I Want To Spend My Lifetime With You!

Two Months later.

Park Ji Hyun woke up in the evening after a short nap. She freshened herself and came out of the washroom after wearing her clothes. She wore a purple dress and kept her hair open. She applied some brown eyeshadow on her eyes and a pink blush on her cheeks. She finished of her look by applying a glossy nude lipstick.

She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. It had been so long since she had dressed up. Everything just felt like yesterday for her. Losing her brother, being on the run, spending time behind bars, putting the culprit into jail... everything just felt like it all happened yesterday.

But it had already been four months since everything happened. She was very happy to be able to bring justice to her brother and put those dead sick guys behind bars.

She opened her window and inhaled the fresh air... After all that which had happened, Ji Hyun didn't keep in touch with her mother. She got to know that her father had divorced her... She wasn't happy with that but she wasn't happy with her mother's doing either.

The fact that her mother was cheating behind her father's back was heart breaking. Okay, she might have had her own problems... but maybe she could have just opened herself.

She wanted her parents to grow old together, loving one another as much as they could... but it didn't happen. It was all just a want.

She sighed again and closed the window. There was nothing for her to think now. She was back on her job, and so were her friends.

Today, there was a party at a hotel from the officers because a new person had joined. And Ji Hyun was excited for that. She gave one last look at the mirror and walked out of her house wearing black stilettos.

If she was a detective, it doesn't mean that she would only wear sober or casual clothes. Of course, Ji Hyun knew how to dress up and she always looked pretty no matter what she wore.

And just like that, she stole the spotlight at the party. Everyone looked at her surprised and cheered on for her. Seok Kyung and Ho Gyu also cheered for her. They were happy to see their team leader happy.

"And now... It is time to introduce our new comrade... Please welcome, Detective Han Seo Jun!" The announcer said and asked for a round of applause.

"Unni, did you know that he was going to join?" Seok Kyung elbowed Ji Hyun while she had her eyes fixated on the tall fellow giving his speech.

Ji Hyun shrugged her shoulders and stared at Han Seo Jun giving a speech with a puzzled look on her face.

"Hey Unni!! Doesn't he look handsome? Ahh!! That suit is really giving him the exact look that he needs." Seok Kyung pouted her lips and muttered "When will I get a such a handsome guy like him, Unni?"

"I'm the handsome guy you are looking for... You don't need someone else, Honey!!" Ho Gyu teased her which made Seok Kyung annoyed. She hit him on his shoulder and Ho Gyu laughed.

"Idiot!" Seok Kyung gritted her teeth and Ho Gyu chuckled again.

"I was just joking. There is no way that I would date a dumb headed girl like you!" Ho Gyu gave her a peace sign and shrugged.

Seok Kyung folded her arms above her chest and muttered "As if I would date an idiot like you! Hmph!" She looked sideways to avoid looking at his face.

Ho Gyu stared at Ji Hyun and held her hand. Ji Hyun looked at him surprised. "Hey!! What are you doing?" She asked him.

To which Ho Gyu gave a wink and answered "It is because I only have eyes on Team Leader Park." He lifted her hand to give her a kiss but before that Ji Hyun shrugged it off.

"Hey... Do you want a..."

And just as she was saying, a voice came over through the mic "Please, Mr. Ho Gyu!! That woman is mine." Han Seo Jun said with a smile on his face. As he saw Ji Hyun looking at her with big widened eyes, he walked towards her holding the mic in his hand.

He sat on one knee, took out a box from inside his pocket, opened it and asked through the mic "Would you like to be my girlfriend, Noona?"

Park Ji Hyun looked at him completely shocked. She began to stutter and looked here and there. Her heart was beating so fast that she didn't even know what to do....

"Say Yes! Say Yes! Say Yes!" The whole crowd began shouting.

And finally, Ji Hyun sighed and slightly nodded while looking down.

"Yayyy!!!" Everyone exclaimed excitedly and Han Seo Jun took her hand in his and inserted the ring. He smiled seeing her shy look.

No one knew that their angry and cold team leader could also be shy like this.

And the couple left the hotel early.

Han Seo Jun held her hand and asked "Are you surprised, Noona?"

"Mhmm!" Ji Hyun gave a nod.

"Let's go for a movie, Noona... What do you say? Our first date at a movie theatre." Han Seo Jun flashed an adorable boyish smile when Ji Hyun gave a nod.

At the movie theatre, they both held their hands and began watching the movie without saying anything. As a kiss scene came, Ji Hyun avoided the screen and looked to her left.

On her left, a couple were kissing passionately.

Han Seo Jun also saw where she was looking and he tittered.

"Let us do that too!" He whispered near her ear which made Ji Hyun flinch. She focused her eyes back on the screen but by now the couple in the movie had just gone a step further. The man was kissing the woman's neck.

Ji Hyun felt her cheek turning red. She didn't know why she was acting like a young teen. Ugh! It was so embarrassing.

If she was to look to her left, she would see the couple who were kissing in reality, and if she was to see to her right, she would Han Seo Jun in a suit. What Seok Kyung had told about him was actually correct. He indeed was looking handsome which was making Ji Hyun blush, like a lot.

She felt that she had no choice but to go to the washroom until this scene was over.

"I... I... Am going to the washroom. Excuse me!" Ji Hyun quickly ran to the washroom and took deep breaths.

She patted her cheeks and ruffled her hair... "Ahhh!! It was so embarrassing. He deliberately bought me here so that we could watch those scenes together. How dirty... Uggh!"

"But I think you were enjoying it." As Ji Hyun was just ruffling her hair and muttering a few words, she heard someone behind her.

"You?? Why are you in the women's wash... Mhmmm!" Before Ji Hyun could complete her sentence, Han Seo Jun pushed her to the wall and kissed her lips.

"Sorry, If I go rough with you! But I really can't control myself." He apologized for his quick action and continued kissing her.

Ji Hyun ran her hand through his hair and kissed him back. Well, after all the kisses that they had shared, Ji Hyun felt this to be more real because she was now in a relationship with him.

She didn't know when or how... But she only knew that she had fallen in love with a guy who was quite younger than her and who was also now kissing her.


Later in the morning, Ji Hyun woke up with a sore lower body. She looked at the naked man sleeping beside her and she smiled.

"Idiot!!" She chuckled and removed the blanket covering her body. Her eyes fell on the red love marks on her thighs and her smile vanished.

"You..." She gritted her teeth and removed the blanket which was covering him. As she removed the blanket, she looked at his body surprised. There were more hickeys on his body than on her own.

"Did I do that?" She quickly covered him back with the blanket. "Ahh!! I don't even want to remember that all!" She tapped on her forehead and rushed to the washroom.

As warm water fell on her body, Ji Hyun took a deep sigh. "Ahh!! It is so nice." She exclaimed and enjoyed the water falling on her bare skin. As she was rubbing her body, she felt someone take the body scrubber from her hand and rub her back.

"Do you like it?" Han Seo Jun asked while rubbing her back.

When Seo Jun saw that his girlfriend was not beside him, he immediately walked inside the washroom after hearing the sound of running water. He saw Ji Hyun scrubbing her body and he took it from her and began to scrub her.

He kissed her neck and muttered "You want to spend another night with me?" His lips slightly brushed her skin making Ji Hyun arouse. She looked down at her nipples and saw that they had been erect.

"Should I take that as a, yes?" Seo Jun fondled her breasts and played with her erected buds.

Ji Hyun instantly turned around and hugged him. "Not only one night... I want to spend my entire lifetime with you!"

"Hehe! I would love to do that too."

And they both happily kissed one another.