
Park Ji Sang who was in a jewelry shop checking on various rings to buy didn't had any idea about what was happening in the university. He was happy thinking about beginning a life with Yeon Ah.

When his eyes fell on a beautiful couple ring, he told the shopkeeper to pack that one. He didn't have to worry much about her size because the size of the ring was very much equivalent to Yeon Ah's fingers.

He instructed the shopkeeper to have it wrapped in a beautiful pink wrapper.

After five minutes, when he received his order... he looked at the wrapped square box with excitement. His eyes shone brightly as he thought of inserting this beautiful ring in her hand.

Tomorrow was taking long to come so he decided to meet her today itself. Thinking that Yeon Ah would still be at the university, he quickly rushed back to the university. He didn't realize all those students stares because he was very much nervous about proposing her.

As Ji Sang reached his building, he took out his phone to call Yeon Ah and that was when he realized that he had his phone switched off.

He quickly opened and saw a bunch of missed calls and texts from Sungjin.

When he noticed the time, he scrunched his face and asked being annoyed "What is with this guy filling my phone with notifications?" He opened his messages and his eyes widened in surprise at the list of the photos being sent by his friend.

He quickly called Sungjin and after a few rings, Sungjin picked up.

"What sort of a f*cking prank is that, Sungjin? How dare you took our photos?"

"It wasn't me. Did you check the university website? Videos of you and Yeon Ah together are being viral." As Ji Sang heard it, he felt that he was struck by lightning. He stood there still, unmoving.

So many things began running in his mind and he didn't know about what should he think about first...

"Where is Yeon Ah? Does she know?"

Hearing Sungjin's positive reply, made his heart sank. He walked back to his car with a defeated look on his face and as he was walking, he noticed the stares given by students.

"F*CK!" He muttered and drove his car to the girls dormitory.

He quickly called Yeon Ah but she wasn't picking up the phone. He banged on the steering wheel. "Pick up, Yeon Ah! Pick up the damn phone."

He called again but he heard nothing other than those beeps. Taking out Sungjin's contact. Ji Sang called him. As the phone was picked up, he asked "Where is Yeon Ah?"

"Come to the bar."

Ji Sang hurriedly drove his car to the bar. He opened the door and there he saw Yeon Ah sitting with a dazed look on her face.

"Yeon Ah, are you alright?"


When Ji Sang walked closer to see Yeon Ah; Yeon Ah tightly slapped him on his face.

"How could you do that to me?" She yelled.

"What are you talking about, Yeon Ah?" Ji Sang looked at her with a puzzled look on his face.

"Why did you sleep with me? Why did you not stop me when I approached you?" Yeon Ah slapped him again.

"We both were drunk. How was I supposed to not do anything..."

"I HATE YOU!" As Ji Sang was completing his words, Yeon Ah interjected him and yelled. She lifted her hand to slap him again but she couldn't do. Her heart clenched to slap her long-time best friend for the third time.

"Don't show me your face again!" Yeon Ah walked away with a heavy and broken heart.

Seeing her back disappearing through the door, Ji Sang sat down on the chair. Her words hurt more than the cheek which was slapped. He felt the warm tears escaping his eyes and he hid his face by resting his head on the table.

A few minutes later, Ji Sang lifted his head and asked Sungjin "Did you find out who was it?"

Sungjin slightly gave a nod and Ji Sang asked furiously "Who? Tell me the name of the f*cking guy and I will cut him into pieces." Right now, nothing seemed right for Ji Sang other than killing the person who had spread this news.

"I am still not sure. But I am suspicious of Yoon Taemin."

"Yoon Taemin?" Ji Sang quickly pushed himself off the chair and walked out of the bar followed by Sungjin. He rolled his sleeves upward, making himself ready to take Yoon Taemin anytime he spotted him.

But it had already been days since he found Yoon Taemin. They asked all of his friends but no one knew where he was. It just felt like he disappeared from this university. Yet, Ji Sang and Sungjin waited for him in front of the entrance to catch him whenever he came.

Meanwhile, Yeon Ah was called by her parents back home because they had wanted their daughter to study and grow well but not in this way. Surely, she had tarnished their name so, after calling her back home, they threw her out of the house with nowhere to go.

Yeon Ah quit her university because she felt like she could no longer study and began doing various part time jobs to survive.

She tried to forget all that what had happened and kept her past as her past.

Two weeks passed and Ji Sang couldn't get to know where Yeon Ah went. He called her but her phone was never picked. After catching Taemin, he wanted to show Yeon Ah who her ex actually was.

The person for whom she cried and got drunk that night, he wanted her to see who he actually was. But he couldn't.

He let Taemin go and continued with his studies. Nothing much happened to him because everyone knew how he was and who he was so, no one dared mess up with him and he ended up graduating from the university.

After his graduation he went to Canada for his higher studies because he could no longer study in the same place where he had spent almost all of his time with the girl he liked but was remained as a friend with her.

As for Sungjin, he graduated and became the owner of the same bar for which he had worked.