Elizabeth! (4)

After reading and discovering the effect of all the titles, I start to decide which one to equip.

"Well, some of these titles have effects that I don't know very well, if they are useful! After all, again I don't know the status functionality very well! However, even without this knowledge, I can see the titles that are not going to be any use to me now!

They are [An Unlucky Existence!], [Not Number 44!], [Jester!], [I Don't Know These Women!], [The Greatest Deadbeat!] and finally [The One Who Deceived a God!] I admit that I was very reluctant before eliminating that last title!

After all, in addition to a great effect, this title has a very cool name! Well, in the end none of these titles is really useful to me now!

In fact some of these titles have such strange and random effects that I can't even say if they will ever be useful!

Anyway, apart from the titles that seem useless, there are still some

They are [Robustness of a Cockroach!], [The Second Greatest Martial Artist of the Century!] and [Heroic Soul!]

Well, let's see which of these three is the most useful to me, at least for now!"

After that, I spend time looking carefully, for description of each of the three titles

About five minutes later, I start the process to decide which title I will equip

"Well, [Heroic Soul!] has a very good effect! It increases all my attributes by 5%! However, this effect is not very useful now.

After all, all my attributes are currently quite low, and a bonus of just 5% is not ideal! So, I have to eliminate him, at least for now!

Well, that leaves only two titles, [Robustness of a Cockroach!] and [The Second Greatest Martial Artist of the Century!]!

The first increases my Vitality by 50% while the second increases my Strength and Dexterity by 25%.

Maybe I had better equip the first one. After all, if I do that, I will have even more Health and Stamina!

On the other hand, it seems a shame to waste this Strength and Dexterity bonus! Damn! This is very frustrating!

If only I could equip both, I wouldn't be so undecided!"

At this moment, while I'm undecided about which of the two titles I should choose, a certain thought crosses my mind

"Wait... how fast can I equip and unequip a title? If it's not a lengthy process.

I can choose and switch freely between titles if necessary. That way, I don't have to worry about wasting either bonus!

Yeah, that sounds interesting, let's test!"

With that idea in mind, I quickly equip the title [Robustness of a Cockroach!]

The instant I equip the title, my Vitality increases and consequently my Health and Stamina

[Title: Robustness of a Cockroach!]

VIT: 90 -> 135

Health: 3.780 -> 5.670

Stamina: 1.440 -> 2.160

"Oh, I was right! My Health and Stamina really depends on my Vitality! Looking at these values.

My Health is my Vitality multiplied by my Defense! On the other hand, my Stamina is my Vitality multiplied by my Strength!

I wonder if my Mana is calculated in a similar way. ow is not the time to be impressed! Let's do some tests!"

I unequip the title [Robustness of a Cockroach!] and in place, I equip the title [The Second Greatest Martial Artist of the Century!]

In doing so, some of my attributes changes again. However, this time the attributes that change are the Strength and Dexterity attributes

[Title: The Second Greatest Martial Artist of the Century!]

STR: 16 -> 20

DEX: 30 -> 37

Stamina: 1.440 -> 1.800

"Hmm, the transition from one title to the other took about five seconds! This may not seem like a long time, but actually is!

Something that I learned during the [Second trip to Hell] was that during a fight, every second counts!

If I get distracted for a second in a fight, it could mean my death! So I think I will do this, only when it is really necessary!"

Having reached that conclusion, I stretch and look at the horizon, more specifically for the region that I believe to be a forest

"Now that I've checked this, I think I had better get out of this desert first! Because, I need to find something to cover myself!

Besides, although it is not so hot right now I don't know what will happen at night!

The deserts on Earth, reach negative temperatures during the night! I imagine that here it must be much worse!

Maybe the desert freezes?"

After thinking about this possibility, I get a shiver down my spine

"Shit! That would be very scary!"

However, I quickly compose myself, and prepare to leave the desert

"Since I'm going to have to run! I think I'm going to continue with this title equipped! After all, he gives me a small Dexterity bonus!

Although the bonus is not very high, having it is much better than not having it! Well, to the forest!"

After I say that, I stretch my legs, and start running towards the forest

After a few minutes of running, I reach the entrance to the forest.

A large forest formed by colorful trees and blue colored shrubs.

'Oh, these trees look like a Eucalyptus Deglupta! Are these moments that I love to be able to remember everything!'

"Well, now that I'm here! Let's look for something to cover myse-"

At this moment, before I can continue talking, I hear a noise beside me


Hearing the noise in my left, I look quickly and find a big creature.

'Fuck! Is that… a Wolf?'

A big red wolf, who watches me with eyes full of hunger.

While I'm still thinking about how to react, the wolf slowly raises its head and howls


A few seconds later, I hear several howls coming from far away.







'Damn! He called the pack!'

I start running in the opposite direction to the big wolf.

'Shit! Why it had to be now? I couldn't even find anything to cover myself!

Besides, I'm already tired from the running in the desert!'

I keep running, as I dodge the trees and roots that are on the ground

'Maybe it was a bad idea to come to the forest! No, that was the best choice!

After all, in the forest, I can hide among the foliage of trees, in bushes or even in caves!

On the other hand, in the desert, the only way to hide is to bury myself!

That doesn't seem like a good idea! After all, I don't know if there, are any creatures, which hide in the sand!'


"Damn it! Is chasing me... I have to find a place to hide!"

While I'm distracted checking the distance between me and the wolf, I stumble over a large root and fall flat on my face

I quickly raise my head, ready to get up and keep running

However, at this very moment, I see a large fireball pass in the exact place where my head was a second behind

The fireball flies and only stops after hitting one of the colorful trees

The moment the tree comes into contact with the fireball, it explodes


"Fuck! If one of those hits me, I'll die for sure!"

I quickly get up and start running again passing through the tree and realizes that the ground around it is still on fire and that the tree is giving off colored smoke.

The instant I pass the tree, I realize that the ground around it is still on fire and that the tree is giving off colored smoke.

Before I can think of covering my nose, I breathe a little of the smoke

After breathing in the colored smoke, I get a little dizzy

At this moment, I hear a voice that I thought I would never hear again

[The Host is with Slight Poisoning...]

[The system suggests is: Detoxify the Slight Poisoning with something...]

'Wow, I couldn't even imagine what I had to do to get rid of the poison! Thanks Elizabeth! Is that what you thought I was going to say? I have news for you dear... I will not! In fact, on second thought, you abandoned me so... Fuck you!'

While I'm teaching Elizabeth a lesson for abandoning me

I quickly use my hands to cover my nose and mouth and keep running



"Damn it! They are getting closer!"

As I run through the trees and bushes, I find a small cave covered with moss and vineyards, on the side of a large cliff.

The entrance is just under a meter, too small for the wolf.


"Grrr! Awooo!"

I throw myself and crawl into the cave, right after that I feel a big impact coming from the cave entrance.


I quickly turn to the entrance, and find a big yellow eye staring at me angrily.

At that moment, I feel a slight tingling in my head, but it lasts less than a second

After realizing, it was nothing, while I still look at the wolf, I quickly use my arms to drag myself into the cave

'Huh? What was this?'

While I'm confused thinking what I just felt, I hear Elizabeth's notifications

[The enemy's Ability has failed...]

'Huh? Ability? That feeling now, was it because of a Ability of that wolf?'

Realizing that his Ability did not work the wolf gets even more annoyed, so he walks away from the cave entrance.

After walking away, he slowly raises his head and opens his mouth.

Seeing this, I am confused for a few moments, but soon I realize what it is and curse

'What he is doing? It will howl again? Oh, no! Shit!'

A large ball of fire begins to form in front of the mouth of the big red wolf.

'Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! If he throws it in here… I'll be burned alive!'

The wolf easily finishes channeling the fireball and gets ready to launch it into the small cave

However, in this moment before he can do that, he is hit by something very fast.



The wolf lets out a muffled cry and disappears.


I get confused for a few seconds with the sudden change in events

"W,what the fuck was that?"

However, I quickly recover and try to hear some battle sound coming from outside the cave.

After not hearing anything, I decide to approach the exit, and find out what happened

I approach the entrance slowly and look out