Broken Heart and Happiness

"Today, I broke up with my boyfriend." Yeon Ah opened the bottle which the waiter bought and poured one glass for herself and another one for him.

Well, Ji Sang already knew because he had seen her throw the ring on Taemin's face. He knew it would be hurting for her but he didn't realize that it would hurt her that much. He could only quietly watch while drinking.

He wished that he never would have allowed her to be with Taemin.

"I saw him with another girl." Not getting any response, Yeon Ah continued while sipping through her glass. When her glass was empty, she poured for herself, snatched his glass and poured for him too.

"And you know, who that girl is? She is a girl from his department." She stared at the glass which became empty again and became frustrated by it. She took the bottle in her hand and began to drink from it.

"I feel so.... (Hic)..." Yeon Ah took hiccups while completing her sentence. She stood up and banged her hands on the table. Ji Sang was startled to see her yet he continued watching her. He was drunk, he was angry, and he wanted to punish her, also... Punish her because she chose that guy over him. So, he just wanted to see until how long she would whine about it.

"He told me... (hic)... by himself that... (hic).... he... he f*cking lov... (hic)... loves herrrr!!! F*cking scoundrel!" As she took another sip and thought of that guy on whom she threw the ring, she sat back on the chair and cried.

"I loved... (hic)... him so much... (hic)! It hurts a lot. Very much!!!"

Now when Ji Sang saw her cry, he couldn't stop himself from consoling her. Yes, he wanted to punish her, he was angry but her tears, her falling tears were enough for him to not think about that and just help her out.

He clenched his fists tightly. This was his first time seeing her cry like this after they had become friends again. Rage reached his maximum level and he took the half empty bottle from her hand and drank it all in one go.

When he was done drinking, he placed his chair beside her and sat on it.

"It is all right. Cry as much as you want. I won't let you cry later on." He hugged her and patted her back.

Although Yeon Ah was taken aback by the sudden hug, she felt comforting and warm. Her tears came out more quickly and she cried out loud. The loud music didn't let her crying voice come out.


Later in the morning, Yeon Ah woke up only to find herself in an unfamiliar room with a throbbing pain in her head. She held her head with the two of her hands and her eyes fell on the bare back of the man sleeping beside her.

Judging from the looks of his black hair, Yeon Ah widened her eyes in shock. She was instantly able to recognize this guy just from his behind cause she had spent a lot of time with him. With trembling hands, she lifted the sheets covering her body to check whether she was naked or not.

And when she saw her naked body, she placed her hand on her forehead.

'This wasn't what should have happened. How could I even sleep with Park Ji Sang?' She asked herself and noticed the clothes scattered on the floor. "Was I this lustrous that our clothes are scattered everywhere on the floor?"

She quickly got out of the bed and hurriedly picked her clothes and rushed to the bathroom.

Spotting a mirror on the wall, she walked with trembling steps to have a look at herself. And once she saw herself in the mirror, she sat down on the floor with a thump.

"This shouldn't have happened. This really shouldn't have happened." Yeon Ah began to cry as she observed the bite marks on her skin. "Why is it Ji Sang? It shouldn't have been him... Why him?"

And when the events of last night resurfaced on her mind, she cried even more because she was the one who pulled him in for a kiss. She was so horny that she pulled him into a room and before even reaching the bed, she took off all his clothes and her own to make love with him.

"Why did I do this?"

Yeon Ah wished that she could turn back time and stop herself from doing all this.

But what was to be done was done!


When Ji Sang woke up, he saw the other side of the bed empty. However, he had a huge smile on his face. He was able to sleep with her. It wasn't that he was a pervert, it was just now that, he had slept with her, he had hope that he could even be her boyfriend.

Although they were drunk when they did it, he was very happy about that thought of her calling him some sweet boyfriend nicknames. He had even thought of a few good nicknames and he was going to discuss with her once he goes on his first date with her.

"Ahh!!! I feel the happiest man alive on Earth!" He said and quickly took a shower.

When he was done, he took his phone and looked at a photo which they had taken together when they were in their ninth grade. It was the first photo he had taken with Yeon Ah. It was on the day when their project was chosen as the best one.

Ever since that time, he had thought of proposing her and he couldn't believe that after almost seven years of waiting, he was finally going to propose her.

He neatly dressed into his clothes thinking of a wonderful gift to give her while asking her out.