Will You Be My Girlfriend?

After reaching home, for the whole night both Han Sora and Han Seohyun couldn't sleep. While Han Sora was tossing in the bed, Seohyun was pacing from here to there in the living room.

They both had just one question in their mind "He likes her but why did he make a move on me?"

Due to Han Sora and Lee Yi Kyung always being close, Han Seohyun had always thought that they were together, like in a relationship... But she was surprised when he told her that he wanted to make her his...

So, Han Seohyun was wondering why would Yi Kyung kiss her all of a sudden rather than doing it with Han Sora. Seohyun hadn't expected things to turn out like this... For her, it felt like an actual date because of Yi Kyung being the first one to kiss her...

Han Sora also wondered as to why Lee Junsu would buy slippers for her, give her his jacket, remembered what she had said almost 7 years back and even dried her hair by himself...

All of his actions were making her feel as if he was liking her... And then that almost kiss, she felt that he was definitely into her...

But then she kept on disagreeing and told herself that she was just a teen and teens have this kind of fantasies very often... So she should be thinking like an adult. Both, the sisters didn't know when they fell asleep. While Han Seohyun slept on the sofa in the living room, Han Sora slept on the floor in her room.

They were just too much into thoughts that they didn't know what they were even doing or where they were...


At the end of the graduation ceremony, everyone took photos with their respective class students. Since, Yi Kyung and Han Sora were besties, they also took few photos together...

After everyone were dispersing after clicking their photos, Lee Yi Kyung walked out of the assembly hall and rushed towards the school playground. He once again touched his pocket making sure the thing was there.

At first, after coming back from the amusement park, Han Sora had decided to propose him by herself the next day... But he hadn't come to school that day... And then she decided to do it on graduation day itself.

And at night, as she took out her phone to message him... She herself received a message from Yi Kyung. Yi Kyung had messaged her saying that after the graduation ceremony was over, she was to come to the school playground because he had something to say to her...

When the talk was said like that obviously, everyone who has a feeling towards that person, will think that something good was to happen and they would say something nice to her.

So, just like that... Even Han Sora felt happy knowing that Lee Yi Kyung was gonna propose her... It was going to be the best day of her life. She thought.

Five minutes after Yi Kyung was gone, Han Sora also left the assembly hall. The school playground was just 3 minutes away and so, Han Sora walked towards the school playground with a rapid beating heart.

As she entered inside the playground, she heard loud cheers and claps... Her heart beat more faster thinking that Yi Kyung was doing something due to which the crowd was cheering this loud. As she walked more closer, she felt herself struck by lightning... Her heart immediately broke into two as she saw what was happening in front of her...

"How can this be?" She exclaimed as she saw Yi Kyung sitting on one knee and proposing to her elder sister, Han Seohyun.

Unexpectedly, tears started to fall from her eyes... It was really surprising for her to know that for all this while, she was the only one loving Yi Kyung...

It was just a one-sided love.

With tears in her eyes, she immediately turned around to walk away... But astonishingly stopped...

She saw Lee Junsu, sitting on one knee and proposing to her. He held a beautiful diamond ring in front of her with a smile on his face.

"Will you be my girlfriend, Han Sora?"

"I..I.." As she was about to say something, Han Sora looked around and noticed everyone cheering...

"Ohh my God! Look at this... Two proposals in one day... How sweet!" one of the student said.

"Wait... I know that guy. That is Lee Junsu from LMK." Another girl said to one of her friends.

"Really? How do you know?" The girl's friend asked her back and the girl said that her father works in LMK so, she knows about it...

All the girls had various emotions while looking at the two handsome men proposing.... But they were despising the fact that, a dark-skinned girl like Han Sora was getting proposed by a rich and handsome guy like Lee Junsu.

The girls looked at Han Sora enviously... And for those who had always had a crush on Yi Kyung, looked at Han Seohyun enviously...

They were envious of Han Seohyun being so beautiful and tall...

Not receiving any reply from her, Lee Junsu looked at her eyes filled with tears. He took hold of this chance and inserted the ring inside her ring finger. As Han Sora retreated her hand away from him, Lee Junsu stood up and pulled her closer by her waist...

Pulling her by her waist, he kissed her on her lips.