Call Me Ji Ji!

While walking, Ji Ah looked up at the man who was walking beside her. He was really tall so, she had to look up to see him. In Joon was just the same. He had that small face, that tall nose bridge, those almond like eyes and those lips.

Back then also, he was taller than her and this time also, he was taller than her. At least they had a short difference then... Now, there was a huge height difference in between them.

Now, she actually noticed him clearly. He hadn't at all changed. He was still the softhearted boy whom she knew. And that promise she actually remembered it. In fact she had been waiting for him to come back but... he had come a little too late.

In Joon felt her eyes on his face for quite a long while. He was debating in his mind whether he should say something or no. And yes, he couldn't control for long.

So, he moved closer to her face and asked in a husky voice. "Do you want to complete our step 1, Honey?"

Ji Ah blew over his mouth and walked away with an annoyed look on her face. "Step 1, My foot!" She angrily stomped her feet and started walking.

In Joon laughed again and chased after her. "Ji Ah! Ji Ah! Hey, Ji Ah.... Listen to me. Damn! This woman, she really walks fast."

Since, Ji Ah wasn't listening, he thought of teasing her by calling her the name which she had told him not to call "Ji Ji! My dear Ji Ji... Please wait!"

Ji Ah stopped in her tracks and gave him another glare with her bloodshot eyes. If eyes had the power to kill, In Joon would have been 6ft under the ground. "How many times have I told you not to call me Ji Ji, huh?" She asked him with rage visible in her voice.

In Joon wondered as to how a person who was having a weak voice whilst having a fever was able to scream and shout loudly. He ran towards her and bowed an apology. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry.... Really sorry. I had no other choice than this to stop you!" He smiled and saw her face.

"But... I don't get why you don't want me to call you Ji Ji. You know, Ji Ji is a good nickname for you. It suits you!"

Ji Ah stared up at the night sky which was filled with twinkling stars. Tears started to form at the corner of her eyes as she thought of how life struck her.

"Because it reminds me of our promise. The promise which I made to a young boy when I was really small!" Ji Ah looked towards him and continued after taking a sigh "Back then, I had waited for you... for quite a long time, In Joon. I always used to sit and stare at the locket which you gave me until...

My parents got me married to Min Hyuk. I still wasn't over you... because I had promised that I would wait for you to come back. But slowly, slowly, his love, his care, his affection took over me and I had to keep you aside in a different part of my heart.

When I saw you after all these years in front of my house, I couldn't contain my excitement. I was very happy to talk with you and you began to make place inside my heart again. But then there was a question in my mind... If I had kept on meeting with you, would I have been a loyal wife to Min Hyuk?

There was no way that I would have controlled myself if I would have continued meeting you. Not a single way there was. That is why I had to keep myself away from you. I didn't know that I would have overcome my divorce this soon. I had thought that I loved him... But...

In my heart, I guess you were the only one. Although it took me a long time to realize that Min Hyuk wasn't the guy for me but you... I guess I love you." Saying that, she began to cry.

Thankfully, the place wasn't crowded otherwise people would have been giving them awkward or despiteful stares while passing by. Hearing her confession, In Joon's heart melted tenfold. He immediately pulled her closer in to his warm embrace and hugged her.

"I didn't know that my incomplete step 1 was enough for you to confess to me!" In Joon teased and in return got a punch from her on his shoulder.

Holding her tight, In Joon laughed and kissed her on her hair. "You are the best thing I could have ever got. How was it even possible for me to forget you, Ji Ah?"

"Call me Ji Ji!" Ji Ah snuggled up to him and hid her face closer in his chest to hide her embarrassment.

"But... didn't you say not to call you that?" In Joon teased again.

Ji Ah smacked him again and In Joon pouted "Baby... you can't hit your boyfriend like that!!"

Ji Ah giggled and answered "Then do as your girlfriend says!"

"Hmm... I will listen to my girlfriend only if she accepts my one condition. Will you accept it?" In Joon pulled her away from his hug and looked down in her eyes. They were twinkling unlike those eyes of today morning which were dull and lifeless.

"What condition?"

"Allow me to steam you up tonight." He leaned down and whispered in her ear almost licking her earlobe.

Just by his single touch, she felt the heat rising in her body. "Pervert!" She smacked him again on his shoulder and tried to run away from there.

In Joon pouted again "Hey! Aren't you the pervert? You were watching young teens kiss!"

"That doesn't makes me a pervert! I was just having a closer look as to who they were!" Ji Ah huffed and puffed and started walking faster.

Meanwhile, In Joon called out to her while running behind her "Hey... Ji Ah! Ji Ahhh!" He chased after her. "Ji Ji!!! My dear Ji Ji, wait for me!" While calling her this, he heard a few giggles from her and he ran more fast towards her.

He finally came closer to her and caught hold of her hand. "Now..." He looked in her eyes and inched closer "No running as I will make you mine!" Moving closer, he kissed her on her lips.

Ji Ah liked the feeling of his lips on hers. She shyly encircled her arms around the nape of his neck and kissed him back.

How weird it was? Just yesterday, she had encircled her arms around Min Hyuk asking him to not go and today... she was encircling her arms around In Joon. Well, whatever it felt like... Ji Ah was really happy being with In Joon.

She was glad that she moved on.