therefore, as he came back and laid down on the bed, sleep was inviting him. He didn't see Ae Ra beside him. Knowing that she too might be busy in her work, he closed his eyes and immediately drifted to sleep.

Meanwhile, Ae Ra sat on the sofa in the living room. She looked at the photo displayed wide on her laptop screen. With tears coming out from her eyes she asked "Why? Why would you do it?"

Then, her phone rang. She looked at the caller ID. It was Seo Young. Wiping her tears and clearing her throat, she picked up the call. "Seo Young."

She exclaimed as she heard her voice.

"Are you okay?" Seo Young asked worriedly. She knew how much Ae Ra was going to be shocked after knowing that Yu Shik was the one who had killed her father. After all, she had trusted him, she gave herself to him and more importantly she had loved him.

Seo Young had decided to not say it to Ae Ra. Actually, she was hiding it from long. When both Ae Ra and Yu Shik had gotten into a fight, Seo Young had searched more about Yu Shik. When she got to know that Yu Shik's actual name was Jin Woo, she couldn't help but be surprised about it because a person named Jin Woo was in the suspect list of Ae Ra's father's.

She searched more and more and found a link connecting Yu Shik and Jun Ki together. On that day, she had called Ae Ra in the evening to say all the information which she had found.

But when she heard Ae Ra's excited voice over the phone, she decided not to. When Ae Ra called her back, she didn't say half of what she had found. She just said that Yoon Jun Ki was Yu Shik's friend.

She just kept on investigating more and more. And on the second day of Ae Ra's honeymoon, she was able to completely know about Yu Shik.

It was because of Yu Shik's friend, Yoon Jun Ki.

That day....


After completing her work, Seo Young closed her laptop and was going to sleep, when she heard a knock on the door. Thinking that she might have misheard it, she laid on the bed and turned to the other side. She again heard the knock. It came again and again...

With confusion on her face, she walked towards the door and asked "Who is there?"

"I am Yoon Jun Ki!" She heard the reply from outside.

As soon as she heard it, she kept herself on guard. "Why are you here?"

"I need to talk to you..." Jun Ki said from the other side of the door. When he didn't hear any reply, he again said "It is urgent! It is about Na Ae Ra's father.."

Not receiving any reply from the inside, Yoon Jun Ki elaborated "I know who killed him and why did he do it."

"Who?" Seo Young asked completely sticking to the door. She was getting afraid as time was passing. She thought that this was one of his traps to capture her because she was investigating on Choi Yu Shik, his friend.

"Just open the door and I will tell you. It is cold outside and I am not wearing anything other than a single T-shirt and shorts..." Yoon Jun Ki said. He was feeling cold. The weather was starting to get chilly.

Seo Young cautiously opened the door. As she opened the door, she saw a familiar figure behind Yoon Jun Ki. "Mr. Choi? You? Over here?" She asked looking at him in a daze. She looked behind him to check whether Ae Ra was there or not. When she noticed that she wasn't there, she asked "Where is Ae Ra? Why aren't you with her?"

Meanwhile, Yoon Jun Ki was getting tired of waiting outside. Anymore longer and he was gonna freeze from the bad chilling weather. Pushing her aside, he entered inside the house while rubbing his hands. "Ahh! It is so cold out!"

He started blowing on his hands. "Really cold!"

Seo Young looked at him with a glare and again looked back at Choi Yu Shik. He was still standing outside of her door looking very low and dull.

"Please, come in!" Seo Young said and moved aside to let him in. Choi Yu Shik got inside her house. He sat down where Jun Ki sat and Seo Young followed behind. She dragged a chair from the dining table and sat opposite them.

"So, what do you wanna say?" She asked and looked at the man who was blowing his hands. He was more handsome in person rather than his photos.

She thought that he was a funny type of guy, but the moment she saw him sitting upright and speaking in a cold voice, she trembled. A cold sweat ran behind her back as she heard his cold sound.

Jun Ki said in a cold voice "Let's get back to the topic... Up until now, you got to know that Yu Shik's name is Jin Woo and he was in the suspect list, right?"

Seo Young moved her head from up to down indicating it as a yes.

"There is nothing more for you to investigate, because the person who killed her father is right here!" Jun Ki completed his sentence and pointed at Choi Yu Shik.

"At the time of her father's death, I was there too, so I saw it all..." Jun Ki again continued. "What my friend did was actually right... He lost both of his parents, so, he was in the correct state to take a revenge!" Jun Ki looked at her with a cold glare.

It was enough to kill someone, if looks had the power to kill...

"So... You mean to say that your friend, Mr. Choi is the killer?"