Another Coincidence

Eun Mirae, Soo-Ah and Ga-Eun, all three together reached the place where the wedding was being held. They might have arrived a little late cause the ceremony had already begun. The bride and groom were exchanging the rings. These three quietly walked inside and sat on the last row of chairs.

Mirae was already upset upon imagining Yeonjun's marriage in her tiny brain. But seeing it with her own eyes, she felt hurt, very hurt. She knew that she should move on but it just felt as if her heart was not listening to her. It just felt as if someone was squeezing her heart, very hard!

When Soo-Ah looked at Mirae, she elbowed Ga-Eun who was sitting to her left. Ga-Eun moved a little to the front and saw Mirae. Seeing her friend's disappointed look, Ga-Eun thought of saying something to distract her and she said "That is the bride's uncle over there."

Hearing her friend's voice, Mirae looked towards Jenny's side and frowned. Well, she wasn't expecting to see this person here.

"Uncle?" She asked looking at her friends trying to make sure.

Both Ga-Eun and Soo-Ah looked at one another as if they received some victory in distracting their friend and Ga-Eun gave a nod to her question.

"Yes, he is James Park, owner and founder of CKN Architect Company." Ga-Eun said with a nod.

"A CEO?" Mirae asked again. She was a little too much surprised to realize that she didn't know this man who was an owner of a big company, not only that, she didn't even know his name and yet she was hoping to see him again in the café.

She shook her head as she thought in her mind 'I was so silly to think that he would visit again. Why would a guy who barely knew me or whom I barely knew would meet again? Ahh! Silly me!' She giggled and her friends looked at her surprised.

"I didn't know he was that famous." Mirae said after examining her friends looks.

Just as she was about to say more, Soo-Ah moved closer to her and asked "Did you meet him before?"

"Uhuh! Yes, kind of." Mirae nodded and then screamed cause Soo-Ah had tickled her.

"Why did you never say anything about this chance encounter?"

Guess this talk of theirs caused a little disturbance in the atmosphere and everyone looked at them with various kinds of looks. Soo-Ah stopped tickling at once when she felt eyes on her.

"We are sorry. Please continue." Mirae stood up, bowed and sat back.

She elbowed Soo-Ah and whispered in a hush tone "Who told you to tickle me? Stupid!" She flicked her forehead and focused back on the wedding ceremony.


While Mirae was whispering to her friend with a frown on her face, James Park was busy in noticing her. He couldn't help but smile when he saw her bowing an apology to everyone. Not only that he found her little reaction amusing.

Actually, he had hoped to see her at her working place once again but when he had visited the place, he got to know that she had taken a leave that day. So, he was a little disappointed. Seeing her had bought different sort of comfortability within him.

James Park felt like himself when he was with her. Although, he had just met her twice, he felt like he was himself when he was with her. It felt nice and he wanted to feel like that again. So, he had gone to her working place.

But who would knew that their third encounter was going to be at a wedding?!

James was very much delighted to see her. This time, he didn't see her in those jeans or tops, he saw her in a beautiful sky-blue gown. Well, that color did suit her fair complexion.

And he was glad that he attended his niece's wedding.


Later Mirae, Soo-Ah and Ga-Eun all gathered together for some photos. Mirae was still upset but it didn't matter much now because she had only one thought in her mind and it was about that man who was Jenny's uncle.

She again and again looked down at her dress trying to make sure the dress was good. She didn't know why but she felt like she should look good in front of him.

When the trio was done taking pictures all together, Mirae asked while looking at the bride and groom who were taking pictures with some of their family members.

"Shall we go and take pictures with Yeonjun and Jenny?" The reason why she asked was because it had been maybe some thirty minutes since everyone began doing things of their own; like eating, talking, giving gifts to the bride and groom but she didn't see that man whom her friend told that his name was James Park, move an inch from beside his niece's side.

She felt that maybe he hadn't noticed her so, she just wanted to make him know that she was also here. Hence, she asked that.

And when her friends agreed, Mirae excitedly walked towards Yeonjun and Jenny. She hugged Jenny and shook hands with Yeonjun while saying "Congratulations to you two! You both look really good together!"

Although she wanted to say the opposite, she didn't. Jenny was taken aback by her hug but she carried on. She also gave a fake smile and they pretended that they were good friends.

Yeonjun who was very much blinded by her beauty, stammered while still having her hand in his hold. "Thank... You, Mirae! You... look beautiful!" Mirae gave a smile and looked at James only to see him looking back at her. She removed her hand from Yeonjun's hold and walked towards James.

"I didn't think that I would see you here." James said while approaching her.

Jenny looked at how her uncle approached Mirae, shook hands with her and talked as if they knew each other. She was surprised to hear something from her uncle about Mirae… The man who never bothered to take the initiative to talk to women first was being the first one to talk to her. Jenny's blood boiled when she witnessed this scene in front of her.

Instantly, her mind twisted and she looked at Mirae with a puzzled expression on her face.

'How does she know my uncle?' She began to approach them both when Yeonjun held her hand and she looked at him. It was time for another photo and Jenny stopped in her tracks.

"I also didn't think that way, Mr. James." Mirae lowered her eyes with a shy look on her face.

All the while till the shoot was done, Jenny had her eyes on her uncle who was talking very comfortably with Mirae as if they had known each other for a long time. It was also very rare for her to see him smile like this.

And Jenny was being impatient while taking the pictures. She really wanted to go and enquire about how Mirae and her uncle met and how do they know each other...