chapter 6

[ "you only bring nothing but disaster yet you decide to be a--?" ]

a tall faceless woman stares down at me as she belittles me with her words if I was the person who supposes to be in this scene, I would most likely weep, but that person is a past me who rather long died from what will happen years after that day.

I simply walk away from the giants' faceless figure in white and black tales room, I saw many giant faceless figures yet I never once listened to their words of belittling me.

[ "--? you'll help me right?" ]

I was stopped on my walk by a wounded child tagging my cloths. I notice scars and bandage cover their body that leads to a state their death is 90% than surviving. familiarity seems to spark inside me but I still don't know full details about that year.

the colorless world around us melts as my dream state waken up slowly. that child still stared at me as the world melt unfreezes by everything.

[ "...--" ]

he mumbles before he too fades away to the back of my mind.

"hmm...?" I mumbled as I open my eyes and stared at the person who wakens me up, I saw Maverick looking at me with worried look with sunset outside the window.

"you're starting to have narcolepsy if this goes on, Cous." he says as he licks his pink lollipop.

"narcolepsy... hmm." I seat up straight and was about to fix my bag when I realize it was already fixed. "come on let's go home, let's get you granma spicy soup." he holds both are bag in his hand as he stood up out of the chair in front me. the orange light from the setting sun around us rather bad for my eyes as I rather stare at the green color at the moment. yawning as the sleepy state haven't totally left my system and stood up from my seat.

we weren't luckily been yelled at by guards when we're the last student to left the school ground rather they even call a cab for us. that move has all the name Coral Relish written over it. And I was right as the moment that I was about to enter our house, a text message bombed me. I open my screen and realize it was an unknown account


CeriseandCoral: darling pls unblock me!

Ceriseandcoral: I won't ask you for a dinner date next time!

((seen 6:07 pm))


I rolled my eyes as I unblock her but muted her chats and put it to the less important chat notification box. I'm not being rude but I really want to make her stop bothering me. and it's not about being homo or against being homo. in this era, homo is not even a problem as guy and girl can get pregnant by the same gender but at a high cost.

I accept if other people are one but to apply it to me is rather a bad issue. I have no interest in the same sex or the opposite sex to either love or have sex with. I felt it was a thing other people can enjoy but not for me. will I do like watching them do those but for myself to be in a situation like that seems too unrealistic to me?

or maybe I'm just affected by certain memory to make me deny all attempts of whos around me?' i thought as I walk inside the kitchen and take a chili out of the ingredients counter and eat it.

"hmm..." I hummed as I wake up from my sleepy state and stared at the wall clock and calendar screen flashing in the corner of the room. [ June 01, 3018 // 6:18pm ]

"I can read that handbook before dinner time." I thought as I take the handbook that was given to me to the table and start scrolling in it. I chuckle at the sight of cute children drawing as borders while reading the context absentmindedly. I don't realize time went by like a passing wind until I was called by my grandma as its time to eat.

"you seem happy is there something good happen today?" my grandma began as she put a big scoop of spicy corn beans to my bowl.

"Woah your happy that girl gives you a ride?" Maverick look at me with a pointy teasing look at that made me jabbed his stomach at. "ackk--"

"stop making assumptions, that not the case at all." I close my eyes and start eating my food. "I'm going to send my application tomorrow." I mumble out of the blue after a few sip.

"..." they look at my direction in a very surprise state and almost let go of their bowl they are holding. "SERIOUSLY?" my cousin began to shake me for an answer which made me push him away from me. "you're making me dizzy." I hiss at him that made him laugh nervously before he regains his solemn look that rather rare of him and let go oh my shoulder.

"but don't you hate it?"

"I don't hate it rather I don't understand why its compulsory thing... when I don't want to join one." I corrected him as I take a big sip of my soup. "I'm not planning to make a legend or worth mentioning things either. I just have to pass that world quest quicker and leave." I added.

"if you pass them right away that makes it even a world breaking thing."

"oh..." I thought for a sec. "then I lookup for the world time records in that world before I do the average time for it then." I mean if it makes the time I'm away from that stalker of mine then it's ok I guess. "was that something you two don't expect from me?" I stared at them which made them stop the unblinking gazing at me.

"this morning you keep saying you don't want it what change your thoughts?"

"I can't run away from the problem when people keep insisting it to me because others do it too. the world obligation, its the law and importance were written in that statement as well other people's words..."' can defeat my 'pointless' desire to not join right? A louder voice gets accepted than weaker ones.' in the end, I don't finish my whole sentence out loud but in my thoughts.

"ok, I'm done eating. night you two." I don't wait for their reply or look at their direction as I fasten the pace of my eating and stood up to put my bowl to the sink and went up to my room.

I collapse at my door after I lock it shut. "this era is annoying as my past." I thought before I stood up and went to change to my nightclothes.

I walk to the window and look at the sky with flying cars and ships. sometimes, the wonderful sight of the starry night is blocked by the clouds. "how can I help when I don't even know what to do, kid." I utter to no one, While I thought of the first mistake that I made that leads to a never-ending connection of tragedy.