Stay Happy Always!

Mina bowed and took the towel. She again said him thank you and began wiping her hair.

"Why were you following like that, Dong Min Sunbae? You could have at least called me."

As Jang Dong Min heard her, he instantly became gloomy. He answered with a low voice "After what happened today, I was afraid that you wouldn't like me calling you, that is why I just followed you!"

Mina instantly became quiet. After hearing his reply, she didn't get any words to speak. Right now, she got to know what it means to be rejected from someone you love. Right now, she was able to understand Jang Dong Min's pain.

It was a true fact, unless and until you don't experience it yourself, you won't get to know how others feel!

"I am sorry, Dong Min Sunbae!! I… I just am sorry!"

"No!! You don't have to be sorry! It never was your fault! I should have taken a control on my heart…"

"But you never can't control your heart, Dong Min Sunbae! Everything just happens and you want it to exceed more!" Mina cut off his words and continued instead of him. After what happened today with Kim Young Min, Mina realized that love could never be controlled. It just happens. Some happens at first sights; some happen when you spend time with the person… But it just happens and there is no stopping to it!

It was not Jang Dong Min's fault at all! It happened the same way just like how it happened for Son Mina towards Kim Young Min.

Jang Dong Min took a glance at her and noticed her gloomy face. "Why are you turning upset just because of this?? Aigoo!! You are taking it so seriously, Yura!! Just relax! I am not that hurt! If I was, I wouldn't have come to pick you up!"

"Pick me up?" Mina looked at him bewildered.

"Yes! I felt like clearing things with you! That is why I came! Moreover, I wanted to see the place where you work so, I had two reasons for coming!" Jang Dong Min explained and let out a soft chuckle.

"If you need anything Yura, you can always come to this Sunbae of yours, okay?" He made an okay sign and gave a huge smile which squinted his eyes and showed his canines.

Mina smiled at his small gesture and gave a nod. "Thank you once again, Dong Min Sunbae!"

She closed her eyes and rested her head on the window of the car. A small nap during this beautiful rain was always worth it!


Mina opened her eyes feeling a little uncomfortable in her sleep. She stretched her legs, but she found no place to do so. She looked outside and noticed that she was outside of Yura's house. She turned her head to her left and saw Jang Dong Min sat beside her.

He had his body rested on the car seat and maybe he was sleep because she saw his chest moving up and down normally.

'Since how long have we been in the car? Did he not wake me up?' Son Mina checked the time and it was 10 at night. 'What? I slept in the car for so long?' It just takes 30 minutes to reach her home so, she had been sleeping in the car for almost four hours??'

Jang Dong Min opened his eyes when he heard some rustling sounds. He turned his head to his right and smiled when he saw Lee Yura unfastening her belt. "I thought of waking you up, but you seemed to be very sleepy that is why I didn't do so." He opened his door and got out of the car. Taking out a cigarette box from inside his pocket, he took one cigarette out and lit it up with the lighter.

Holding the cigarette between his index and middle finger, he sucked and blew out the smoke. Mina took her bag and stepped out of the car. She walked towards him and suddenly the smoke went into her nostrils making her cough.

Jang Dong Min immediately threw the cigarette on the ground and stomped it with his feet. "Sorry!"

Mina waved her hand in the air. She cleared her throat and said "No, it's fine!" She gave a small smile and continued "I will get going, Dong Min Sunbae! Thank you for the ride and I am sorry once again!" She quickly turned around and entered inside her home.

Droplets of water fell down from Jang Dong Min's face as he saw her going far and far away from him. It was her decision so; he didn't want to force her. He wiped his tears and got back in his car and left.

"Just stay happy always, My dear Yura!"


Later at midnight, Son Mina tossed and turned on the bed feeling extremely hot. It felt as if she sat on some hot pan. She fanned herself and began wiping the sweat on her forehead when she realized that her forehead was burning hot.

She opened her drawer and took out an infrared thermometer from inside. She checked her temperature and noticed that her temperature was 38.7 degree Celsius.

"Uggh!! Fever…." She placed her hand on the forehead and became irritated. Ever since childhood Son Mina hated fever, she was just disgusted by the word 'fever' itself.

"I should have had dried myself at least…" She annoyingly shook her head and ran her hand through her hair. "Stupid!! Stupid!!"

She took out a paracetamol from inside the drawer and swallowed it with the help of water. Covering her body with the blanket, she laid down on the bed and muttered "I f*cking don't want to fall sick! Ahh! Good night, Mina!" She closed her eyes and slept.


"What is wrong? It has already been past 8… Why has Yura not come down yet? Is she not going to for work?" Yura's father Lee Young Dal asked his wife.

"I don't know. I will go and check!" Yura's mother Kang Su Wan went inside Yura's room to check up on her.

She saw her daughter tossing and turning on the bed very uncomfortably. "Yura?? Yura? Are you okay?" She walked towards her and kept her hand on his forehead. As she felt her daughter's burning forehead, she widened her eyes. She patted her cheek and shook her by her shoulder "Yura?? Yura?? My dear… Wake up!! God!! She is having a high fever…"