'One of his last creations. Then I will make sure I use these blades very well.' Alex thought. He unsheathed the swords and was momentarily blinded by translucent rays of light from both the swords.

"These are excellent. The balance, the length, its weight, it is very light. I feel like I'm holding sticks. Despite its unbelievable weight, it looks very sharp, just looking at it and I feel like I could get cut." He said as he was astonished by the Twilight Twin Blades.

"Daemon was an excellent runes master and also an incredible forge master. His works are very famous in the celestial realm." Grace added.

"Camilla, you can have this." Grace pushed two bloodstones towards her niece.

"Shamelessly take it," Alex smirked as he blurted out.

Camilla also desired a bloodstone, she also wanted to get stronger, quicker.

"Thank you."

She said as she blushed from embarrassment.

"There is nothing shameful about accepting things from your aunt. We are family, after all, if you can't accept things from me then shouldn't take anything from anyone." Her aunt tried to encourage her.

'I will make you pay for this, you bumpkin.' Camilla said to herself as she shoots Alex a menacing look.

"There are also martial skill books and cultivation pills in the ring, but they are all Heaven Tier books and Heaven Tier pills. You would not be able to practice the contents of the books or consume the pills until you are at the spirit condensing realm. You should store all these in the ring that I gave you." Grace pointed at the items on the floors.

"What is with this world and its restrictions!?" Alex said being frustrated by his situation again. He did as Grace asked him to and stored all the items that were piled up on the ground, including the Twilight Twin Blades in his hands.

Grace gave the black ring back to Alex.

"I have broken my connection with the ring. I will not be able to access it. You should claim its ownership right now. Even if you can't use it now, you can claim it and keep it till you can."

Alex did as she said and dropped a few drops of his blood on the ring. He felt a stronger connection to this ring than he did with the one Grace gave to him. The connection with the ring that Grace gave to him was like that of a thread.

Like a thread was tied to his finger and the ring. But the one from this ring felt like his whole arm was wrapped in chains and tied to the ring.

"You should put the ring on and see if it will fit," Grace said as she smiled.

Alex complied. He wore the black ring on his middle finger of his left hand. As soon as he wore the ring, it vanished from his finger and was replaced by a black snake tattoo.

"Is this meant to happen?" He raised his hand like it wasn't his and asked with a flabbergasted expression on his face.

"What do you think?" Grace smirked.

"You can wear the other one on top of the tattoo. It wouldn't affect it." Grace added.

Alex did as she said and wore the silver-colored ring that Grace gifted him.

"Do we have any objectives Grace?" Alex asked.

"Yes, there are. The main objectives are; first to get stronger quickly and safely, the second is for you two to keep your identities a secret. Tell no one. The third one, the two of you should have your backs, help the other when the help is needed.

The fourth, this one is not exactly a compulsory one but it will help with achieving the first objective, you are to join top sects. With the talent that the two of you possess, it would not be a difficult thing to do.

This last one is kind of a personal one directed at you Alex. I want you to keep your promise to Sheila. I know what the feeling of vengeance feels like. That road is a dead-end and can drive you crazy."

"I have no qualms about the objectives but the last one.

This is my vengeance. It is none of your business. And I have said already, I will keep the promises I made with her." Alex said rudely.

"Ungrateful vagabond!! My aunt was only showing her concern for you and you dare to speak to her like that." Camilla was immediately angered by Alex's reply to her aunt.

"This is also none of your business frog," Alex said to Camilla.

She looked at Alex like she wanted to tear him into pieces.

"I am sorry Alexander, I crossed my boundaries. Camilla, it is indeed none of your business. Don't blame him when you do not fully understand the situation." Grace reprimanded her niece.

"What!? Why are you defending him?" Camilla couldn't understand why her aunt would defend Alex when she was only trying to help her. Grace ignored her niece.

"I just don't want you to kill yourself over it, and in the process forget about the promises you made with her."

Alex gave no reply to what Grace said.

"Are you going to show me the ropes on how to use QI?" He asked.

"I'm sorry Alex but I wouldn't be able to help you with that. I'll have Camilla help you with that, she is proficient in it. I think it is time for us to say our farewells." Grace said as she looked at Alex and Camilla, she was feeling reluctant to leave them.

"Why can't you just stay till I get strong enough to fight those that turned against us in the clan," Camilla said as she was also unwilling to let her aunt leave.

"You know that I can't do that. My cultivation would not be able to progress an inch in this realm, matter of fact it will continue to drop if I stay here for long. Your Grand uncle is already an early stage immortal realm cultivator. If I stay here it will only be detrimental to our plans."

Grace walked to her niece and hugged her. They stayed in each other's embrace for a few minutes.

"Take care of Alex, for now, Camilla, he is a talent that even you cannot compare to. Once he strong enough he would be a very huge asset to you."

"I will try to aunt grace." She replied.

Grace turned to face Alex.

"I suppose that you don't need to lie in my embrace for a few minutes too, do you," Grace said with a smirk.

"No thank you, I am not completely immune to your Aphrodisiac fragrance yet." He said as he shook his head.

Grace walked to where he was and planted a kiss on both sides of his cheek.

"This is me saying thank you." She teased Alex.

Alex stared at her using every will he could muster to stop himself from falling into her arms.

"You don't need to hold back that much, the veins in your neck might pop," Grace said as she chuckled.

She put a bit of distance between her and Alex.

"You can breathe fine now, my scent shouldn't affect you from here."

"Farewell Alex, Camilla. Let us meet in the future." Saying so grace started to levitate, she sped up and disappeared from their sights.

"A lot of goodbyes in one day. That's a first for me." Alex sighed.

"Do we head north, south, west, or east?" He turned and asked Camilla with a straight face.

Camilla had an evil smile on.

"I told you that you would pay for the disrespect you've shown me." Camilla disappeared and appeared right in front of Alex.