A Little Sweet Moment

When Mirae opened her eyes, instead of feeling the bright rays of sun on her face, she could see a man's face and instead of feeling the warm bed underneath her, Mirae could feel her legs and hands floating in mid-air.

James had opened his eyes when his phone rang. He was to attend his office and discuss a few things with his clients but since he wanted to do something else, he cancelled the discussion plan. Upon sitting up right with a stiff neck and body, James then noticed Mirae who was sleeping on the chair.

His lips turned into an unreadable smile and he squatted in front of her. Last night, he heard someone talking but he wasn't able to make out what the person was talking about but he liked listening to that sweet voice. It was just like a lullaby which was drifting him into a deep slumber.

They weren't in a relationship but were doing things like someone who cared for one another. James smiled at the thought of her being his girlfriend and he lifted her up in princess style, carefully while trying to not wake her up.

But guess, he wasn't at all careful because when he took her in his hold, he saw Mirae open her eyes halfway and ask with a quizzical yet sleepy look on her face "What are you doing?"

Mirae asked him a question but she received no reply from him. Instead, she could still feel herself floating in air. As her body touched the soft mattress, she heard a reply of her question which was asked previously "Just putting you on bed."

And after hearing that, Mirae turned to the other side of the bed to continue her disturbed sleep.

When James saw that Mirae had opened her eyes, he felt like his soul had left him. The furrowed space between the eyebrows, the questionable gaze, all made him tremble and he felt like he had also lost his words to speak.

However, he quickly placed her on the bed and once he was done, he answered her. Shortly after that, James covered Mirae with a blanket and walked out of the bedroom with a flustered look on his face.

Maybe while lifting Mirae in his lap, James hadn't noticed that her skirt was also pulled up. When he had placed her on the bed, Mirae had turned to the other side of the bed, thereby showing his back to him. And that was when he saw her round bottom which was a little hidden by her skirt and pink panty.

James quickly rushed inside the kitchen and drank some water to calm the heat arising within his body. He soon walked towards the balcony and began to distract himself by looking at the outside view.

And James was distracted by a message on his phone. It was from his pesky client. He took a long sigh and sent a short message to Mirae on her phone. After that, he left her house.

What James had actually decided was that he would have breakfast together with her and maybe drop her for work but seems like he had to cancel this plan. Nevertheless, he smiled as he thought of the next weekend when the two would meet.


Later Mirae woke up and found herself on the bed. She clearly remembered that she was sitting in the living room watching over James and that she had fallen asleep over there so, how was she even here on the bed?

"Ohh! So, it wasn't a dream? Mr. James was really putting me on bed." She said to herself as she recollected James placing her on bed.

With a smile on her face, she removed the blanket covering her body and got out of the bed. She walked into the living room only to see it empty. Mirae scratched her head as she realized that her thoughts were going just too far.

"Aish! Why would he even wait for me to wake up? He just wanted to sleep because he was tired... It wasn't that he did that on purpose. Hmph! My thoughts are just rubbish lately."

After freshening up, Mirae changed into a light-yellow dress and took her phone.

"Thank you for letting me stay last night, Mirae. I wanted to have breakfast with you but I had an important meeting today so, I couldn't. Let's do it some other time, Mirae!" While Mirae read the message from James, a huge smile came on her face and she felt extremely joyous.

She felt her cheeks turning red and she patted them to cool down.

And with this, Mirae was now very energetic. Few minutes ago, before reading the message, she wasn't feeling like going to work but right now, she felt like going to work. So, she quickly dressed up and left for work.