
The next morning, Eun Mirae got dressed for work. She barely could sleep after what she witnessed last night. And up of that, her heart broke and she couldn't remove those thoughts from her mind. Mirae worked as a waitress in HS Café which was just an hour away from her place. She wore a black dress which was till her mid-calf and tied her hair in a bun.

After she was all set, she left for work. On the way to the café, she received a call from Soo-Ah. She picked up the call. "Hello! What is up?"

"Hyunmin is doing just fine, Mirae. Are you okay?" Soo-Ah said through the phone. Actually, the thing was after witnessing such an incident, Mirae couldn't help but feel bad for her friend. But she didn't wanted to ask him on her own, so, she had told Soo-Ah to check up on him.

And she was glad to know that Hyunmin was alright.

"I'm fine. Thanks, Soo-Ah!"


After reaching the café, Mirae quickly changed into her working clothes and when everything was set, the café was opened. Slowly, slowly, customers came in and the café became busy. Since, it was Monday today, there were quite a lot of customers.

Well, mostly they just ordered some light breakfast with coffee.

"Mirae, please ask for the person seated on table number three for his order." Just as Mirae had done serving on table number five, the manager commanded her and she quickly rushed to table number three.

"Hello Sir, What would you..." As she lifted her eyes from the tablet to look at the man sitting, her words got caught in her mouth. She stopped and looked at the person sitting for some time.


After having an uncomfortable sleep, James woke up late in the morning. And so, he couldn't prepare his own breakfast and he rushed to a café which was nearby to his workplace for a light meal. But what he saw in the café really surprised him.

Was it a coincidence that the young woman whom he helped yesterday was working in this café? Moreover, she was coming over to take his order.

"Won't you ask for my order?" Feeling a little hungry and in a bit of a hurry, James kept his thoughts aside and asked the young waitress who had just stopped her sentence midway after seeing him.

He could understand that she also remembered after all he drove her till the bus stop.

"Ahh! Yes. What would you like to order, Sir?" Mirae shrugged away all her thoughts and asked with a polite smile.

"An egg sandwich and a black coffee."

After taking his order, Mirae walked to the kitchen to serve the order which was ready for table number five. While she was walking, she took a glance at James and saw James also, looking at her. Her cheeks flushed red and she hurriedly walked to table number five and placed their order.

Last night, it was very dark and so, she couldn't see the person's face who had dropped her to the bus stop clearly. She could make out that he was a nice man but after seeing him today, she blushed.

This guy was very good-looking as if he was some model or something. Judging by his clothes, his appearance, Mirae guessed that he worked as a model. A handsome man like him could never do some ordinary job.

When his order was ready, Mirae served him his order and left after bowing to him.

"Have a good time, Sir!" She felt confused as to whether she should say thank you for what he did yesterday or not say anything. So, she didn't say anything and decided to say it when he would pay the bill.

"Mirae, get this to table number four."

"Mirae, look table number six is calling for a waitress."


And all until, James had completely finished his breakfast, he could only hear one name... Mirae... and when he looked at the person whom they were calling for, he saw that woman whom he had helped yesterday, move around every table serving, asking for orders, getting the payment.

"So, her name is Mirae?" James asked to himself and placed his knife and fork down on the table. He wiped his mouth with the napkin and signaled for the waiter to come.

Maybe there was a shortage of waiter in this café or what... James again saw Mirae approaching him. The way her long chopstick like legs walked in those black jeans, the way the strings of her apron had loosened due to her running, the way she smiled when her co-workers called her name, it all felt mesmerizing.

James had never taken any interest in a woman. But this woman who was just dressed in a waitress uniform, he couldn't stop himself from taking an interest in her. As he saw her approach him, a smile came on his lips and he looked at her as if he was just lost with her thoughts.

Mirae felt it weird that this man was staring at her like that. "Ahem!" Thinking of his kindness, she just cleared her throat rather than saying any unusual things.

"This is your bill, Sir." She said as the man shook his head and coughed slightly.

"Thank you for your help last night, Sir!"

Just as she had thought of doing so, she deeply bowed to the man in front of her and said her thanks.

"It was nothing, Miss Mirae." James said while paying the bill. As he looked at the puzzled look on Mirae's face after he had taken her name, he asked "Did I say it wrong? I just told it based on what I heard from your co-workers." He immediately elaborated hoping that she wouldn't take this somewhere far.

Mirae was a little; No... very surprised to hear her own name from this man's mouth. Even if her co-workers screamed her name, which customer would pay attention to that? Above that all, her name was so simple but why did it felt so good to hear from this guy's mouth?

"No, you said it right, Sir." Mirae answered politely and kept the money inside. As she saw the man pushing himself off the chair, she stepped behind and bowed to him.

"Thank you and have a good day, Sir! Please, come again." She again bowed and walked back to the counter.