chapter 4

finally, what seems to be the longest ride I experience finally ended with me and my cousin arriving at my school. people stared at me which made me stare at them with my silver-brownish orbs in the corner of my eyes and don't mind it as long they don't cross the line, that is starting a weird rumor in school about me or my family member being gold digger like a few weeks back. thats' why I hate being under the limelight with a famous icon of the society.

"Thanks, cousin-in-law~" Maverick says as he takes a bite of the cupcake that was in the table earlier. Coral who was about to scream at him realize what he just said began to blush as she starts to fantasize in front of the crowd. "pls choke on that cupcake, you glutton." I mumble to my brother as I walk past him. "ack--" he now choking on his cupcake glared at me as he takes water from a nice minion of Coral.

"stupid." I rolled my eyes at what just happen to him. 'thats what you get stuffing your mouth with two cupcakes at once.' I was about to walk away from them when someone has to stop me from walking even farther, that being said it was Coral whos holding my skirt.

"Darling won't you pat me as I thoughtfully give you a ride here?" she asks me in a way that it seems I'm the bad one here. I notice at the very moment that all eyes and ears are in our direction.

touching her? thats rather impossible. [ haphephobia ] was something I develop after remembering a memory a few years back, a memory that I rather not remember yet I did--I always did on the same day of my birth. every year since I was five a glimpse of what seems to be my 'past life' starts to appear before me. through the memory is only containing a glimpse of the time my past-self 5 years young age, a short view of being left alone as the fire burned away everything that once said to be my first home, the sensation of being burned was felt even it only seems to be a dream and waken me the very next moment in a crying fit.

"--darling?" I realize I zone out again as I shake my head, dismissing those thoughts. "fine." I once again grab hold of my cousin who is about to walk out from the scene with all the remaining desserts in hand. I hold his wrist and made him pat her with me moving his hand. everyone looks dumbfounded at me when I made that unruly move. "there. bye." since she was daze like everyone else, I take that chance to walk away.


the moment I enter the building I heard someone called my name. I look up and saw Laurel Wierny, the student council president of my school. "Miss Larelance..." he called out again before he stood five-step away from me.

"you have made a scene the nth time this month and haven't sent the application for world-hopping selection!" the ever strick green highlighted classmate says to me which ended with him adjusting his glasses.

"I really don't want to join that..." I mumble as I felt a headache thinking that I need to send my application and then wait after my graduation a few months later in august to start my journey. "those are the things you and I need to follow, miss Larelance." he lectures me again while I clean my ear as I'm tired of hearing those words the nth time from everyone.

"why do we need to create a story out of our own reality when we all know those are nothing but a pointless world? in the first place, we all realize one way or another those arent real worlds." I wanted to say that to the people who keep pushing me to select my first experience in world-hopping when I become 20 years young, five months ago. "never think of a good place." I simply say. "I know you'll say that. here." he gives me three booklets containing what seems to be containing details about the possible worlds I can go to in the most detailed way.

"what an overly prepared school president you are, Mr. Wierny." I joked as I scan the titles. it was a home-made booklet at that matter as familiar handwriting written all the text inside and out, there's also some kindergarten drawing in the side as if a deco. I laugh at the sight at it which made him cough with a red tint on the tip of his ears.

"if only I can give you my ten chances of doing world-hopping instead." I mumble as I scan the text that shows the world of a century ago, a world no one really goes but few others, its name always been anonymous for private reason.

"I will let you know even an F division residence like me can create a legend in one time world-hopping too, Miss Larelance." he says in a word of swore as his solemn greenish-grey eyes stare down at me who's 5'8 from his 6'1 height.

Laurel is one of the few people I rather enjoy the company with, two years ago when I was alone in the park on one rainy day a stranger approach me and shield me from the rain with patch up a kiddy umbrella.

He did nag me for being a reckless adult who's wasting my life away and that I'm going to die from the terrible red rain. He did stop when he saw I was crying.

He wasn't really a stranger in a sense as he was my classmate for six years and always been my class rep or school president. But we never meet eye to eye to get to know each other. But after that accident, I discovered his a caretaker of all the orphan children in F division. The great big brother ((onii-Chan)) of F division children.

"yeah, you will." I nodded in agreement. But making a legend is either your alive to live at being one or die to have one, which one you shall have then?