Unknown Help

Feeling her small hand in his own, the man couldn't help but smile.

"Who are you?" He asked. Even if she was to not say who she was, he was still willing to hold her hand. Sometimes, some love starts with a touch.

And he wasn't sure but he was getting an intuition that something would happen between them-something good.

"I... I..." Ji Hyun stuttered. She realized the position in which she was standing, and she felt all her blood gushing through her cheeks making her blush. She quickly took a step back but, her hand was in his hold. She looked down at her hand which was held by his and she felt something tickle in her heart.

The man saw where she was looking and he instantly let go of her hand although, he didn't want to. He awkwardly looked around but, not towards her. Ji Hyun also felt a little awkward and she stood more far away from him.

She took out her ID card from her pocket and showed it to him "I'm a Detective!! And my name is…"

"Park Ji Hyun!!" The man answered for her and continued "It is written down there!"

Ji Hyun gave a nod and kept her card inside.

"Why are you here?" She heard his next question and she didn't know how to explain it to him.

"And why did you tell me to not say anything?"

"I was afraid that I would get caught!"

"Caught??" He looked down at her while raising one of his brows.

When Ji Hyun observed his face from up close, she realized that the man was good looking. He had those perfect deep green eyes, a tall nose and thick pouty lips. He was the epitome of perfection. Those dark jet-black hair made him look like a perfect visual. As if he had just come out from a comic.

"I…I…" She shook her head. His good looks began to erase her memory. "They are chasing me because they think that I'm the culprit… But I am not! That is why I am running… I don't want to get caught!"

She looked around to see if she could find something which could be useful for her. "Can I stay…"

"Nope!" The man shook his head even before she could complete her sentence.

Hearing his abrupt answer, Ji Hyun widened her eyes in shock. 'The heck!! I didn't even complete my question and he is already saying no?'


"NO!!" He cut her off again and caught hold of her hand. "Come with me!!" He instructed and took her with him while holding her hand. He felt good as he held her hand again. A small unreadable smile came over his lips as he took her with him.

"Where to?" Ji Hyun struggled to remove her hand from his. She held his hand which was holding hers and tried to remove it. As he felt that she was trying to remove his hand, he tightened his grip and fastened his pace.

"Hey!! Where are you taking me?" Ji Hyun asked again. She saw that she was already inside his house. The house wasn't that big nor that small. At least it was better than that cheap room which she was staying in.

Suddenly, her eyes fell on the sandwiches which were kept on the plate on the dining table and she felt her stomach rumble.

"STOPPP!" She yelled and the man halted. He faced her with a questioning look on his face and Ji Hyun pointed at the sandwiches on the plate.

"Chicken?" She asked.

"No, Veg!!" He said and felt that he was being dragged by her towards the dining table.

'Even if it is veg… I have to eat and get rid of my hunger!' She thought and walked towards it.

Seeing that there were four sandwiches, Ji Hyun gave a bright smile. Her eyes twinkled with sandwiches and she looked at the man who had held her hand. She pouted her face and said, "I will take two!" And immediately began eating them.

The handsome man saw her eat and a different feeling began residing in his heart. He let go of the hand which he had held so, that she could eat properly and stared at her being amused. A smile was plastered on his face as he noticed how she ate four sandwiches rather than two.

He softly chuckled when he heard her burp. "I'm full! Thank you!" Ji Hyun patted her stomach and looked down at the plate. If there were more sandwiches, she would have finished those too.

"But, I'm sorry… I ate four rather than two!" She scratched the nape of her neck.

"It's fine! Come now!!" He again held her hand and took her along with him.

She wondered why he was always holding her hand and not letting her go. It felt really awkward for her as she was starting to like the feel of his warm hand over hers.

Both of them reached what seemed like a backyard of the house. It was completely empty except that there was a red jeep parked over there.

"Get in!" He ordered and got inside the jeep.

Ji Hyun also sat inside with a confused look on her face. She didn't know where he was going to take her to yet she was going along. It felt weird to trust a stranger but she found trusting him as the only option.

She knew that asking too many questions would be really stupid because he was not interested in answering any one of her questions. So, she just kept quiet and observed the place which wasn't at all known to her.

It had been a month since Park Ji Hyun's brother, Park Ki Tae was brutally killed! She was investigating on his murder case but, all the clues were just indicating that she was the criminal, that she was the one who killed her dear brother. She knew that she was being framed but, she had no evidence to prove her innocence.

And ever since then, she had been on the run… On Tv's, newspapers, everywhere, her photo was released saying that she was wanted and there is going to be a reward if the person catches this victim. Despite all of this, Ji Hyun didn't know why she trusted to come along with this stranger…

What if… what if he gave her to those people chasing after her? What if they catch her and she had to face a sentence in jail despite of not being guilty? What if… she had made the worst decision of her life?