Just like the first two halls that they explored, they found nothing but dust and dead rats in this third one. Now they were taking a break in a huge room that had multiple gigantic pillars that extended from the ground to the ceiling of the tomb.

All of them were disheartened that they couldn't find anything, especially Katherine.

Alex was bummed out that the system couldn't track any QI energy in the tomb. They sat in a circle and wallowed in their disappointment.

He looked at the walls of the room that they were sitting in. "I feel like I should try breaking the walls." Alex disclosed his intention.

"It's useless, many people stronger than nirvana realm cultivators tried to do the same but they couldn't even leave a scratch on the walls of the tomb," Camron uttered lazily.

"I don't believe that these walls don't have a weak spot after standing under a mountain for over a million years." Alex refused to give in and stood up.