"Alex, calm down," Camron uttered slowly and started to walk closer to where they were. 'It is a crime to touch royalty, I understand why he's angry.' Camron thought that he knew why he was acting the way he did.

"Okay, I won't touch you again." Tammy raised her hands and slowly backed away and Xander watched her as she stepped back. Not long after that Camron arrived beside his friend.


Xander brought out another weapon from the ring. He skillfully used one of the twilight swords to continue what he was doing before Tammy came to interrupt him.

This time he didn't cut through her cloth slowly, it was done in an instant.

The maid's cloth slid off her shoulders and her chest was bare for everyone taking a look at her to see, now everything that was above the maid's navel was open.

Without shame, most of the guys stared at the maid's breast.

Beneath her breast was a tattoo that looked a bit familiar to Xander.