Chapter 26 The true leader

It is already morning the sound of the chirping bird and other morning insect can be heard. But the animosity among them grew wider. No matter how beautiful the scene their mood is dark and heavy.

What happen at night made them build a wall. Akita don't trust June Haru felt very jealous of Ken. Ken wants his wife but he is the leader so he still want to unite the team. Yuuki gets mad at Akita for not trusting her sister.

June tried to talk to Akita but the latter just ignore her.

June knew if this continue the team will be destroy. They havent reach a concensus. Akita wants her out Haru wants the leadership from Ken.This is a big trouble.

As they are preparing to leave the beautiful forest to continue their mission. June spoke to Ken and convince him.

So she approach Ken.

" We should not continue the mission." She suggest.

"The team is in chaos right now."

But before Ken could says anything Akita heard it.

" Who are you to decide not to continue? We've been doing this for so many years and this is the firs time that we have a very clear lead to our enemy. And you will say we need to abhort the mission?"

"You have no right in this matter!" Akita says before leaving the two of them.

At this moment Ken knew that his leadership is put on a test. He must choose wisely.Everyone is emotional.He needed to think carefully. So he decided to gather them all.

Ken called them all.

"All right if you want to continue then we will continue this mission. But we are not leaving this place with animosity between us. We are a team.We must be united and live any misunderstanding-"

"You have destroy this team!" Haru angrily says

" You are no longer fit to be a leader!"added by Haru.

"I did not destroy this team. Your jealousy is blinding you from thinking clearly."

"Our untrust will destroy us.If you want this leadership I challenge you to a fair fight."Ken challenging Haru.

"You are stronger than me!" How will it be a fair fight?" Haru says.

"Let Akita chooses a game for us. And I will have a handicapped. " Ken says confidently.

"Its fine by me." Haru says and look at Akita.

Akita nodded and started to think what should he give these two men.

He knows that Ken is smart and strong and Haru is flexible and does not easily gives up.

An idea occur in his head but he needed the help of June.

Akita approach June.

" I still dont trust you but if you want to gain my trust do what I will ask you to do."

June just nod her head.

"Yuuki blindfolded both of them."

Yuuki do not understand but followed Akita. She blindfolded Ken and Haru.

While they are waiting Akita explain to June what he needed.

"I know that you can change this place appearance.Change this forest into desert make it wide. Make sure to add a sandstorm in my cue. Prepare also a weights for the whole body. And give me a high heeled shoes that will fit for both of them." Akita instructed to June.

June just snap her finger and Akita saw all the things he intructed.

Then Akita called Yuuki Ken and Haru.

"Yuuki this is their starting point. Stand here."

"The two of you will race with this weights on your body wearing this heels to the place where I will stand. The weights will be heavier every after 5 minutes and the difficulty of the place will be higher. The fastest to get there will be the leader.

"Ken we will double the handicapped for you. You will be blindfolded and double the weights on you. But before we blindfolded you, I will show you the ending line."

Then Akita walks and called June.

"June you will be the goal since both of them wants you. And since you are the cause of this commotion I will give you punishment. For every 5 minutes they took at the time you will remove one piece of your cloth. And you will have to add a 1 kilos of weights in them and put more traps for them.

June knew that Akita is serious so she agreed at the conditions he sets.

Akita gave his signal.

Haru and Ken both heard the signal and started to run in the desert but to their dismay they both struggle to move because the high heeled shoes is not fit for desert wear. Aside from the heels they are also carrying a weights.

Haru feels he is on the advantage for he see the goal and he could also see Ken, but nonetheless he could also bearly move.

Ken lift the heavy weights and try run as fast as he could but the heels are really hard to walk on.He could only hear Haru cursing at his struggle and notice that Haru's voice is not that far away from him.So he keeps on moving.

Time already ticks at 5 minutes so Akita instruct June to make a sand storm and he also ask her to remove one piece of her clothes.

Akita really think and plan carefully. So he could punish June and streghten Haru and Ken ability.

Haru saw what happens but then a sand storm appeared that makes the journey more difficult.

Another 10 minutes passed and a new obstacle was added.Two men continue running desert and batling the terrible sandstorm with spiky and desert plants are all over so they have been prick on their skin.

Haru keeps looking forward though he is still far away from June he could see that she is becoming naked and this motivates him to finish the race.

Time passed again Akita instruct June to undress the two men and ask June to put more thorny plants around them.Haru scream in pain as thorn and pointed objects are pricking his skin. The sand storm not only blinded him but he could not see the objects that are coming to his way.

Ken heard the scream of Haru. He knew he was so much in pain. But he continued stepping, then something heat his head. He then felt pain and rushing of viscous liquid in his forehead.And his weights becoming heavier but he needed to move forward.

On the side Haru curse again. For a flying object heat his genitals. He almost fainted and shout continously that made him stopped from moving forward.

Ken heard that and he knew that Haru is on his left. So he continued advancing.Not later on Ken felt a blade gush on his side.He thought it was done but another blade comes after one another.

He is not only tired but he is now in a lot of pain because of the added sharp objects that are flying towarsd them.

Haru saw that even though Ken was wounded he continue and he saw that he was almost there. So he gather his strength and move forward.

June saw that two men was almost near her but another 5 minute was done and now she needed to remove the last piece of clothing she has. She is now fully naked. Though Akita ask her to stop the sandstorm he ask June to make a wall with big biting ants.

Because Haru and Ken are naked they both reach the wall. Though Haru could see and remove the ants He still suffer on his bites on his naked body.

Ken felt the wall and the ant bites him.Then an idea came into his mind he took a few step back and jump as high as he can.

Both reach to the other side of the wall but a quick sand both engulf them.

Akita warn June not to speak. For both are few steps away from her.

It was the last trap.June knew that Ken has a more heavier weights.So he is more heavier than Haru. She was afraid for both of them. But did not do anything.And watch the two men make their way.

But Haru was so afraid that he could not think straight. That he moves and moves carelessly. Causing him to be drown deeper.

On the other Hand Ken Make himself afloat.As Ken relaxes and made himself lighter After relaxing the scens change. Ken realized that the quicksand is only an illusion.

Akita June and Yuki saw the winner. Akita guided the winner to June.

Ken could smell her wife now.

Ken won the pierce battle.June hug Ken and remove his blindfold and wipe the blood on his. forehead . Ken could see her wife is naked just like him.

Haru came realized that it was illusion when he saw that Ken and June are in a hug. He was so mad that he is going to punch Ken. Then Akita stopped him when he saw that Haru is angrily approaching the two.

"He cheated!" He angrily says.

"No Haru, Ken did not. The last trap was only an illusion I set trap for both of you by asking June.Ken is really the winner. The amount of weights he has is ten times more of yours.And he still manage to win." He explained to Haru. Though still he is mesmerized at Ken's strenght and will power.

Haru could not believe what he had heard.And finally he approach Ken and June and accepted his defeat.

" I lost." Haru says to them and offer his hand to Ken.

"You are truly a leader."

Ken accepted Haru hand this time.

Then Ken saw Haru's eyes feasting on his naked body.

He wanted to took his eyeball out but he wanted to settle this things too.

He did not cover June but display her evenmore.

" This is the last time you are going to see her naked."I will let my wife choose in us.Whomever she let touch her peach would be her boyfriend.And let us respect her decision." He told to both of them.

" June its your decision now. Stand in front of us and think of whom do you want to be with you. " Ken says.

June blushed at the words of Ken. Not only he allowed the men to see her body but he also allowed them to see whom who touch her. June

did not hesitate anymore for she is already red and embarrased. She took Ken's hand and guides his hand to her peach.

"I'm sorry Haru but Ken is my hsuband now." She says as she let Ken touch her peach.

Ken is so proud that he continue to stroke her wife there. Letting this men know that this is her wife.

Haru saw it and understand.

As everyone saw it a flashing blinding white light envelopes them.

Ken saw that the team stop moving. Only him and June are moving.

"I am erasing their memory. They do not need to remember awful things." June explain to Ken.

She needed to replace their memory specially seeing her naked body. He needs to remove it from their memory and replace it with something else.

" How long are they going to stay like that?" Ken ask.

" Just 10 minutes." June says

" Could you make it 30 minutes?" He ask and stroke her once more.

" Or an hour maybe?" Ken say playfully.

" Yes I can but still, we need to finished a mission."

June says.

"Damn!" Ken says before he take his wifes lips and kiss her passionately.