The Letter

"Son Mina, this is Lee Yura writing to you. You might be shocked or surprised by the thought of seeing a man in your house. I am sorry for that. But that man really loves you. When I first came into your body, I began to hate myself due to those disgusting remarks left by the classmates or the people of the society.

Not only that, I felt like committing suicide. But when I realized that it was your body, I didn't dare do anything. I adjusted myself with it and allowed people to mock me. But this one time, I couldn't let myself stop what he was doing.

So, I gave your body to him. It was my first too... Considering how you spent a night in my world with a guy, I also did spend a night with a guy in your world. Our souls just swapped because we had some connection or maybe we wanted to be free of ourselves.

And I was okay with it. But I was guilty too... Because I really didn't know whether you would like it or not. So, I felt really bad. But taking the fact that you did the same in my world, I guess I can't be feeling that guilty. And I am happy with this man whom I got married to. He is just wonderful.

Nevertheless, this man loves you and so you do.

People just need a reason to make fun of others and whether the reason be a truth or a lie, they just want to have fun. And I realized it when I was in your world living in your body like a helpless soul. Soon, I fought my way and now I feel really good... So good that I can stand up for myself.

Also, you helped me a lot by being a bold girl in my world.

Mina, I want you to stand up for yourself, too. No matter who you are, you are just what you are. No one can force you to change and no one would even dare to order you.

You are the commander of your body and you let yourself decide what you have to do.

Don't be bothered with what people say. Live a good life with Kim Young Min.

And as for what you did with Kim Young Min in my world, it was just a glimpse of what was happening in your world between your body and him. So, Kim Young Min was never a person from my world. He was basically a person from your world.

Still, if you want to know more details about what happened between you and him, you can ask him. He is a very good storyteller.

And I love you!

The body whom your soul swapped with

Yours sincerely,

Lee Yura."

As Mina read the long 2 pages note, she jumped up and down with excitement along with her tears falling out of her eyes. She was so happy... So, so happy that this man was now hers.

And she was very emotional by Lee Yura's motivational words. Not only that, now that she thought about how she acted with everyone at the office or at the home... She was feeling a little embarrassed and also guilty, just like Lee Yura.

"Ahh!! This happened for real. I am so happy."

Young Min who was standing outside her door for the past seven minutes was getting annoyed. 'How can she lock the door and not even respond back?'

As he began to bang the door for one more time, the door opened and he was taken aback by a hug. Unfortunately, he lost his balance and fell down on the floor with a thump.

"Ouch! What was that?" His questions hadn't even been completed and he was kissed on his lips.

A loud moan escaped his mouth and he responded back. 'Did she just read my mind? I was just thinking of asking her and here she is pushing me hard on the floor and kissing me like a hungry beast.' He thought and held her back of the head with one hand while travelled his other hand inside her loose baggy shirt.

When they broke from their kiss, Son Mina panted and then kissed his cheek. She felt his hand inside her, touching her breasts. She removed his hand and gave a smile.

Moving closer to his ear, she whispered "Later at night." She looked seductively in his eyes and stood up.

"Not so fast!" Young Min pulled her down by her wrist and she sat down on his body with a thump. He winced a little and Mina laughed.

Soon, Young Min also laughed with her and he pulled her down beside him. They both laid down beside one another on the floor. Mina rested her head on his bare chest while Young Min had slid his hands inside her shirt from above.

"I was worried when you didn't respond to me."

"Sorry for worrying you. I myself was not sure about what I was doing." Mina replied while playing with his hard rock abs.

She felt a little depressed about her body shape. Her boyfriend had six pack abs while she had a belly. How stupid it was? She had to keep herself in shape now that she had a boyfriend. She decided to start going to gym later on.

"I am happy that you are back to me." Young Min kissed her forehead and confessed "I love you!"

"I love you too!" Son Mina replied back and kissed his chin.

It was the least she could do so because she was short for a tall guy like him.

Later at night, the two made another mind-blowing love to one another. They would take turns trying to play with each other and make themselves hot. It was a wonderful night for the two of them as they had just started on with their beautiful before marriage honeymoon. It was wonderful. They had amazing nights and days even after their marriage.

Mina didn't bother going to gym and she just maintained her physique by having healthy fruits and vegetables. It was okay if her weight was being reduced and that her body shape was turning amazing but it was more than okay if her weight stayed the same and she would never have to care for it too.

They both lived a happy life. Whenever everyone would say something to her, Young Min would just stay by her side all the time and that was how her story ended up.

It is wonderful to have a caring, loving and supportive person beside you!

And no matter what you look like or how you look like; you are just who you are. There is no one who would order nor there is anyone who would do so...

Your body is just controlled by you and not by others...

People say what they have to say but our work is to ignore them and be free...

Live in our world chasing after our dreams and goals and making the best of our lives...


-The End!