Goodbye, Mr. Kang

"So..." In Joon started and looked in her eyes. "I... I was the one who told Min Hyuk to divorce you." He said and Ji Ah immediately let go of the hands which she had held. "What?" She stared at him with disbelief. "Why?"

"Didn't I say you to ask me questions later when I have completed?" In Joon asked and continued

"I told him to divorce you so, that I can have you. I had been searching you for a long time, Ji Ah! My life was lifeless without you... I had searched you everywhere but who would have thought that you would turn out to be married with a guy who works in my company.

Knowing that you were married I tried to stop myself but that never worked. So, I came with a plan... and that was to separate you both. And I just did as my heart told me I should do. I gave Kang Min Hyuk my everything to obtain you.

It was Kang Min Hyuk's dream to be rich and be the CEO of D&M so, when I got to know about it, I gave him my everything only to attain you. There were some disadvantages to my decision. But as you know, Ji Ah... when there are disadvantages, there are advantages too.

Min Hyuk got what he dreamt of and lost you, while I got what I dreamt of and lost the thing which I never wanted.

My everything is you, Ji Ah... Only and only you!" He kept his hands on her shoulders and continued "So, if you are to stay with me... I would be really happy. And if you are to not stay with me... I still wouldn't mind because the route which I took to obtain you made me realize my mistake, So, I will consider you leaving me and going away as my punishment.

Thus, I will let you make the choice." After completing his words, In Joon took a deep breath. "Ahh! That was so long and terrifying..."

Hearing his scheme, Ji Ah felt extremely angered. More than that, she felt hurt. 'All this while I thought that it was Min Hyuk who had decided to divorce me. But it was In Joon who had started it all. Even if it was In Joon who had started why did Min Hyuk even agree? Didn't he love me? Or was our love less compared to his dream of being the CEO of D&M.' Ji Ah thought in her mind. Right now, she felt nothing other than hurt and betrayal.

"Are you satisfied now, Lee In Joon?" Ji Ah stared at him with a mocking look in her eyes. She crossed her arms over her chest and gave a mocking smile.

"Don't take it wrong, Ji Ah! I wanted to clear everything before we start our new life. So, that is why I am telling everything. I just did all this because in my heart... you are the only one and will always be. That is why... I won't lie and be honest with you! I am really satisfied because I got to be with you. Ji Ji... You are the only one who can fill my empty heart or empty my full heart." In Joon completed his sentence while showing a cute face of his. He made a heart with his hands and gave a cutesy smile.

Ji Ah gasped at his cuteness. She hadn't expected this at this time... She rolled her eyes and said "Fine! Just get me my clothes from my house. I need to wear something else."

"So... It means you... will stay with me, right?" In Joon looked at her with puppy eyes.

Ji Ah stared at his eyes for a while. He looked so cute and adorable with those puppy eyes. Even if In Joon was responsible for all this, she felt thankful to know the true identity of her Min Hyuk. She couldn't believe that Min Hyuk was a greedy person and valued his dream more than his love.

And moreover, she could no more stop herself from loving the young boy whom she had loved all along. Now that she was gonna be a free woman, she decided to show her love to the boy whom she had loved all along.

Of course, he was gonna be punished later for his wrong actions... But All is fair in love and war, isn't it?

An entire week passed and Ji Ah didn't contact Lee In Joon. The reason was just that he should be punished. So, this was how she was gonna punish him - by not contacting him or meeting him. She giggled every time, she saw text messages or calls from him. She had even told him not to see her so, it seems like In Joon was keeping his word.

Well, a more bigger punishment was waiting for him.

But before that she had to get her work done. That was to sign the official papers of her divorce.

She wore a black full sleeved top and a dark pink pant. Keeping her hair open, she applied some light makeup and wore black stilettos. If she was going to meet Min Hyuk, she needed to show what this man had lost.


At the Civil Affairs building, Min Hyuk waited impatiently. He was pacing forward and backward with worry written over his face. All this entire week, he was praying that the days would go slow and this time of the day wouldn't come this quick... But... it just came.

He tried his level best to remove the thought of her not coming. But... he had been waiting for her for almost two hours... and she hadn't come. He felt his thought turning into reality until he heard the loud clattering of heels from behind him.

He turned around only to feel his entire world stopping when his eyes landed on a beautiful woman wearing black and pink. This woman was none other than Ji Ah... He knew that. But... Why was she looking so pretty today? A bit of jealousy took over him against In Joon. He even felt another stage of guiltiness when he thought of what he did...

He shrugged off his thoughts and asked with rage visible on his forehead "What took you so long, Ji Ah? I had been waiting for two hours..."

"Two or three... Did I ask you to wait?" Ji Ah raised her left brow at him and entered inside the building. Min Hyuk felt speechless upon hearing her question. He regained his composure and walked after her.

A little while later, Ji Ah and Min Hyuk both came out holding brown envelopes in their hand. Ji Ah turned to look at him and so did Min Hyuk!

"Goodbye, Mr. Kang! Hope you have a good future ahead..." Ji Ah felt like completing her sentence by saying 'You greedy person' but she decided against it.

"Goodbye to you too... Ji Ah! Have a good future ahead. May you always be..." Before he could complete his sentence, he saw Ji Ah shrugging her hand in the air and walking away.

"Be happy, Ji Ah!" Min Hyuk completed his sentence while he saw her retreating back. He gave a smile and turned around to leave. Everything was just done because of his greed and he was okay with it. Ji Ah was now in good hands, Min Hyuk felt assured.

Now that he lost his precious thing, there was no need for him to keep his priceless stuffs. He quickly donated all the money which he received by selling those properties to charity and animal care and he resigned from his position asking In Joon to take it back.

Min Hyuk was okay living his usual life. His greed taught him a lesson which he should have been taught way back when he was young.