"Argh!!" another person screamed.

"What do mean by they aren't dead?!" Amelia freaked out.


They heard another cry. They couldn't tell what exactly was happening.

Amelia flinched and moved closer to Sara. "This mist is unnaturally thick, I can hardly see more than 4 meters ahead." She surveyed her immediate surrounding as she touched backs with Sara.

"Camron, come to my side!" Alex called out. Weirdly he didn't know why he said that, all he knew was that he was concerned about Camron's safety.

"Where?! I can't discern your position." Camron asked.

"Just follow the sound of my voice." Alex guided.

"What are you guys getting scared of? The creatures have no cultivation, so stop acting like they have any chance to do anything harmful to us. Those that screamed were all people that had been poisoned" Lenny furiously bellowed at his companions.