Don't Make Me Hate You, Please!

"What are you saying, Ae Ra?" Yu Shik asked completely dazed. He was still at a lost of words.

"Don't mention my name from your mouth again!"

"But why? You and I are going to be parents... How can you say something like this?" He held her by her hands and looked at her with tear filled eyes. The divorce thing was getting him teared up. It was upsetting him and making him feel bad. Not only for himself but also for his unborn child.

"Parents? What do you mean?" Ae Ra asked surprised.

When Yu Shik heard this, a hope arose in his heart. He felt happy over her question. With a smile on his face, he answered "You are 2 weeks pregnant! The doctor told me now... And so, I have to take good care of you." As he was approaching more closer to hug her, Ae Ra stepped back.

All his happiness shattered like the glass breaking into many uncountable pieces after falling down, as he heard her say "I don't want to raise my child with a murderer like you. NEVER!" She yelled at him and removed her hands away from his grip.

"Ae Ra..." Yu Shik felt like another heart attack... He felt that he was at a loss of words. The tears which he was controlling until now started to come out of his eyes. With a shaky voice, he kept calling her name only to see her getting away from him.

"Ae Ra, please!" With a thud, he knelt down on the floor. "Don't say those harsh things to me... You know how much we both love each other, right?"

"Please, Ae Ra... Say something! I want to hear something from you... I know that our love is strong and it can't be broken just by this..."

Ae Ra didn't pay any attention to his words. She was deeply hurt. She didn't know why she even said that but she just did what she felt right. She was not going to raise a child in front of a killer. Not only that, his words were hurting her more than she had thought.

Ae Ra lied down on the bed and turned to the other side such that her back was facing him. With tears falling down her cheeks, she said "I know that our love is strong. So, please don't make me hate you anymore. I have tried all that I could do but I can't hate you anymore. So, just leave. Leave me alone and never come back." Saying these words, she tightly closed her eyes and felt the warm tears falling down more quickly.

Once when she was gonna open her eyes, she wanted all of this to be a dream... Just a bad nightmare.

But as she opened her eyes back again she saw him kneeling down in front of her. Yu Shik had his hands joint together in a begging manner. "Don't make me leave you. If I ever was to leave you and go I would never be happy in my life..." He stretched out his hand to caress her face when Ae Ra turned to the other side.

"Please, Please, just go. I beg you..." She pleaded to him.

"I promise I won't do anything bad. Just let me be with you for a while... I can't stay away from you." He burst out crying loudly.

Ae Ra wiped the tears surrounding her eyes and got up. "Do you think I will ever be able to forgive the person who killed my father?" She asked looking at him coldly.

She had promised her father that she would be avenging him but who would have thought that for avenging her father she had to kill the person who had become more dear to her. Rather than killing him, she decided that it was better for her to leave him because she would never be able to kill the person whom she loves.

Ae Ra's love for Yu Shik was too much that she felt it hard to even let him go.

"You know that my only motive was to avenge for my parents. Your father had ruined my mother's life and I lost her... Then, I lost my dad because he couldn't bear living without the person whom he loved for his entire lifetime... Do you think that I would have not done something regarding this? I lost both my parents year after year and you expected me to do nothing? Just like how you wanted to avenge your father, the same way I did it for my parents, Ae Ra.

But no matter what, my love for you is sincere and it will always be. I know that it is stupid to think of another chance but, if you can't give me another chance at least... at least let me stay with you till I see my child grow up. I don't want our child to be without a father or... a mother, Ae Ra. I want to give him both of our love."

Yu Shik got up and walked towards the exit. "I know there won't be a second chance but I will be happy if it was only for the sake of our child. Nevertheless, I will leave now... You should rest more and don't take anymore stress." Saying this, he opened the door and walked out of the room.

"I think I did good. I know there won't be a slightest possibility so, I need to be prepared to hear her No. Ahh, I would surely miss her, a lot. And years later, if I am alive, I would wonder how my child is doing... Hehehe!" Yu Shik exited the hospital laughing.

As the door closed behind her, Ae Ra threw the glass in her hand towards the door. She yelled loudly trying to vent her anger. "Ahh! Why did it had to be him, Dad? Why?"