Hurtful Feelings

As Mina heard this, she widened her eyes. She saw him playing with his fingers nervously. He was surely going to say something. It also happened the same way in the comic. He had said her that he loved her and wanted her to be his girlfriend and Yura had accepted his proposal and since then they were together.

It was Yura who accepted the proposal. Mina couldn't do the same and wouldn't do because she had someone else in her heart. She wanted that person instead of Jang Dong Min.

As Mina realized that she hadn't said anything to him, she looked towards Jang Dong Min.

"I… umm… I think… let's talk some other time, Sunbae! It is very late now. I have to go to work early so, I want to sleep, Sunbae!" She pulled the blanket over her legs and awkwardly gave a smile.

Jang Dong Min checked the time in his wristwatch. "Yeah! I think you should sleep! It is quite late. I will leave, then!" He scratched the nape of his neck nervously and pulled himself up from the chair. He walked towards her and patted her forehead. "Good night, Yura! Take care!"

Mina gave a smile and waved her hand to say him goodbye. "Good night to you too, Sunbae!" She exclaimed and lied down on the bed. She covered her body with the blanket and closed her eyes to sleep.


The next morning, Mina woke up on the sound of her alarm. With an irritated look on her face, she rubbed her eyes and stretched her hands and legs. She yawned and got down from her bed. Seeing herself in the same way as Yura's was making Mina feel a little comfy and warm.

Half an hour later, Mina came out of her room dressed neatly for work. She wore black palazzo pant and off-white buttoned top. She fish plaited her red hair and wore brown sandals and hanged a black bag on her shoulder.

As she walked towards her living room to meet her parents and bid them goodbye, she stood rooted on her place to see someone familiar.

Jang Dong Min sat on the single couch while talking with Yura's parents. As he saw Yura come out of her room, his eyes were just glued on her. She looked so beautiful that he was just lost in looking at her. He didn't even realize that Yura's parents were looking at him with a teasing look on their face. He only broke out of his world, when he was shaken by Mina's father, Lee Young Dal.

"Y… Yes?" He stared at them surprised and lowered his gaze to hide his embarrassment.

Yura's parents chuckled and this made him even more embarrassed. He felt his cheeks turning red and he immediately excused himself.

Mina saw him leave and she didn't say anything. She felt that it was better for him to go. She didn't want to make him feel that she too was loving him. Mina had someone else in her heart and she didn't want any sort of misunderstandings to occur.

"Alright, Mom, Dad! I will get going! Goodbye!" Just as Mina was leaving, her Dad called her from behind.

"What is it, Dad?" Mina turned around and faced her parents. She saw a concerned look on her father's face, and she felt like knowing what it was about.

"Don't you know that your Sunbae likes you?" Hearing this Mina frowned. "I know he does, and I am trying my best to avoid him, Dad!!"

"But why?" Her mom and dad both looked at her confused. Didn't their daughter also like her Sunbae?

Mina took a deep breath and opened up "It… It is just… I like someone else."

"Then what about Jang Dong Min?" Her mother asked thinking about the guy who was trying to be with her from so long.

Mina thought for a while and answered "Dong Min Sunbae is very good-looking! I am sure he will find someone better than me!" She smiled. "Aishh!! I got to go! I am going to be very, very late!! Bye Dad, Bye Mom!!" Mina quickly turned around to walk out of her house and just as she walked beside the corner wall towards the kitchen, she saw Jang Dong Min standing over there.

He had a broken and disappointed look on his face. Standing just a few meters away from the living room, Jang Dong Min had heard everything. He felt his heart shattering into pieces. The girl whom he was loving since university days said that she likes someone else.

As he saw her looking towards him, he smiled. He couldn't do anything else other than smile so, he just smiled and quietly waved his hand while staying still at his place.

Mina looked at him feeling a little bit sympathetic towards him. She wanted to go and talk to him but, this would have caused more misunderstandings so, she also just waved him and left.

As she came out of her house, she took deep breaths. Okay!! She was not feeling a little bit sympathetic towards him, she actually was feeling extremely sympathetic. She considered herself guilty for not being able to fall in love with such a guy who was willing to just see her happy and smiling all the time.

"Ahhh!! If this Kim Young Min even smiles at me for a bit, I would consider my work done!!" She stomped her feet thinking about the cold Director of GT Editing Company!!


"What? I need to go and give this to Director Kim?" Mina yelled in disbelief. It had only been two days since she joined, and this people were already making her the scapegoat.

Actually, what happened was that today someone did some mistake while printing and all the papers came wrong and unadjusted. The staff who were working under Manager Cha did the mistake. So, he was scolded for that and he transferred all his scolding on Lee Yura without even thinking about who did the mistake.

He blamed her for everything and said that she had brought bad luck along with her that is why he was receiving so many complaints and scolding ever since she joined the company.

So, he wanted her to taste the scolding of Director Kim that is why he told her to go and submit those files to him.

"Is this how you talk with your Manager?" Manager Cha sternly looked at her. "Whatever just take these files and go! Don't waste your and my time!" He placed the files on her desk and left.

As Mina saw him leave, she angrily glared at his back "F*cking oldie!" She cursed and picked up the files and came out of her floor.

While walking to Director Kim's floor upstairs, Mina didn't stop cursing him. "I bought bad luck upon you, huh? Bad Luck, My ass!! You are the one who bought it on yourself!! Who f*cking told you to focus on that girl and not on your work? Screw you, Manager Cha!!

Despite of me saying that I didn't do, he is making me do all this… What does he even think of himself, Asshole!!" She walked towards his room not realizing that there was someone behind her who was hearing her each and every word.

The person was very amused to hear such beautiful words coming out from her beautiful lips. As he heard the next sentence from her, a crease came on his forehead.

Mina stood in front of Kim Young Min's door and continued. Her anger didn't subside yet and she began cussing him too "And you?? You, Director Kim… Do you know how much I…" Mina shook her head. She knocked on the door and instead of hearing a voice from the inside, she heard a voice behind her.

"What about me, Miss Lee?"

Mina flinched as she heard the cold familiar voice again. It just felt like a bucket full of cold water was thrown on her and she stood there frozen shivering from the chill evolving in her entire body.