So, You Finally Came?

The next morning, Ae Ra woke up with puffy eyes and a swollen face. Maybe, due to crying, her face had turned like that. She looked at the time in her clock..

"What? It's 7.30 already?" She immediately got out of the bed and went to the closet to pick up some clothes... 'I can't believe that I didn't wake up early..' She thought and entered inside the washroom holding a set of clothes.

Fifteen minutes later, she came out wearing her clothes. She wore a green V-neck top and black parallel pants... Her green top entirely hugged her body and it displayed her body figure... Small chest and a thin waist...

Keeping her hair open she came out of her room. Thinking that Yu Shik might be in the kitchen, she annoyingly said "Why didn't you wake me up..." She looked towards the kitchen and it was empty.

'Is he not here?'

Then, she saw a sticky note on the dining table.. She took the note and read it...

"I am sorry. I have an emergency thus, I left earlier. Nevertheless, I prepared breakfast for you. I couldn't make much so, its just a vegetable sandwich. Sorry... And Love You <3 <3"

While reading the note, her mind got only stuck with one thing.. With red-teary eyes, she said "My Yu Shik could never be the killer... Because if he was, he won't show his care for me... Instead of Love you, he would have written I hate you. I know it is not him..."

Wrapping two sandwiches in an aluminum foil, she wore her black pointy heels and left the house..

She hailed a cab and sat inside the car...

Few minutes later, the taxi came to a sudden halt.. Na Ae Ra asked the cab driver as she was about to get injured due to the sudden jerk "What is wrong?" She looked ahead of her and saw few cars had collided one after the other!

With an apologetic face, The taxi driver looked behind and said "Are you alright, Miss? I am sorry for the sudden brake! There is an accident up front. So, the whole road seems to be blocked... But there is this intersection towards the right which will also lead you to your address... If I had gone any further, I would have missed the intersection, that is why I gave a sudden brake..."

"It's okay. Let us go then." Ae Ra looked at the empty road to her right... 'I think it would be better to avoid this road and go there'

The taxi driver immediately turned his car to the right and went through the other road...

As the car went by smoothly, Ae Ra looked around... This surrounding was very much familiar to her... Then she looked at the store where she and Yu Shik had gone to meet the wedding planner...

'Wasn't the man over here only?' She recollected and said "STOP. Stop the car..."

The taxi again came to a sudden halt... "What is the matter, Miss?"

Ae Ra clearly took a look at her surrounding and opened the car door..

"W...Wait, What are you doing, Miss?"

Taking out some cash from her bag she gave it to the taxi driver... "Thank you for the ride." She said with a smile and walked away.

"Is this the place?" With her high heels, Ae Ra walked looking around confused. She was looking here and there to find the street vendor... If she did find the street vendor, she could have easily met that old man..

After looking to her front, she saw a street vendor... Her eyes widened as she saw the same old man buying something to eat over there...

"Ahjusshi(1)? Is it you?" The old man turned to his side to look at the woman standing beside him.

With a smile on his face, he asked her "So, you finally came.." He took the fried chicken in his hand and started walking past Ae Ra. She followed him. With confusion written all over her face, she asked "Ahjusshi, why would you say that?"

The old man walked and walked till he reached his shoe repair shop. Unlocking the door in front of him, he said with full confidence "Because I knew that you would come! Hahaha!" He started laughing and entered inside the shop.

"Why are you laughing, Ahjusshi?"

"Because it is funny... The last time you told that, that man would never be bad and you won't also need to come over here again... But now see you came back!!! Haha!!" The old man continued laughing and sat on a stool. He took the fried chicken parcel and started eating one by one..

"But, what do you mean by that? I want to know why you said it that way..." Ae Ra looked at the old man eating. Her heart started to race faster as she saw the man finishing his chicken pieces one by one... She didn't wanted him to stop eating, until she had left... Because, if he did she was gonna hear the truth... The actual truth.

At first, she didn't know why she even came over here... It is just like so stupid. Even after she saw his photo and all the texts and stuff, Ae Ra was still not able to believe that her husband was involved in this..

And there was also this thing bothering her... If he was to be involved in this or he was the one who did it, why hadn't he not killed her until now? Why did he took care of her for the past 12 years? Why he didn't allow her to cook and instead cooked himself? Why did he make her smile, again? And why was he the one who was gonna make her cry, again? Why was it that her heart was hurting with everything what she saw last night?

Even if she was to ask him something related to this, she was getting afraid... afraid that he would accuse her of blaming him unnecessarily... They had just been married and she didn't wanted arguments or fights to come in between their relationship. She would never be able to tolerate that.

"I too was the witness of your father's death.."