Chapter 24 The Immortal Curse

Ken was so shocked, it happens so fast. He did not expect it to happen.

" June!!June!!!" He was so damned afraid seeing so many blood coming from her chest for she directly stabbed her heart.

" Damn it June!!! Why did you do this?" He is crying now and took the knife from her chest. He didn't see this coming!!!

But what happens next more shook him. June sat up away from him took unbutton her long sleeve polo and took of her shirt.

In his very eyes Ken saw the wound that the swiss knife made and the wound vanishes. The only thing that is left is the blood in her chest and the bloody cloth on the ground and the bloody swiss knife on his hands.

Ken even blink a few times and look at her chest and back to the swiss knife his holding and back to her chest again.

" D- did just that happened?" He stummer.

June wipe all the blood in her chest and now Ken could saw clearly her smooth fair white pinkish skin. There is not even a trace of wound from there, like really nothing happened. Ken knew that this is not a dream for he smell the blood of her from the swiss knife.If he had not seen it he will definitely would not believe but here is her wife perfectly fine after stabbing her heart from a knife.

" You see Ken I'm a soldier who does not die. I am immortal.Yes a faerie lives for a long time but we also die but not in my case. I am so different from them. I am beyond curse."June say while putting another set of clothes to cover herself.

"Cursed?"Ken says become distracted seeing her wife half naked body.

" Yes Ken just like those Elfians faerie, I am cursed but beyond the cursed of cursed."

" Who did cursed you?"

" Just like the Elfian forbidden love. My Father and mother embark on that path too. You see my father is the King of damnation and my mom is the queen of the faeries."

" Both of the world does not collide to each other or we could say that they are the total opposite and a sworn enemy."

" The battle between this two kingdoms have been going for a thousand of generations, but who would taught that the sworn king of the damned and the suppose queen of the faeries who loves to visit the earth and disguise as humans. Will meet and fall in love!"

They even made friends with humans and learned their ways of living. In one of their visit they saw each other. And the attraction between them become undeniable."

"My dad and mom did not knew their real identity and hid it well to each other. And because Dad love my mom so much he decided to marry her.Because they both lie not of their parents or kingdom knew their marriage and decided to live in the earth.

Mom and Dad thought they are safe but on their first night dad found my moms identity."

" The power of my mom and her fragrance leak so dad discover her identity. If a faerie queen gives herself to man that she loves most her scent will be so fragrant that even the wildest beast from afar would come and be attracted to her so the man she will be with needs to fight those beast for the faerie queen is so weak and she could not protect herself from those unwanted men who will devour her."

"You mean if we have sex instead of having you for the whole night I will fight many beast and unearthly creature?" Ken wonders

" Yes if I gave myself to you after that many would come to take me and will devour me.So you better be strong when that time comes."

"Oh no! I could not imagine your dad's predicament at that time!"

" Is a good thing that you tell me this if not imagine my surprise in our first night!"

" I know!That is why I did not want to make love to you for this reasons so no one will know in my kingdom that I am no longer a virgin and no monster will come to take me away."

" So aside from the beast that came that night your mothers identity was revealed because her kingdom knew what happens?"

" Yes my Father who is tired protecting my mom was knock of by a faerie warrior and my mom was taken back to Engkanstanscia."

" My mom was locked in the faerie kingdom. My Father did not go to the kingdom for he knew that our kingdom is their sworn enemy and he is so mad that my mom lied to him."

"My mom was locked up there for three months but my grandmother discover that my mom is pregnant. My mom gave birth to my elder sisters. They are triplet. And because mom is so love by our people they ask the tribunal not to punish mom and my elder sisters. My grandmother love my mom too and my sister that she even took all the powers of the child for fear that her grandaughter became different. But it was a wrong move to my grandmother taking the power of the three child shorten her life and she also discover after taking the power of her grandchild that her grandaughters are children of the damned."

" My grandmother hid that fact to my mother and ask her to raise the children on earth. So again my mother was back to the earth."

" But destiny is so hard on her she meet my father again.They were both so angry and fight that they clashed over and over again.My mom realized who my dad is.And their battle became more pierce but more intimate."

"My dad even told me they even fight in bed many times that leads again to my mothers pregnancy."

"This time dad knew his love for mom is inevitable. So he decided to live with her in the earth. But after my mom gives birth another disaster came to our family."

" My dad lover who happens to be her fiance was so mad upon discovering dad's childrens. She was so mad that she cursed our family over and over again."

" What kind of cursed?"

" She cursed our family of immortal cursed of enchantressment. She cursed all of us sisters who will be born that will lure man and be desired by many but no one will love us."

" And my grandmother who is that time suffering from the punishment of our laws because mom have relationship with dad again, tried to reverse the cursed and she died in the process."

" My mom and dad already got 6 children all of them are female none of them display the power of a faerie or the damned not even one possess the power of the enchantress. So dad and mom took it as my grandmother reverse the cursed from her death. Then I was born.

" Their sevent child. I was born not with just a power of a faerie but I was also born with the power of the damned and to top it all the I also got the enchantress skill.That even when I was a baby I lured man."

"The cursed of the curse was born out of me!"June sadly says.

" Because both my father and saw these on me they together bound me with their powers."

" Fearing all of these my father gave me to his human friend and so I grew up not knowing that I am a half princess of the damned and a half princess of the faerie."

"This was all revealed to me when my father took me and trained me as warrior."

" Everyday I trained hard so my powers would not take over me and I trained hard to wield it properly."June ending her story.

"I did not know that you have suffered so much already."Ken hug June in his arms.

"I dont care about your curse I will help you to find solution so you could be free from it. And after our mission with Dr. Toshiko I will talk to your family and properly ask your hand in marriage."

" I know that you are afraid of the punishment for having a forbidden relationship to me, but I am willing to take a chance with you. If your father and mother foughts all the odds then I'm going to fight for you too!"Ken Passionately say.

"Just let me June!Just let me do that for you!"He added and then claim June's lips and lovingly kiss her.

June was so overwhelm upon hearing this words from him. No doubt that Ken really loves her.

She cling to his neck so he could gain more access to her lips. This time the kiss deepen and from sweet to rough and bitting then gently again. Ken is such a good teacher he even teach her how to kiss playfully teasing her insides and he also teach her how to use the tongue. He give her a chase kiss that they both find funny and continue doing for a couple of minutes then kissed again passionately.

" Your so sweet honey I could not get over kissing you!" Ken says in between their kisses.

Then he deepen more the kiss and put June into his lap and hug more June tightly. This time he does not only want to kiss her but his hand travels around her body too.

He touch and felt her softness, her curves that arch from his touches.He loves the feeling that her body wants his touch.Her body is asking for more so thus he is. But it excites and torture him at the same time when he touch her arouse area and her hands will try to stop his hand.

It became a game of chase to them just like when they were at the Lovers Island they both do this and always he succeeded and won overpowering June resolves.

And tonight is no diffirent Ken is already an expert lover and June being a virgin is at a disadvantage and soon her hand that is prohibiting him from touching her is now helping his hand to touch her more.

Ken smiled at the action of Junes hand and he became more bolder.His hands are insides her clothes touching her sweet body.

Ken is too greedy seeing June that is now intoxicated with his touch and kiss he wanted to do more.

His hand travel downward and June just gave him access to her most sensitive part. But before his hand touch her they were interrupted by a phone call.