Alex had his arms folded on his chest as he sat down on a metal chair, facing 3 of his teachers in the academy.

The teachers he was facing were, Tsukishima, Hinata, and Vincent. He still had the bandage wrapped around his upper body.

They arrived in the academy roughly 2 hours before mid-day. They were required to report to the secretariat and give an account of what happened in the mission.

The rest of the teams had all been taking to separate rooms to give an account of what happened. His teammates had finished giving their part of what happened, from their perspective. Alex chose to go in last.

"Welcome Alexander, please tell us everything that took place during the mission. Everything that you can remember about it." Hinata said nicely to Alex.

['Alex, let's switch. I am a much better liar and actor than you are.'] Al suggested.

['Alright, but only till we are done here.'] He agreed.

Alex closed his eyes.
