The battle between Alex and the nascent realm bandit lasted for only a minute.

Alex walked closer to the corpse and licked his lips after seeing blood flow from the bandit's head.

"That's it? Weren't you going to hunt me down?" He furiously kicked the corpse of the bandit and sent it over a few feet.

"I need more, this is not enough blood." His urge to kill had surfaced and just this one kill couldn't satisfy him.

He turned his attention to where Camron was and observed that he was struggling with three opponents, two nascent realm cultivators, and one origin realm cultivator. He noticed that two of the Origin realm cultivators had been killed.

Camron had a few cuts and bruises on his body, the bandits he was against were also armed with machetes.

Alex charged to where Camron was battling…

Camron had dodged, blocked, and parried the machetes that were being slashed at him.

"Damn! This origin realm bandit is a pest." He cursed out after getting cut by the bandit with a realm lower than his.

He got frustrated by the fact that he hadn't been able to finish the origin realm bandit, due to two nascent realm cultivators and their obviously well-practiced battle formation.

From the side of his eyes, Camron casually glanced and noticed a glimmering silvery-like object heading his way rapidly.

'What's that?' He wondered.

He turned his attention back to his opponents. They were standing in their battle formation once more. With two nascent realm cultivators at the front, standing side by side, and the origin realm cultivator behind them. They charged at him.

Getting attacked simultaneously from both sides, Camron lost his bearing for a second. He could only block one of the machetes that aimed at him, dodging the other was almost nonexistence because of how close it was to his body. He braced himself for impact, expecting to be gravely injured.


The machete was thrown off course by a silver spear. Camron never imagined that Alex would come to his rescue.

'Am I seeing things right?'

Alex stood tall in front of Camron, with his hair dancing to the wind. Alex planted the pole of the spear on the ground and used it as support as he sent a kick at the nascent realm bandits. His attack didn't do much to them, it only sent them a few feet away from their initial positions.

"Huh, where is Jambi? Isn't this the nuisance he was supposed to take care of?" The bandit whose machete got parried by Alex's spear spoke up.

"A fitting name for a corpse." Alex mocked with an enigmatic smile on his face.

Hearing what Alex said, the bandits that were battling Camron and Camron himself, started to survey their surroundings. They all gazed into the distance.


Everyone present but Alex gasped at what they saw. A body on the floor laying in a pool of blood. They turned their attention back to Alex.

"You two deal with him while I take care of this one. Don't underestimate him because of his cultivation realm, Jambi was strong and he was killed within a short time. Hold him off till I get rid of this one, then we would take care of him together." One of the nascent realm bandits suggested.

"Fine by me." Alex teased with a crazed smile as his bloodlust surged out uncontrollably.

"What!? How can you be fine with that? Stick with me, we can take them on together." Camron rebuked.

Not waiting to listen to his rebuke, Alex ran towards an open space distancing himself from Camron. Behind him was a nascent realm bandit and the last origin realm bandit.

Alex came to stop and so did his pursuers. The bandits quickly separated and entered a battle formation. One standing a few meters away from him at his front and the other, a few meters behind him.

"Shall we begin?" He asked nonchalantly and raised his spear.

Seeming to agree with Alex the bandits began to take action. They started to sprint around Alex, in a clockwise motion.

"A battle formation, a well-practiced one at that. These don't look like something ordinary bandits would know." Alex observed.

'This is a perk of having the ability to manipulate space, everything within a few meters is within my reach like I have a third eye; I can observe everything within a certain radius, clearly. I can even distort space a bit, at will.

Though I would love to find out if I can teleport my body as a whole, not just parts of the spear. That would be something to look forward to. For now, this is sufficient.' Alex pondered, feeling marveled at his ability.

The bandits seem to have some form of communication for their battle formation. Alex could see them making weird signs with their hands and hitting their weapons on the ground at rhythmic periods.

"Well it doesn't matter, you both will bleed today." He scoffed and started to twirl his spear, side to side.

Alex did not give his opponent much time to think. He stared at the nascent realm bandit, cackled, and said.

"You will be first."

To the bandits, Alex did not have a chance against them if they fight using a formation. They planned on keeping their distance and only attacking when there is an opening to. They did not know that within a certain radius, Alex could attack from any angle.

The nascent bandit felt wary, he had a feeling that Alex wasn't easy to deal with.


While running, the nascent bandit's view changed suddenly, he was staring at Alex before but now the only thing he could see were stones and dirt on the ground.

Alex used the pole of his spear to shatter the man's knee, it was so sudden and unexpected that the bandit did not feel it as it happened.

"Huh!" He blurted out in confusion.

Just a few centimeters before he would hit the ground, the bandit spotted a silver pole appearing out of thin air, coming at him from below.


The pole caught his jaw, breaking it upon contact. The force sent the nascent bandit up in the air and had his teeth dropping from his mouth. All these happened in a few seconds.

The origin realm bandit watched as his colleague had been easily taken care of; He wanted to escape. He turned around and was about to sprint away when he abruptly sensed the cold feel of metal against his right hand, locking him in his position.

Alex used the spear to wrap the hand of the bandit, the same way a snake would wrap its prey. The silver spear was that flexible. He then broke the bandit's shoulder by pulling the spear towards himself.

"Argh!!" The bandit cried out in pain.

"And where do you think you're going to?" Alex taunted.

"Please spare me." Trembling as he pleaded.

Alex swayed his spear to the left and broke the bandit's humerus bone. The bone tore through his flesh and meat till it surfaced and brought a streak of blood with it.

"Sckeeee!!" The man gave a high pitched scream, wailing in agony.

Alex tugged him closer and poked two of his fingers into the bandit's eyes. He dragged his fingers down the man's maxilla, coursing through like a person's finger would; through wet mud. He then used his spear to slice the bandit's major arteries on his legs.

The bandit could not make any cry that would match the pain he was going through at the moment.

Alex used the man's broken humerus to stab the other bandit that he sent up into the air earlier on. He stabbed him in his throat before he hit the ground.

'Thud.' Two mutilated bodies fell to the ground

The two bandits were left to die a gruesome and painful death, one slower than the other. One bandit with a bone stuck in his throat. And the other bleeding profusely to death from his hand, face, and legs.

"What a wonderful day," Alex concluded with a malicious smile on his face. He took in deep breaths and enjoyed the stench of blood that had pervaded the air…


Evan had just finished dealing with the disaster realm bandits, he had a bit of difficulty doing so. There were a few minor bruises on his body.

"If they were not so adept in battle formations, I wouldn't have had such a hard time. These are not ordinary bandits. They might have had some kind of military training."

He squatted and searched the corpse of the bandits he killed. He found out that they had the mark of exile on their chest.

"Exiled soldiers. No wonder they were good enough to leave some injuries on my body." Evan got up and started to assess the situation.

"The civilian carriage is still intact, they might have been here for a particular individual or just here to rob them of their riches." He concluded.

"Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something?" Evan frowned and put his hand on his jaw, trying to recall what it was.

"Master Camron." He exclaimed.

He quickly searched around. He caught a glimpse of how his young master finished his opponent off.

'whew.' He sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness."