Let's Leave Together Happily!

"What did you just say?" Seo Young asked surprised. A little relief came over her heart because this is what Ae Ra wanted. But she wanted to make sure whether she had heard it properly or not.

"Yes! I have thought of it! She will be happy if I divorce her. I only want her happiness... And I'm also happy to know that she have decided to kept the child." Yu Shik said with a proud smile on his face.

"Okay, then! Make sure to talk to her, then." Seo Young said and got inside her car.

"Drop me at Jun Ki's home." Yu Shik bent down and looked at her through the window.

"Why? You won't stay over with her?"

Yu Shik chuckled at her question.

"Why are you laughing?" Seo Young asked looking at him weirdly.

"Don't you know that divorced couples don't stay under one roof?"

"I know. But you guys aren't completely divorced yet. So, just stay over. Bye." Seo Young waved her hand and drove away. Yu Shik looked at the car speeding away. He was baffled by her reaction. "I guess I will stay over for the day." With a sigh, he scratched his head and entered inside his house.

As he opened the door, he saw Ae Ra seated on the sofa. She had her head hung down while all her hair scattered all over her face. At this moment, she looked no less than a ghost.

But thankfully due to her colorful clothes Yu Shik knew who it was and he didn't scream. Being a little startled, he quietly took steps and walked towards the kitchen. He took a glass and filled it with warm water and walked back towards her.

"Here. I think... you are thirsty."

Staying with her for 12 years at-most, he knew all that what Ae Ra wanted or needed.. He was able to understand her thoroughly... Although there were a few times that he wasn't able to understand her but most of the times he knew what she wanted.

As he noticed Ae Ra not giving back any response, he again said "Ae Ra, Water!"


He again got no response.

Carefully, he tapped on her shoulder and Ae Ra looked up. Her hair were scattered all over her face. And perhaps, she was crying due to which some of the hair strands were stuck on her face. As he stretched out his finger to remove the hair strands from her face, Ae Ra held his hand. He looked at her surprised "Ae Ra?"

Ae Ra held his hand by his wrist and pulled it closer towards her stomach. She made him stroke on her belly. "Today..." She started speaking.

"Today, I was gonna stab myself to death.. And eventually, the small seed inside me was to be dead... But...

But... Thanks to him, I decided against it... I want to see the child grow, Yu Shik! ... I want to hear the child cry, I want to hear the child laugh... I want the child to come out in this world... so, It is better..."

Before she could complete her sentence, Yu Shik completed it. "I know... It is better if we do it! Don't worry, The child will come out in this world..." Yu Shik sat beside her and pushed her hair behind her ear.

"Now, you look good!" He smiled and gave the glass of water to her. "Drink it!"

Ae Ra drank the water happily thinking that Yu Shik also wanted the same.

As he took the empty glass back from her and got up to walk inside the kitchen, Ae Ra pulled him in a back hug. She hugged him from behind and rested her head on his back. "Thank you. Thank you very much." She said and held him tightly in her embrace.

At first, Yu Shik was surprised by her sudden hug. It had been 2-3 days since he and Ae Ra had hugged each other. He felt good. He kept his hands on hers and smiled.

With a pleasured look on her face, Ae Ra said "I'm happy that I don't have to leave you anymore."

"Yeah... Me too..." As Yu Shik completed, he realized what Ae Ra told him.

Abruptly, he broke from the hug and turned around. "What did you just say?"

Ae Ra looked at him confused. She was quite dumbstruck by this. "What, what did I just say?" She asked back at him with a pout on her face. She tried pulling him closer towards her shyly.

"Wait." He removed her hands and asked "What do you mean by you don't have to leave me anymore?" Yu Shik asked with a questioning look on his face.

"I thought about it... My dad was at fault... Or maybe I was at fault... And what you did was avenged your parents... and if I had been at your place... I would have also done the same thing! So, that is why, I don't want our child to suffer because of our past. Like you said... I want him to have both a mother and a father... So, let's not divor... Mmhh.." Before she could complete her sentence, she was broken off by a kiss.

Excitedly, Yu Shik pulled her in for a kiss. This was the only way that he could express his feelings to her. He was really happy for this...

But one thing was messing up his happy brain. He immediately broke from the kiss and took a few breaths. "So, it means you have forgiven me?" He kissed her back as he saw her nodding repeatedly.


4 Years Later

It was morning and a couple still hadn't finished their daily routine. The woman sat on top of the man and moaned loudly as she moved her hips up and down in a continuous motion.

"You are so slow." Yu Shik said and caught her by her hips and made her go fast.

"Ahh. Yu Shik. We can't... Not.. this fast... He will.. come." Ae Ra said with heavy breathings. Him making her move faster was making her loose her mind completely. Her breasts were moving up and down as she was being constantly moved faster in a rhythmic position.

"No... I...I.." Ae Ra cried as she felt herself reaching her limit.

"Are you gonna reach your climax?" Yu Shik asked with a grin on his face.

"Y..yes..." Ae Ra said shyly while holding her breasts.

With a swift, Yu Shik pulled her down and rolled. Now, he was on top of her while she laid below him. "Now, you can do!" He said and leaned closer to her. He increased his pace and thrusted more deeply inside her.

Ae Ra cried out with pleasure as she felt the fluid filling inside her body... Ae Ra took heavy breaths and saw Yu Shik lying down beside her after covering her with the blanket.

Yu Shik turned to Ae Ra's side and rested his head on his palm. With a smile on his face, he traced her nose bridge and tapped on it. "You know, I still think back to that day... when you and I were on the verge of divorcing..."

"I still don't get how you were able to forgive me..." Yu Shik said with a frown on his face.

Ae Ra chuckled and stroked his cheek. "You don't have to think that hard... My answer is simple.. I just fell for the ANTAGONIST, Mr. Choi and I couldn't help it.." She emphasized more on the word 'Antagonist' and this made Yu Shik annoyed.

He held her hand which was stroking his cheek and with a smug look on his face, he asked her "Antagonist, you say?"

Ae Ra gave a nod and he leaned closer to whisper in her ear, "Fine! I will behave as the antagonist that you fell for, Mrs. Choi!" And he bit on her neck.

Ae Ra hissed. "Ehhh! Why did you bite?" She asked annoyed.

"Because I'm the antagonist!" Yu Shik replied and kissed her lips.

As his lips touched hers, the door opened... "Mommy!!" A four year old boy came inside the room running. Yu Shik immediately rolled back on the bed and hid himself inside the blanket. The young boy didn't notice anything weird and he came to his mother's side hopping. "Mommy!" With big black eyes, he looked at his mother and pouted.

Ae Ra knew what it was. She moved closer and kissed him on his lips. "There you go, Sungchan!"

As he felt his mommy's sweet kiss, Sungchan jumped up and down excitedly. He ran towards the edge of the bed and started to climb onto it. Since, he was still small, the bed was very big for him to get on. He tried to hold the blanket with his hands to get up.

Ae Ra looked at what her son was doing and she sat upright on the bed and covered her body with the blanket. "Here! Come here..." She signaled him to come closer with her hands.

Sungchan happily hopped towards his mother and Ae Ra lifted him up. She placed him in between herself and Yu Shik. She ruffled his hair and he gave a big smile. Then, he moved closer to his Dad and kissed him on his cheek. "Boo!" He said and laughed.

Ae Ra also laughed as she saw them both play...

'I'm sorry Dad, I couldn't do it. I love him as much as I love you, Dad. I hope you will forgive me...' Ae Ra said in her mind and continued back playing with her child.