She Regretted Slapping Him!

After knowing that his mother was hospitalized, Lee Junsu was broke. He was very close to his mother and that precious person was hospitalized. He couldn't believe when he saw his mother all still lying in the white bed wearing a hospital gown.

He was traumatized… And now, when he thought that he would find some comfort by being with Han Sora, she also didn't feel like doing so… So, when he heard her rejection, he intentionally hugged her tight not trying to let go of her.

When he heard her sobs, he realized what he was doing and instantly let go of her.

Trying to hold back her tears, Sora lifted her hand and tightly slapped him on his right cheek. She hadn't slapped anyone before, this was the first time since, she slapped someone.

Her slap was so hard that the voice echoed inside the café. "Please, don't ever do such things with me!" She screamed at him with anger.

Junsu became shocked to the core… Anger started to grow inside him… but he didn't have the courage to scold the person whom he loved. He rubbed his cheek. Her slap was indeed hard, he felt his cheek resonating with pain.

Taking a step back, he let out a small smile and apologized. "Sorry. I just wanted to hug you once… but I'm okay.. now. I will leave, excuse me.." He bowed to her and turned around to leave.

As the coffee was done, the coffee machine made a clacking sound and Sora took the cup from under it. She held the warm cup in her hand and saw him heading out of the café. "Well… This is it, I guess." She said and threw the cup in the bin.


As Han Sora came out of her room to leave for her private classes, the next day… she saw her mother entering the house… She saw her mother's depressed face. Being worried, she asked "Is everything okay, Mom? You seem dull."

Sora's mother removed her shoes and walked inside the house. With a sad expression on her face, she answered "Mrs. Lee is hospitalized. The doctors said that she is in a critical condition… Anytime, anything can happen… I'm just worried for her!"

"What? Mrs. Lee? When?"

"I thought you knew about it…It happened day before yesterday." Sora's mother replied and sat on the chair being all gloomed.

Sora shook her head. "Which hospital is she in? Tell me, I will go visit her!"

Sora's mother told her which hospital and she immediately rushed out of the house to head to the hospital. Lee Yi Kyung's and Lee Junsu's mother was a very warm-hearted person. And during her childhood days, Sora was very close to her.

Now, when she got to know that she was hospitalized, she couldn't help but, cry. As she hailed a cab, she inwardly prayed for her to be in a good and well condition. She couldn't lose someone who was very close to her…

Then, she remembered Lee Junsu's face yesterday. He was all gloomy and depressed. She hadn't seen his face like that anytime before… And now, when she recollected his words that he wanted to hug her for once… at least for a minute, she felt bad for what she did to him.

She had slapped a person who had come to her asking for her comfort… She cried as she thought of her actions, yesterday… "Did I had to slap him yesterday?" She questioned herself.

She pinched the space between her forehead with deep regret.


Han Seohyun, Lee Yi Kyung and Lee Junsu stood in the VIP room surrounding their mother. They felt relieved when they heard the doctor say that she was now in a good condition. This news was a good news for the three of them.

Especially for Junsu… More than his father, he was very close to his mother. He felt warm with his mother and when he got to know that his mother was doing good, he felt extremely relieved. He took a deep sigh and said "I will go and get the medicines… Look after mother, okay?"

Both Seohyun and Yi Kyung gave a nod. Suddenly, Seohyun noticed his right cheek a little swollen and red. "Did someone hit you, Oppa?"

"Huh?" Junsu asked surprised and Seohyun pointed towards his right cheek. "It is swollen and red."

Hearing that, he let out a small laugh… "Ahh, That? I was just walking and I got hurt by the lamp-post." He laughed to make the awkward atmosphere normal.

Seohyun gave a nod and Junsu left the room.

"Wait, Hyung. I will also go with him…" Yi Kyung said to Seohyun and walked out of the room following his brother.


As the car stopped at One Life Hospital, she quickly paid the money and dashed out of the car. With long steps, she ran towards the receptionist center and asked for the VIP ward. The receptionist guided her to the VIP ward.

She rushed towards the elevator and pressed on it. Since, the elevator was taking time to come, she decided to get by through the stairs.

As she left, the doors of the elevator opened with a ding sound. Lee Yi Kyung and Lee Junsu came out of the elevator, talking to one another.

The VIP ward was located at the 6th floor of the hospital. She climbed all the way to the 6th floor and took deep breaths as she saw 6th floor written in red bold words. She sighed and walked inside.

She walked to room no. 2 and pushed opened the door.

"Unni?" She was surprised to see her sister sitting inside with Mrs. Lee…

"Where were you last night? I called you so many times and you didn't receive any of my calls…" Han Seohyun walked towards her sister and asked her.