"I have deducted 1500 merit points from you're your name. You will be starting from nothing." The man handed the girl her badge. "You can go back now." Cricket walked back to her seat with tears threatening to fall off her cheeks.

Whilst she was forcing herself to hold back her tears, Alex still stared at the man like he wanted to kill him.

['Quit it Alex.'] Xander said.

['Stop looking at him. Now!'] Lex added, weirdly Lex's words seemed to get to him and he did as his alter said. He closed his eyes and put his head down. He started to take in deep breaths, trying to calm himself down.


*Scanning the user's body and analyzing damages done to the user. Please wait for a moment.

His skin crawler notified him.


*User's wrist has been dislocated and all five fingers on the user's right hand has been broken. The broken bones punctured your skin and as a result of that, the user's hand is bleeding. Suggesting immediate treatment to avoid permanent damage.

Alex ignored the notifications from his device. He focused his mind on not trying to blow up and go on a killing spree.

['Just try to calm down. Don't think about anything else but that.'] Lex advised.

Camron stared at Alex's bloodied hand in fear, he looked around expecting someone powerful to appear out of thin air and kill the man that did that to Alex's hand. After frantically looking left and right for a minute, and no one appeared he started to calm down and started thinking rationally.

'If he appeared, wouldn't that mean that Alex's reason for coming here would be of no use anymore? I guess he would only appear when his highness is in a life-threatening situation.'

Camron was a bit bummed out that Alex's protector didn't show up and he was at the same time relieved that he didn't show up, because if he did then the school might have been painted red today.

"Are you okay?" He whispered to his friend "Let me think for a while." That was all Alex said in response to his question.

'I guess he is okay. He just wants to think for a bit. I don't have any healing ointment on me.'

"Alright." Camron finished. He stared at Alex's hands one last time and watched as the blood continued to flow out of his hand.

"Welcome everybody, to the severance academy. I am Vincent and for this year's new pupils I am the one that has been put in charge of you guys. These people in white by my side are my colleagues which you will get to know later on. I don't want to waste much time speaking to you guys, so I will just list some important rules and tasks you students are meant and not meant to do." The middle-aged man introduced himself.

"As new students you will all be placed in the same class, doesn't matter what cultivation realm you are in, only a few would be exempted from this. As new students you will need to earn merit points for your growth, without it you will have a very hard time procuring the necessities required for your growth.

Unless you have a lot of energy crystals, if you do, then you are most likely to be fine throughout your stay. Just know that some things can only be gotten through the exchange of MP."

Vincent raised his head to look at Alex, he saw him with his eyes closed and head back. Vincent's gaze lingered on Alex for just a second, but that was enough for Alex to notice. His emotions heightened his senses. Alex opened his eyes and locked eyes with Vincent, but it only lasted a moment.

He closed his eyes once more and continued to meditate.

'Those are the eyes of a killer, a bloodthirsty beast. Who is this kid?' Vincent wondered. He pushed his curiosity to the back of his mind and continued to speak. He listed a lot of rules and regulations.

Vincent had been speaking for roughly 30 minutes and occasionally he swings his gaze at Alex to see what he was doing. Apart from the first time that Alex locked eyes with him, he didn't respond to anything, like he had fallen asleep.


*User's condition has been reversed. The broken bones have reconnected and healed. The bleeding has stopped and the user's skin is starting close neatly.

*Cause of rapid regeneration?


*System's hypothesis: It is most likely due to the new genetic configuration of the user's DNA. The system does not recognize these genes as it is not in the systems records.

*Would you like to have the system study your genes? Yes/No?

Alex's eyes jolted open as he heard his skin crawler analyze. One of the reasons a skin crawler was difficult to procure, is because of it's diversified Technological capabilities. It was first made as a prototype to assist explorers in exploring unmapped places in space and help identify or study organisms unfamiliar to its vast encyclopedia. Later on, Death's Door organization ceased the technology and modified it into a tool for stealth and securing information.

He had been so caught up in trying to calm himself that he didn't feel the pain in his hand anymore, nor did he notice it when it started healing. He brought his right hand and placed it on the top of laps, and stared at it.

There was still blood on his hand, but he wasn't bleeding. It was the blood from before his hand had healed. He formed a fist with his previously damaged hand, trying to figure out if it healed perfectly well. Doing so he felt no pain, his hand was back to normal.

['I can heal this quickly without the serum or Camron's ointment.'] Alex stated excitedly, he had the urge to do a victory laugh, but held himself back and settled for a chuckle.

['I keep on falling in love with the Dragnel brother's blood as the days pass by.'] He thought in excitement.

"Yes, study the genes." He said lightly.

*System would need confirmation that the user was referring to it. Please bite your upper lips for confirmation.

Alex bit his upper lips lightly.

*Confirmation recognized.

*Duration of study: (Still in the process of calculation.)

*Origin of study: (From current user.) Note; this can be edited during the study, depending on the result acquired from the study.

*Completion of study: (0/100)

Camron turned to check on Alex, to confirm if he had passed out from losing too much blood. But to his surprise, there was a smile on Alex's face. with his lips twitching, he looked like he wanted to laugh.

'Is his loss of blood making him delusional?' He wondered. Camron recalled the last time Alex was bleeding and losing a substantial amount of blood, he turned into a shy person that blushed at almost every single thing. He was afraid that his friend was turning into a mad person this time.

Vincent also noticed the change in Alex's expression but chose to ignore it. His curiosity about Alex made him keep an eye on him.

"Now to the issues of earning merit points. This year, the process of earning MPs has been changed. You either accept missions or you hunt monsters and return with their cores and carcasses.

As it is widely known, the core and parts of monsters are of value to those who cultivate, in one way or another. You are not allowed to keep any spoils from the hunts you make until you have reached a certain number of kills from different grades of monsters."

The whole arena was in turmoil now. Many of them were not satisfied which the sudden development. A brave individual raised his hand. Vincent noticed him and permitted him to speak.

"Why do we have to do all that? Isn't hunting alone too much for inexperienced pupils like us?"

"Who said that you would be hunting alone?" Vincent replied with a question.

"Oh, so would any staff be present while we hunt?" The individual questioned.

"No, no staff will supervise your hunts, unless it is a special occasion. You will hunt in groups, everyone here will be required to form a group with a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 12 members, regardless of their cultivation realms. Each group will then be placed under the supervision of either a red-uniformed student or a black-uniformed student and in some cases, a blue-uniformed student."

"You are not allowed to venture deep into the forest behind the snow-covered mountain, if you do, your punishment will be death. Of course, we wouldn't be the ones to kill you, the monsters inside the restricted part of the forest will do that in our stead. But if you do survive… Well, thank your lucky stars."

"This isn't fair, we have to hunt for ourselves." Someone from amongst the new students said.

Vincent scoffed at that statement. "You think you would be given ECs monthly just because you are a student here? There is no such thing as a free meal in this world. If you want enough ECs that can help your cultivation grow quickly then you need to work for it. MP equals EC, just have that at the back of your mind. Or you can let your naivety eat you up." Vincent mentioned sternly.