A Stupid Decision

James closed the main door and held Mirae tightly in his lap. While looking at her in her eyes, he gave a smile and opened the door to the bedroom. Placing her on the bed, he sat on top of her and asked "Can you remove my shirt just like how you were doing then?"

Hearing his question, Mirae gave a nod and stretched her slim hands to unbutton his shirt. She unbuttoned them one by one, slowly, slowly while trying to fix the sublime scenery which was in front of her eyes.

As she noticed his broad chest and his well-defined body, Mirae couldn't help but feel hot all inside her body. She felt a tingle pass through her stomach as James took her hand and made her touch his navel.

As James made her hand travel down to his crotch, Mirae retracted her hand to her chest and looked to the other side of the room. James gave a light laugh and removed his shirt.

Throwing it down on the floor, he leaned closer to her and gave a wet kiss on her neck... "Say... Shall I do the same to you?" He asked Mirae in a gentle voice while sucking on her neck. Mirae hissed slightly, encircled her arms around his neck and pulled him close.

"Well... if you pull me that close, I won't be able to take off your clothes." James rested his hands on either side of the bed while looking at Mirae. He gave a smile and pushed a hairlock on her face behind her ear. "If I say you are cute, will you believe me?"

Looking at her astonished expression, James chuckled and kissed her on her forehead. "You are cute, Mirae!" He kissed her eyes and sat on her legs. And by slowly pulling her shirt up, he left her with only a peach bra.

Looking at her with only in her bra, James retracted his hands which were going to unbuckle the belt of her bra and asked Mirae "Do you want to do it?"

Mirae looked at James for a while and gave a nod "Yes, but please be gentle. It is my first time."

And as soon as James heard her answer, he inched closer to her and kissed her lips. "I will make sure to be gentle, my queen!"

'My queen?' How Mirae wished that James could say this word always, forever... She encircled her arms around his body and dug her nails deep into his skin as he entered inside her forbidden part. At first, Mirae wanted to stop it but later, as she got the hang of it, she hugged him tightly and let out deep moans.

As they both reached the climax, James laid down beside Mirae and hugged her. Their naked body touched one another and James liked the way Mirae was smelling just like him.

As James heard nothing from Mirae after he hugged her, he asked her "Did you like it?"

Mirae rolled to the other side such that her front faced him. And while looking into his eyes and touching his cheeks, she answered with a soft yet broken voice "I did like it. I was happy to give my first to you. And I don't know if we will stay like this... But I want you to forget about the woman whom you like."

"Huh?" James looked at Mirae puzzled. "The woman whom I like?" He asked her to confirm what she told but by the time, he did that... he heard Mirae snoring. Another chuckle escaped his mouth and he murmured "Sorry for tiring you out."

As he thought of the way Mirae behaved, James realized that Mirae had misunderstood his words. The person whom he liked was Mirae itself but here, Mirae was thinking that James liked someone else. He chuckled at her stupid misunderstanding and kissed her forehead.

"There is no way... that I would... let another woman come close to me!" Whispering that near her ear, he brought Mirae closer to himself and dozed off.


When Mirae woke up the next morning, she felt her entire body ache. This pain was different compared to the cramps or something which she used to get whenever she slept in a wrong position.

Her eyes fell on the mirror of the dressing table and she noticed that she was naked. Soon, her mind flashed all the events which happened last night and she widened her eyes in surprise.

"I had SEX with him???" She asked herself and remembered the kind of words he used towards her. Mirae smiled thinking about this and she quickly walked to the washroom all the while thinking that James was in the living room.

When she came back to the living room after taking a bath and wearing something clean and new, she was surprised to see the house empty.

"So… he left?" Mirae asked herself and sighed. She felt like a fool to have given her first to someone who was already liking someone else.

If she had to do something like this, couldn't she have done it with Yeonjun also? Why did she only do it with James and that too after he said that he liked someone else?

Mirae felt that her mind could explode anytime and she walked to the kitchen to prepare some coffee. As she began to prepare, she noticed the note which was stuck on the kitchen countertop.

She took the note and read it "I'm sorry! I should have been there to eat breakfast with you but I got an important call so, I had to go. Please don't forget about our meeting today, the same venue, at the same time

From: James Park"

Mirae read the note again and again only to realize that James was not cancelling out on their meeting. He said that he would state his feelings to the girl he likes today so, why is he still waiting for us to meet?

Mirae felt a little confused and for a second, her mind thought that James would propose to her after what happened last night but she just shrugged it off thinking it as one of her foolish suspicions.

"Will something really happen tonight?" She asked herself as she felt a different feeling in her mind.